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How Patterns of Four Reflect the Fundamental Form of Being

By Ryan Merkle

I would like to teach the quadrant theory. If you would like to have me speak at an event please contact me. I would also like to teach at a University. If you work at a University and can help me to teach there, please contact me. Thank you. 


“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its range of applicability… .” - Albert Einstein


"Coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous"- Albert Einstein


The Form of the Good makes all other universals intelligible, and in some sense provides being to all things in the cosmos, though the Good itself surpasses being. - Plato


“All external manifestations throughout the Cosmos are Re-presentations of the

Quadrant Model of Reality;

they are the True Intangible Form of Existence presented in tangible form.” - Ryan Merkle


The Israelites worshipped the tetragrammaton. The tetragrammaton is YHW and H. Kabbalists are Jewish mystics. Kabbalists claim the tetragrammaton is simultaneously three letters and four letters. It is three letters YH and W but there is the repetition of the H. So the tetragrammaton is about the dynamic of three and four. The fourth letter is described by kabbalists as transcendent. The tetragrammaton represents a 3 + 1 pattern. When an H ends a word it is silent. The fourth is different. The bible says that man was made in the image of the tetragrammaton. Kabbalists claim that all of reality is the tetragrammaton. I prove on the website that the quadrant three plus one pattern is the basis of reality. One example of the pattern is the four blood types, A,B,AB, and O, where the fourth is different. Another example that you will find on the website is the four orbitals in chemistry, S,P,D, and F, where the F orbital is different from the previous three. A third example is the four kingdoms of life, Archaea, Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and the virus, where the fourth, the virus, is different and does not seem to belong.


The quadrant model offers a comprehensive amount of evidence for intelligent design. I discovered it when my Grandpa told me a personality model my sophomore year of college that described four types of people, thinkers, emoters (feelers), doers, and dreamers. My Grandpa told me the model with the four types in the form of a quadrant. I thought there should only be three types of people and that dreamers didn't belong. The dreamer type/square seemed weird to me. I recognized that thinking and emotion was a duality. Thoughts impact emotions and emotions influence thoughts. Doing created a triad. Thoughts emotions and doing were interlinked in that emotions cause you to do things and your thoughts modify what you do and what you do affects thoughts. All of these were sort of a trinity, interlinked and one. Then I had the realization that dreaming was separate and transcendent. When you dream you are paralyzed physically so you do not act out your dreams, but you still have thoughts and emotions and do things, but there is just a different quality to to your thoughts and emotions and what you do. 


So I noticed the fourth part was different yet contained the previous three. Then I realized the four gospels were the same pattern, with John being the different fourth. I remembered that there were four forces of nature, and gravity was the different fourth. I recalled that there was four blood types and the O type was the transcendent fourth that kind of contained the previous three in that O blood can be given to people of the other three types. I kept searching for the pattern and saw it everywhere and realized that it was intelligent design through what I call the quadrant pattern. 


The Quadrant Model of Reality is a theory of intelligent design, stating that existence derives from a quadrant pattern. Plato argued that the physical world is a shadow, or a reflection of a “True World”, which he called the “World of Forms”, or the “World of Ideas”. He said there is one Form, namely the “Form of the Good” out of which everything manifests. However, he did not articulate what this form was.


The thesis of this book is that the “Form of the Good” is the quadrant. The quadrant is the cross. The quadrant, is the Form of Being, or the Form of Existence. The quadrant model is a holistic model represented in four squares. Each square adds new elements, yet contains all elements of preceding squares.  Nature organizes itself according to the quadrant pattern. The quadrant pattern is represented everywhere in existence, and dominates reality.


The quadrant pattern expresses itself in sixteen squres (four times four four quadrants), or nineteen with an additional ultra transendent, questionable three squares outside of the four quadrants. The first square in each quadrant is typically somewhat weird and conservative, having a sort of “loner” quality. It is mental. It always engages in a duality with the second—while appearing to be opposites the two are intricately linked. The second square in each quadrant is more normal and homeostatic, maintaining order and structure, keeping things clean and organized. The third square--the doing quadrant--is the most physical and solid, tending to be both spontaneous and destructive. It is also linked with, thereby forming a triad with, the first two. The fourth square is strange, and does not seem to belong to the previous three. Yet it may contain elements of the first three, encompassing them while transcending them. It is always different from the previous three. The fourth is also mental, and points to a fifth, which becomes its own additional quadrant.  Never seeming to belong as well, like the fourth square, the fifth seems to be unnecessary and questionable.


Fundamental to the quadrant pattern is the three plus one pattern, where the first three are similar, and the fourth is different/transcendent. The fourth may point to an ultra transcendent fifth in a new quadrant (4+1 pattern). For instance Empedocles said there were four elements, and that fire, the fourth, was different from and opposed to the previous three. Aristotle agreed with Empedocles, but Aristotle in the physics adds a fifth element that he says does not interact with the other four. While the fourth is transcendent, the fifth is ultra transcendent, outside of the quadrant. It is so extraordinary it does not associate with the other four, but is in the heavens. The dynamic between three and four is important in the quadrant model. The fourth is transcendent to the three, fulfilling the quadrant. The quadrant is the form of Being/Plato's form of the good, through which reality manifests. The three plus one quadrant pattern, I show in the website is ubiquitous. The quadrant pattern is pervasive everywhere in reality, so much so that it cannot be a coincidence, but shows that the quadrant pattern is the fabric of existence itself. The quadrant is the form of existence. It is the form of Being, and reality expresses itself through the quadrant pattern. The quadrant pattern is ubiquitous. It is everywhere.


Again, there are 16 squares in the quadrant model. 16 squares is four quadrants. The four quadrants fulfill the three plus one pattern, with the first quadrant being more mental and weird, second more homeostasis and order, third more solid and action oriented and bad, and the fourth transcendent and different/death and transformation. The squares within each quadrant take the same pattern and the four quadrants conform to that three plus one pattern, where the fourth quadrant of four squares is different from the first three quadrants.


​  The video below goes over a few quaternities, such as the four seasons (the first is spring creation and is good, the second is good summer, the third is bad and destructive fall- the third is always bad, and the fourth is death transformation resurrection winter- the fourth is death and seen as bad as well. The nature of the fourth is it is transcendent) Jung discusses how cultures throughout the world used mandalas as symbols representing the divine. The mandalas are represented as circles with quadrants inscribed in them, thus making quaternities.  the fourth is death/transformation). This video also mentions the four humours and four temperaments. The four humours were blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm. Originally there was only three humours known by the Greeks, but Thales added the fourth Black bile, thus fulfilling the three plus one principal. The video also mentions the four temperaments, which derive from the four humours. People with superfulous blood are sanguine, too much yellow bile are choleric, an overabundance of black bile are melancholic, and excess phlegm are phlegmatic.

The video mentions Jung's concept of quaternity, and how he linked it to the universal symbol of the mandala, which is a circle divided into four sections.

Carl Jung developed what became known as the Myers Briggs personality indicator. The MBPI has 16 types of people (16 is four quadrants). There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. Jung had many inspirations and even visions that he described ocurred in fours. For instance, in his visions, he noticed the fourth part of the vision would be different.


Jung studied mythologies throughout the world, and developed the concept of the quaternity. The quaternity he described as a 3 +1 pattern. He noticed that mythologies were permeated with the 3 +1 pattern. One example is the Hawaiians, who have four primary Gods, the fourth being sort of bad/evil. Jung proposed that Christianity was unbalanced in that they denied the fourth aspect, and he claimed maintained only a trinity. Jung noted that the Catholics already created a sort of quaternity by adding Mary. He saw the addition of Mary sort of as an additition of a Mother Goddess. Jung also proposed that Satan as the fourth, different aspect of the trinity. Jung felt there was a psychological inclination for people to move from three to the rounded, four. He saw the four as a whole, square number connoting oneness, and the three as moving toward the four.


Jung and other, scholars also noted a 4 + 3 pattern in mythology. For instance in Revelations of the Bible, there is mention of a lot of 7's but the sevens occur in 4 plus 3 patterns, where the first four things will be more similar, and the last three will be diferent. Blavatsky and others saw 7 as such an important number because it reprsents the marriage of three and four. 


In Genesis there is seven days. The first four days relate to air, water, earth, and fire (the last day is the creation of the sun/fire), in that order (the quadrant pattern order), which are the four elements. The next three days are different. Babylonians and Israelites used seven day weeks because it divided the month into four equal parts. Africans used four day weeks, and thus their months were divided into seven parts. I maintain that the 4 + 3 pattern is elucidating the quadrants, where there is the four in the first quadrant, then the next three of the new quadrant. Jung and others describe that 7 is 4 + 3, the combination of the trinity and the quaternity. I mentioned that I discovered the quadrant model trying to reconcile the 4 and 3. There is an interesting dynamic between the two numbers four and three, a kind of dillema.


4 +1 is also a part of the quadrant pattern. 4 + 1 can also be described as as 3 + 2 (3+1+1) according to Jung (I discovered this independently of Jung though my sophomore year of college. You can ask my friend Michael that I explained all this to him in 2009 before I even really knew who Jung was) because again the fourth is transcendent and points to an ultra transcendent fifth. So the fourth and fifth are sort of connected. 3+2 is also described as a four plus one because the fifth is very different and the first four are also more connected, thus making it the four in the quadrant that interact, plus the ultra transcendent one outside of the quadrant that does not mingle with the first four.


For instance, Empedocles said that although fire, the fourth element, is transcendent to the other three elements, it still affiliates  with them, whereas the ultra transcendent aether does not associate with the first four. So fire kind of points to aether, a 3 +2, with fire and aether being the transcendent two, and air, water and earth being the first three, the triad. But at the same time fire interacts with the first three elements, so fire is also with air, water, and earth as a 4+1, with the aether separate from fire and the other elements as the plus one. The aether is outside of the quadrant. The fourth square of the quadrant model is transcendent and indicates the nature of the fifth, which is extraordinarily transcendent. Fire points to the aether.


Again, the fourth is transcendent and points to the fifth which is ultra transcedent. Fire and the Aether are kind of similar. Fire is pure energy and Aether according to Aristotle makes up the stars, which are like fire. The four are one quadrant and a new quadrant is created with the plus 1. Ultimately the pattern is 4 + 4 + 4 + 4. Jung did note a common pattern in mythology of 7+1. 7+1 is like the three plus one in that the plus one fulfills the quadrant. Eight is a four plus three plus one or a three plus one plus a three plus one, or a four plus four; these are all ways of saying the same thing. Those number patterns are all the quadrant pattern. Seven plus one is four plus three plus one. So it is the three plus one pattern in the second quadrant. An example of 4+1 is the four fingers plus the thumb, which is not a finger. The index is the transcendent fourth finger, being able to point and thus having a connotation of pointing beyond itself. Central to the quadrant pattern is the organization around four; an organization around quadrants. To reiterate, the quadrant is the form of reality. On a side note 6+1 is also seen in the Bible a few times (nowhere near to the amount of times the three plus one shows up, which is everywhere), I think because again 7 is the powerful reconciliation of four plus three, and thus a significant number.


In the quadrant pattern the first three are always very interlinked. The fourth is tied to the first three but is different and transcendent. The fifth is questionable and ultra transcendent. Wolfgang Pauli was a famous physicist who said that his greatest achievement was moving from three to four. He added a transcendent fourth quantum number to the three quantum numbers. He collaborated with Carl Jung, and Pauli, and other physicists that Pauli worked with noticed the central importance of four. Pauli recognized that four was dominant. Jung noted that in mythology 12s were Four times threes (the twelve tribes of Israel are divided into four camps a four times three), sevens were presented as four plus threes, eights as four plus fours, two quaternities.  16 is four times fours, or four plus four plus four plus four. 16 can also be written as three plus one, plus three plus one, plus three plus one, plus three plus one. The fourth three plus one (the fourth quadrant) will be different than the previous three three plus ones, fulfilling a three plus one within the four quadrants, with the fourth quadrant being transcendent. Pauli saw four was always presented and represented as dominant. The four was supreme in Paulis view, and he dialogued with other physicists who noticed the same recurring pattern of four in physics. Pauli even had dreams regarding the quaternity.


Some believed that Jung saw the number four as God. Jung described a gnostic concept of Arbael, where God was seen as the number four. Jung said that threes were "deficient quaternities"; that the trinity was an incomplete quaternity. Jung argued that the quaternity concept was not a dogma but was a verifiable scientific, empirical fact, that he saw in mythology everywhere. In the quadrant model, when there is 16, the last four, the last quadrant of the four quadrants, will have the transcendent/different quality, reflecting the three plus one pattern. The first three quadrants are more similar, and the fourth quadrant is different. The three plus one pattern is presented throughout existence, and is the basis of the quadrant pattern. The number four/the quadrant is the foundation of reality, and the quadrant is the form of reality.

According to Hindus, the Aum sound is supreme.  Krishna states that He is the Aum. The Mandukya Upanishad proclaims that Brahman is the Aum. The Mandukya upanishad also describes that the Aum sound has four elements. A is like Brahma, the creator. It is creation. Brahma also doesn't seem to belong too much. The first square is always weird. The second letter U according to Hindus is related to Vishnu. The second square is sustaining and homeostasis. Vishnu sustains. The third letter is M, and according to Hindus, it is related to destruction, and Shiva. The third is most about action, and is perceived as bad. The fourth aspect, according to the upanishad, is silence. The Upanishads claims that the silence surrounds and engulfs the previous three letters. The fourth is always transcendent. Yet it is holistic and subsumes the other three. The fourth doesn't seem to belong, but not like the third, who does not belong but tries to, but because it is transcendent. The four parts are also related by Hindus to the four states, waking state, dream state, deep sleep, and turiya, the fourth transcendent, pure consciousness. The four states are again derived from two dichotomies. Wakeful state is with thoughts and with I consciousness. Dream state is with thoughts and without I consciousness. Unconscious state is without thoughts and without I consciousness. Blissful state is without thoughts and with I consciousness. The renowned AUM symbol itself is divided by Hindus into four parts, with the fourth part being separate and the first three being more tied together, thus reflecting the three plus one pattern.


The fourth is transcendent

The more we meditate, the more we raise our consciousness of the fourth state. Turiya itself only means ‘fourth’, because you cannot give an exact name to this state.

You can call it by any of these names: samadhi, enlightenment, nirvana…


All this is, indeed, Brahman. This Atman is Brahman. This same Atman has four quarters. (1.2) [The first three quarters correspond to the letters of AUM: 1 = A, 2 = U, 3 = M. The fourth quarter is silence.] -- Read more at:

"By ancient tradition, the order uses the arms attributed to the Kingdom of Jerusalem—a gold Jerusalem Cross on a silver/white background—but enamelled with red, the colour of blood, to signify the five wounds of Christ.[33] The Jerusalem (or quintuple) Cross, or Cross of Godfrey of Bouillon, is a Cross Potent (each cross-piece having at the extremity a 'crutch-like' cross-bar) with four small crosses in the four angles. This prior use of this symbol was clearly documented in the 1573 Constitution of the Order.]"


The 16 squares of the Jerusalem cross is the quadrant model pattern.



Here is discussed the four curves of the Aum and how the fourth is different The symbol of AUM consists of three curves (1, 2, and 3), one semicircle (4), and a dot. The large lower curve 1 symbolizes the waking state (jagrat), in this state the consciousness is turned outwards through the gates of the senses. The larger size indicates that this is the most common and major state of the human consciousness. Curve 2 denotes the state of deep sleep (sushupti) or the unconscious state. This is a state where the sleeper desires nothing nor beholds any dream. Curve 3 (which lies between deep sleep and the waking state) signifies the dream state (swapna). In this state the consciousness of the individual is turned inwards, and the dreaming self beholds an enthralling view of the world behind the lids of the eyes. These three curves therefore represent the entire physical phenomenon. The dot signifies the fourth state of consciousness, known in Sanskrit as turiya. It signifies the coming to rest of all differentiated, relative existence This quiet, peaceful and blissful state is the ultimate goal of all spiritual activity. The semi circle (4) symbolizes maya and separates the dot from the other three curves. Thus it is the illusion of maya that prevents us from the realization of this highest state of bliss. The semi circle is open at the top, and does not touch the dot. This means that this highest state is not affected by maya. Maya only affects the manifested phenomenon. This effect is that of preventing the seeker from reaching his ultimate goal, the realization of the One, all-pervading, unmanifest, Absolute principle. -- Read more: 

"Simply put, the name Allah is the unique name of the Lord, the Almighty Creator of the cosmos. In Arabic, the name Allah is composed of four characters; they are: Aleph, Lam, Lam and Haa. Allah is pronounced as Allahu when comes at the beginning of a sentence. 

The unique linguistic phenomenon of the name Allah:
From the linguistic point of view, the name Allah can give the same meaning if we use:
• All of its four characters
• Three characters
• Two Characters
• Or the last character

To illustrate this unique phenomenon:
If we say Allah; it means the Great name of the Lord, the Creator.

If we deduct, subtract or take away the first letter Aleph, then we get three Characters 

(Lam, Lam and Haa) which is pronounced as: Lillah and means: To Allah.

If we deduct the first two letters Aleph and Lam, then we get two Characters (Lam and Haa) which is pronounced as: Lahu and also means: To Allah.

If we deduct the first three letters Aleph, Lam and Lam then we get only one Character; the last one (Haa) which is pronounced as: hu and it means: Him.

This unique linguistic phenomenon indicates that the name Allah can give the same meaning by using all of its four characters, three characters, two characters or one character."

An image of the tetractys with the four rows is posted below. Kabbalists have a four row tetragrammaton tetractsy where the four letter name of the tetragrammaton is placed in the tetractys creating a gematria of 72, which is an important number in many mythologies. It has been argued that Pythagoras associated with Hebrews and saw the concept of the tetractys and the tetragrammaton as equivalent. Ancient philosphers described that Pythagoras saw four as supreme and saw everythinga as related to four. Pythagroas saw seven as important but only in that it related to four, and same with the number 10. It has also been shown that the ten points of the tetractys and the ten sephirot in the tree of life in kaballah are equivalent. Abdulafia related the ten sephirot to the ten dots of the tetractys. Abdulafia also said that the YHW and H tetragrammaton was the cross, with the YH representing one line of the cross, and the WH representing another. As I said, the cross is the quadrant. In other words, it could be argued, Abdulafia saw the cross as the Form of God. Heideggar, a renowned German philosopher, it has been claimed, equated the chiasmus/cross with Being. In one of Heideggars works, Heideggar puts an X over Being. Many mystics say that God is being. The quadrant is the Form of Being, according to the quadrant model thesis. It can be proclaimed that according to Abdulafia, the quadrant/cross is the form of God. Abdulafia also related Ezekiel's vision of God in four Hayyot as the four levels of the tetractys. Abdulafia also said that the tree of life and the tree of knowledge were crosses. The tree of life is said to give eternal life. It is common among mystics to see the tree of life as the cross. Even in Kaballah, the tree of life is represented as a cross, or even an unfolded cube, which makes a cross. Abdulafi said that the covenants with both Jacob and Esau that God made were represented by crosses.


The symbol below is by early 17th-century Christian mystic Jakob Böhme, including a tetractys of flaming Hebrew letters of the Tetragrammaton. A hebrew tetractys with the letters of the tetragrammaton . What is interesting about the image is that beyond the fourth there is a line and a rendering of the pentagrammaton with an additional shin, a letter of the hebrew alphabet, added to the tetragrammaton four letters. The fourth row is transcendent, but the fifth is ultra transcendent.

The quadrant pattern is the organizing principal of reality. The quadrant model is existence.

The Israelites worshipped the "tetragrammaton". Tetra means four. The four letter name of God. YHW and H. The fourth letter, the H, is different. It is silent. Rabbis describe that the yod is small and represents creation. The second H they say represents homeostasis and sustaining. The vav, the third letter is the creative principal/action. And rabbis describe the final He as transcendent. Kabbalists said that all of reality was manifested through the tetragrammaton. On this website I prove that reality actually is an expression of the tetragrammaton three plus one patterns of four. The quadrant pattern is the pattern of the letters of the tetragrammaton. The quadrant pattern is the framework/organizing principal of existence.


The Pythagorean Greeks worshipped the tetractys. It has been argued that Pythagoras knew about the tetragrammaton of the Israelites and saw the tetragrammaton and the tetractys as synonymous. Tetra is four. Again four is prominent. The tetractys is 10 dots in four rows. They saw the symbol as the supreme symbol of the Universe. They similarly believed that everything derived from this fourfold symbol. For instance, Pythagoreans believed the harmonic musical ratios emerged from the tetractys, and illustrated their ideas through mathematics. Proclus discussed that the fourth row of the tetractys is different, and he related the three plus one pattern in the tetractys to Socrates in the Timaeus asking, "1, 2, 3 but where is the fourth" when speaking to his three friends, and asking where the different fourth friend was. Proclus described that Socrates was speaking in code and referring to the tetractys four.


The Muslims worship Allah. Muslims make note that Allah in arabic is four letters, and they see special significance in that H, lh, llh, and allh, are all words in arabic that describe oneness and Allh. Again, the fourth letter, the h, is silent. The fourth part again is different. Some scholars have pointed out that Zeus, and many other of the main God's of religions throughout the world are four letter names.

Plato discussed a cosmic chiasm/cross that he described manifested reality. The cross is the quadrant. It can be argued that Plato saw the quadrant/cross as God. Church Fathers noted Plato's cosmic chiasm/cross in the Timaeus, and said that Plato was alluding to the cross.

Plato also mentions in the Timaeus the four elements. Empedocles saw the four elements as the four primordial Gods, and Empedocles believed fire was opposed to the other three elements; the three plus one pattern. Plato related the four elements to the four Platonic solids the tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, and the cube. Plato postulated that the four Platonic solids were behind the construction of reality. 

prayer of the Pythagoreans shows the importance of the Tetractys (sometimes called the "Mystic Tetrad"), as the prayer was addressed to it.

Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men! O holy, holy Tetractys, thou that containest the root and source of the eternally flowing creation! For the divine number begins with the profound, pure unity until it comes to the holy four; then it begets the mother of all, the all-comprising, all-bounding, the first-born, the never-swerving, the never-tiring holy ten, the keyholder of all.[5]

As a portion of the secret religion, initiates were required to swear a secret oath by the Tetractys. They then served as novices for a period of silence lasting three years.[citation needed]

The Pythagorean oath also mentioned the Tetractys:

  • ​

By that pure, holy, four lettered name on high,

nature's eternal fountain and supply,

the parent of all souls that living be,

by him, with faith find oath, I swear to thee."

There is an extaordinary amount of repetition of four in Amerindian cultures. Again four is dominant. 


For instance, the Apache Indians said that four Beings were responsible for creating the world. Again, the prominance and dominance of the number four.  The apache also believe that they had four original ancestors. Notice also the four chords and the four colors and the four directions.


"In the beginning there was only darkness. Suddenly a small bearded man, the One Who Lives Above, appeared rubbing his eyes as if just awakened. The man, the Creator, rubbed his hands together and there appeared a little girl, Girl-Without-Parents. The creator rubbed his face with his hands and there stood the Sun-God. Again Creator rubbed his sweaty brow and from his hands dropped Small-boy. Now there were four gods. Then he created Tarantula, Big Dipper, Wind, Lightning-Maker and Lightning-Rumbler. All four gods shook hands so that their sweat mixed together. Then Creator rubbed his palms together from which fell a small round, brown ball. They took turns kicking it and with each kick the ball grew larger. Creator told Wind to go inside the ball and blow it up. Then Tarantula spun a black cord which he attached to the ball and went to the east pulling as hard as he could. 

He repeated this exercise with a blue cord to the south, a yellow cord to the west and a white cord to the north. When he was done the brown ball had become the earth. The Creator again rubbed his hands and there appeared Hummingbird. "Fly all over this earth," said Creator to Hummingbird, "and tell us what you see." When he returned Hummingbird reported that there was water on the west side. But the earth rolled and bounced, so Creator made four giant posts one each black, blue, yellow and white and had Wind place them at the four cardinal points of the earth. The earth was now still. The creation of the people, animals, birds, trees, etc takes place hereafter. "

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