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4chan is an English-language imageboard website. Users generally post anonymously, with the most recent posts appearing above the rest. 4chan is split into various boards with their own specific content and guidelines. Registration is not possible (except for staff).

Abugida as a term in linguistics was proposed by Peter T. Daniels in his 1990 typology of writing systems.[1] ’Äbugidais an Ethiopian name for the Ge‘ez script, taken from four letters of that script, 'ä bu gi da, in much the same way that abecedary is derived from Latin a be ce de, abjad is derived from the Arabic a b j d, and alphabet is derived from the names of the two first letters in the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta. As Daniels used the word, an abugida is in contrast with a syllabary, where letters with shared consonants or vowels show no particular resemblance to one another, and also with an alphabet proper, where independent letters are used to denote both consonants and vowels. The term alphasyllabary was suggested for the Indic scripts in 1997 by William Bright, following South Asian linguistic usage, to convey the idea that "they share features of both alphabet and syllabary."[2][3]

With the increasing pressures and opportunities of globalization, the incorporation of international networking alliances has become an “essential mechanism for the internationalization of higher education”.[8] Many universities from around the world have taken great strides to increase intercultural understanding through processes of organizational change and innovations. In general, university processes revolve around four major dimensions which include: organizational change, curriculum innovation, staff development, and student mobility.[9] Ellingboe emphasizes these four major dimensions with his own specifications for the internationalization process. His specifications include: (1) college leadership; (2) faculty members' international involvement in activities with colleagues, research sites, and institutions worldwide; (3) the availability, affordability, accessibility, and transferability of study abroad programs for students; (4) the presence and integration of international students, scholars, and visiting faculty into campus life; and (5) international co-curricular units (residence halls, conference planning centers, student unions, career centers, cultural immersion and language houses, student activities, and student organizations).[5]

A check (also checker, Brit: chequer) is a pattern of modified stripes consisting of crossed horizontal and vertical lines forming squares.

Tue terrestrial globe is an artificial representation of the surface of the earth; ... is the circle in which the globe hangs, and is divided into four quadrants of 90 ...


C. C. Zain - 2014 - ‎Social Science

The belt is further divided into four quadrants, each quadrant representing the station ... the constellations, and the terrestrialsphere, or globe mapping the earth .

FOUR ELEMENTS  Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula is a map of the world created by Hendrik Hondius in 1630, and published the following year at Amsterdam, in the atlas Atlantis Maioris Appendix. Illustrations of the four elements of fire, air, water, and land are included. In the four corners, there are portraits of Julius CaesarClaudius Ptolemy, and the atlas's first two publishers, Gerard Mercator and Jodocus Hondius, the father of Hendrik.[37] Among its claims to notability is the fact that it was the first dated map published in an atlas, and therefore the first widely available map, to show any part of Australia, the only previous map to do so being Hessel Gerritsz' 1627 Caert van't Landt van d'Eendracht ("Chart of the Land of Eendracht"), which was not widely distributed or recognised. The Australian coastline shown is part of the west coast of Cape York Peninsula, discovered by Jan Carstensz in 1623. Curiously, the map does not show the west coast features shown in Gerritsz' Caert.

MAP FOUR QUADRANTS  Although Hecataeus is not explicitly mentioned, most scholars agree that Herodotus has been laughing at his predecessor. (As a matter of fact, the younger researcher did indeed produce a better map.) Hecataeus' map is divided into three thirds (Europe, Asia, Africa), which are divided by the Mediterranean, the Red and the Black Seas. At the same time, the map shows a division in four quadrants: western Africa is separated from eastern Africa and the Near East by the Nile; the Near East from Europe by the Black Sea and Caucasus; and Europe is divided in an eastern and western half by the Don. There are more indications that Hecataeus' map was extremely schematic - although less schematic than Anixamander's map had been. Although Herodotus showed that this scheme was incorrect, Hecataeus' map was a great advance, because he understood the relative positions of the continents.


The earliest Greek philosophers all came from one small area on the Ionic coast of Asia Minor, in what is now Turkey. Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes lived in the prosperous trading port of Miletus, less than 50 kilometres from Heraclitus' city, Ephesus.

These philosophers all tried to answer the central question: what was the underlying "stuff" of the universe. All four believed it was a material substance rather than mental or spiritual.

As Aristotle wrote:

Most of the first philosophers thought that principles in the from of matter were the only principles of things. For they say that the element and first principle of the things that exist is that from which they all are and from which they first come into being and into which they are finally destroyed, its substance remaining and its properties changing. [Metaphysics 983]

As to the precise character of the primary substance, the four Ionians came up with four different answers. For Thales it was water. For Anaximenes it was air. For Heraclitus it was fire. For Anaximander it was none of the familiar elements, but an indefinable "apeiron" or infinite underlying all four, not unlike the Tao.

The Miletan materialists were pantheists as well as materialists. Thales believed that all things were full of divinities. Anaximander held that the primary substance was divine. Anaximenes taught that the primary substance was prior to the gods.

The quotes and lives are based on G. S. Kirk and J. E. Raven, The Presocratic Philosophers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1957; and Jonathan Barnes, Early Greek Philosophy, Penguin, 1987.

A featural script notates the building blocks of the phonemes that make up a language. For instance, all sounds pronounced with the lips ("labial" sounds) may have some element in common. In the Latin alphabet, this is accidentally the case with the letters "b" and "p"; however, labial "m" is completely dissimilar, and the similar-looking "q" and "d" are not labial. In Korean hangul, however, all four labial consonants are based on the same basic element, but in practice, Korean is learned by children as an ordinary alphabet, and the featural elements tend to pass unnoticed.

Plus fours are breeches or trousers that extend 4 inches (10 cm) below the knee (and thus four inches longer than traditional knickerbockers, hence the name). As they allow more freedom of movement than knickerbockers, they have been traditionally associated with sporting attire from the 1860s and onward, particularly with golf.[1]

Quadrant shirts 




According to the United States Department of Corrections, there exist 4 primary levels of prison security levels; these levels are the following:

1.       Maximum Security: This prison security level is the highest and most stringent; only the most violent offenders are incarcerated within a maximum security prison. Within a maximum security unit, there exist sub-units such as solitary confinement, protective custody, and special housing units (SHU). In most cases, maximum security prisoners are confined to their cells for up to 23 hours a day and are under strict monitoring. 

2.       Close Security: This prison security level is akin to maximum security in its construct – consisting of single cells and close monitoring – yet close security prisoners are entitled extended outside of their cells.

3.       Medium Security: This prison security level most resembles a large residence hall which houses as many as 70 inmates in large, bunked sleeping quarters, as well as group toilet facilities. Although there is consistent monitoring, medium security prisoners are afforded various work assignments, which permits them to be out of their cells for longer periods of time.

4.       Minimum Security: Akin to the medium security prison, minimum security prisoners are housed in dormitories, but are considered to be the lowest risk to the public. As a result, these prisoners are afforded the opportunity to participate in groups, sessions, and rectification projects in order to reform themselves.

Leena Kurki and Norval Morris have argued there is no absolute definition of a supermax, and that different jurisdictions classify prisons as supermax inconsistently. They identify four general features that tend to characterize supermax prisons:[3]

  1. Long-term – Once transferred to a supermax prison, prisoners tend to stay there for several years or indefinitely.

  2. Powerful administration – Supermax administrators and Correctional Officers have ample authority to punish and manage inmates, without outside review or prisoner grievance systems.

  3. Solitary confinement – Supermax prisons rely heavily on intensive (and long-term) solitary confinement, which is used to isolate and punish prisoners as well as to protect them from themselves and each other. Communication with outsiders is minimal to none.

  4. No activities – Few opportunities are provided for recreation, education, substance abuse programs, or other activities generally considered healthy and rehabilitative at other prisons.

  5. ​


Nonie Darwish (Arabic: Ù†ÙˆÙ†ÙŠ درويش‎‎; born Nahid Darwish, 1949)[1][2] is an Egyptian-American human rights activist and critic of Islam, and founder of Arabs for Israel, and is Director of Former Muslims United. She is the author of four books: Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on TerrorCruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic LawThe Devil We Don't Know: The Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East, and Wholly Different: Why I Chose Biblical Values Over Islamic Values. Darwish's speech topics cover human rights, with emphasis on women's rights and minority rights in the Middle East. Born in Egypt, Darwish is the daughter of an Egyptian Army lieutenant general, who was called a "shahid" by the Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser,[3] after being killed in a targeted killing by the Israel Defense Forces in 1956. Darwish blames "the Middle Eastern Islamic culture and the propaganda of hatred taught to children from birth" for his death. In 1978, she moved with her husband to the United States, and converted to Christianity there. In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, she has written on Islam-related topics.[3]


When it comes to hiring fresh graduates, employers now consider applicants who graduated from universities outside the “big four.”

This is according to a recent survey conducted by, where 550 companies participated.

The Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) topped the employer’s choice survey, with 45 percent of the companies preferring to hire graduates from the said school.

Below is the complete list of top schools that matter to employers:


That’s because as we move toward driverless cars, things like car bodies and engines are on their way to becoming commodities, while the real differentiators will be software-based. And as the big car companies struggle to keep up with Silicon Valley, many believe that the big four of the auto world in the coming years will be Tesla, Google, Apple and Uber.



Demonstrating how cultural evolution was translated into linguistic policy, N.F. Yakovlev, a proponent of latinization and a specialist in North Caucasian languages, published an article in 1926 called “The Problems of National Writing Systems for the Eastern Peoples of the USSR,” as a proposal for the First All-Soviet Turkologists Conference. It divides Soviet Eastern peoples into four categories, according to their perceived level of cultural evolution, and dictates which administrative resources should be devoted to their continued linguistic development. The article appeared in The Battle for a New Turkic Alphabet, a volume unavailable in the United States.


In these corrections Stalin dismisses Marr’s rejection of linguistic families (since Slavic languages are related); the class nature of language (since Russian did not significantly change after the October Revolution); and Marr’s famous four-element analysis (which claimed that original language consisted of four magical words).14

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PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG, the so-called Big Four, receive more than 80,000 graduate applications between them. They have been forced to modernise their student selection process to improve diversity, increase social mobility and appeal to a generation of tech-savvy millennials.  


The “Big Four” had a huge head start over the others, and the effect of positive feedback is still strong. So CMU, Stanford, MIT, and UCB are still the first tier in in most university rankings of AI and CS (in the U.S.).

So, for all these reasons, DARPA was able to pour money into a few selected universities. That worked very well for a couple of decades. It is no coincidence that the original “Big Three” — MIT, CMU, and Stanford — were the early leaders in AI research. U.C. Berkeley joined the club a bit later, by a somewhat different route, but also largely powered by DARPA money.



Some theorize that Ivy is actually a misnomer and the league was originally called the IV League because it consisted of four schools: Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Dartmouth.

Battle Flag of the First Corps (Polk's Flag)



The 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles was a Confederate States Army regiment which fought in the Indian Territoryduring the American Civil War. It was formed from the merger of two predecessor units the First Regiment of Cherokee Mounted Rifles, and the Second Regiment of Cherokee Mounted Rifles. The first commander was Col. John Drew, while the second was Stand Watie.

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