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The first quadrant, containing the first four squares is composed of sensation, perception, response and awareness. This is a model of consciousness that I invented. Awareness encompasses sensation, perception, and response. The fourth square always contains the previous three. Sensation, perception, and responding are all aspects of awareness, the fourth square. Awareness also points to what comes after it, which is belief. The fourth square always points to a fifth. The fifth square begins its own quadrant. Awareness, the fourth square, indicates the nature of the fifth square, belief. The content of awareness is of sensations, perceptions, and responses. That is why awareness involves the previous three squares. Awareness is solidified into beliefs.    Beliefs are the first square of the second quadrant. The second quadrant is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. The full spectrum of awareness is made into beliefs.

Belonging is the fourth square of the second quadrant. Belonging in a group is based on having the correct beliefs, faith, and behavior, which is why belonging contains the previous three squares, yet transcends them. But also the group one belongs to affects beliefs, faith, and behavior. Belonging is separate from the previous three, yet it engulfs them. The fourth square is always separate from the previous three squares, while also including them.

Belonging points to the fifth square, namely thinking. Thinking is the first square of the third quadrant, and is the ninth square in the sequence of squares. The group affects the thoughts of those who belong to it. Therefore belonging contains everything before it, and points to what comes after it, which is thoughts, because the group you belong to affects your thoughts. The third quadrant is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. The dreamer thinks, has emotions, and engages in doing. Dreaming includes the previous three squares, and also transcends them; the fourth square always transcends the previous three. When dreaming the dreamer is paralyzed and separated from the physical body; the body is paralyzed so the dream is not acted out. Doing occurs in dreams, but not physically. So dreaming in effect represents a transcendence of the body.

Dreaming points to the square that follows, the fifth square, called contemplation. Contemplation is the first square of the fourth quadrant. In contemplation the oneness of things is discerned, and the focus of attention is on things that are beyond rational resolution, and the focus is pure and undistracted. Contemplation represents a quality of transcendence of the body/ego, to which dreaming points. Dreaming contains the squares before it, yet indicates the quality of the square that follows, contemplationn. The fourth quadrant is contemplation, passion, flowing and knowing. The fifth quadrant, which transcends the previous four, is being, non-being, and becoming. Being is God. In the Bible, God says, I am, which is pure Being.

Sensation, perception, response, and awareness are instinctual consciousness. Belief, faith, behavior, and belonging are magical groupish consciousness. Thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming are individualistic egoistic consciousness. Contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing, is transcendent intuitive, inspirational consciousness.

There are many examples of how the quadrant pattern manifests the form of existence. However, they all have the same general characteristics found. In the quadrant of thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming, thinking and emotion form a duality. The first two squares are similar, and always create a duality. The third square is different from the first two; and is more physical and related to action. The third square is always the most physical and solid, referring to physical action. Following the duality is the triad. Thinking emotion and doing are the triad. With the fourth, the quadrant is complete. The fourth is always different from the previous three, transcending the previous three, yet engulfing them. The fourth square has the qualities of the squares that precede it, yet it transcends them, adding new attributes.

            Quadrant 1:Instinctual primitive spiritual consciousness- TOP LEFT quadrant

square 1: sensation

square 2: perceptions

square 3: response

square 4: awareness

Quadrant 2: Magical religious groupish consciousness- Bottom LEFT Quadrant

square 5: belief

square 6: faith

square 7: behavior

square 8: belonging

Quadrant 3: Rational Interpersonal egoistic individualistic consciousness- TOP RIGHT quadrant

square 9: thinking

square 10: emotion

square 11: doing

square 12: dreaming

Quadrant 4: Transrational Transpersonal intuitive inspirational consciousness- BOTTOM RIGHT

square 13: contemplation

square 14: passion

square 15: flowing

square 16: knowing


square 17: being

square 18: nonbeing

square 19: becoming (ephemerality)

My sophomore year of college, my Grandpa told me a model of psychology with four types, arranged in a  quadrant. Thinkers, Emotional people, Doers, and Dreamers. I did not think the fourth belonged. I thought that there  should only be three types of people, thinkers, emotional people, and doers, because I did not understand what it would mean to be a dreamer, and did not think that it should be a category. I felt that the model would be better with only three categories. Then, while reading the Gospels, on the chapter where Jesus was crucified, I had a realization. I drew a quadrant on the bible page, and in it wrote the four types of people.


I recognized that thinking and emotion was a duality. Thoughts affect emotions, and emotions bring about thoughts. I realized that doing was a triad. Thoughts inform emotions, emotions produce thoughts, and emotions also cause you do do things. I noticed that the three were all aspects of the same thing. While they were separate and distinct, they were continuous and one. I then had the revelation that inspired the quadrant model. I had the epiphany that dreaming was separate, yet contained the previous three. I recalled that my psychology professor said that when you dream, you think, have emotions, and do things, but are physically paralyzed so you do not act them out physically, but only in the dream world, in your dream body. I saw that the fourth was transcendent to the previous three, including them, yet going beyond them. Immediately, I connected the quadrant to the cross of Jesus, having the inspiration that they were the same form.


That week I had watched a lecture on physics where the professor said that there were four forces, and gravity, the fourth force was different from the other three, being that it could only be described through general relativity, whereas the other three were articulated through quantum mechanics. The strong and the weak force was the duality, like thinking and emotion. Electromagnetism was the doing square. Gravity was the fourth transcendent square. The first three forces were combined under GUT theories, called grand unifying theories, but Gravity could not be combined with them. Ecstatic, I came to the realization that I had discovered an extraordinary theory, and right when I first had the revelation of the quadrant model, I knew it was the theory of everything. All day every day, for the next years, I explored its implications further. sight contains only a small amount of my findings, but enough hopefully to bring you to wish to explore more as well. You may ask the question, so what? What does this have to do with me? What are the practical implications?

I have studied, for the last 9 years, the quadrant model, non stop. I have seen that every area of every topic you can think of, is shaped by the quadrant pattern. Whether you want to understand why nuclear numbers are arranged the way they are in chemistry, or how you learn the concept of number in the first place, the quadrant model explains it, because it is shaped by the quadrant model. Your favorite video games, the television shows you watch, the atmosphere, the way your body is organized, the most popular novels, the greatest paintings, the most famous philosophical texts, the physics behind electronics, the most well known business models, the Bible, the Hindu scriptures, the Amerindian mythologies, everything is structured primarily around the quadrant model pattern. There is nothing anywhere important, that does not have its fundamental basis, as the quadrant model pattern, because the quadrant is the form of Being. It was once a mystery why the standard model of particle physics was organized the way it was, or why the periodic table of elements is organized the way it is, or why the eye has the structure it has, or why the atmosphere or planets are organized the way they are, but the quadrant pattern explains why. Everything takes the form it does in order to reflect the quadrant image.


The quadrant is the form of being, and the quadrant pattern is the structure through which reality has expressed itself. In the future hopefully, every single educational class from pre school through college, is going to be taught through the paradigm of the quadrant model, because this model literally explains every subject of existence. The quadrant pattern is dominant everywhere in reality, because the quadrant is the form of being. Every religion in the world is going to have no choice but to acknowledge and accept the quadrant model, because everything, from religion to science to art to philosophy, can only be deeply understood if the organizing principal behind it all is recognized, and that organizing framework is the quadrant model. The quadrant model synthesizes all phenomena under one unifying complex, and thus brings order to what may have seemed to people chaos and randomness in existence. In other words, the quadrant model is the most significant theory to have ever been produced, in that it takes all knowledge and all phenomena, and puts it together in one simple, elegant formula. If you do not acknowledge the quadrant model pattern as the ultimate unifying composition of reality, then you do not comprehend reality and are in the dark to its nature. It is said that humans already naturally try to seek patterns. People learn by finding patterns. The quadrant model is the pattern that actually underlies reality. If I knew the quadrant model in high school I would have aced tests that I had difficulty in. For instance I got a bad grade in my chemistry class on orbitals. I couldn't remember what the orbitals were. Now I would know, three plus one, that is it. And not just in chemistry, but everywhere.

The next day, after discovering the quadrant model pattern, I went to my biology class at UC San Diego. We watched a documentary on Watson and Crick and I recognized that there were four bases of the DNA.

The teacher drew on the board punnett squares, which were quadrants. The fourth square of the punnett square that he drew of the dihybrid cross was different from the previous three. I saw the pattern again, and the quadrant was expressed. Again, I was excited to see what my intuition had told me was true, that the quadrant pattern was everywhere. I went to the bathroom during the class, and that is when I thought up the fourth quadrant of the quadrant model, with contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing, and how dreaming pointed to compassion, in that when you dream you transcend the personal ego body, and step into the transpersonal, which is indicated by contemplation. The fourth square includes the previous three, and indicates the nature of the square and quadrant that comes after it. The square that comes after it can become its own quadrant. Dreaming encompassed the previous three squares, and pointed to contemplation, which then became its own transcendent quadrant of contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. That day I told my friend Michael about what I had discovered, and he told me that I should publish the theory, but then on second thought, we both decided that I would keep it secret for a while. About a week after discovering the quadrant model pattern, I had finished all 16 squares of the quadrant model. In the first quadrant I put sensation, perception, response, and awareness. This was the first stage of consciousness, instinctual consciousness. In the second quadrant I had belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. This was the second stage of consciousness, magical religious group oriented consciousness. The third quadrant I wrote thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. The third quadrant was ego oriented consciousness. The fourth quadrant I put contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. The fourth quadrant was transpersonal, transrational consciousness. For more details on each quadrant, go to the Facebook links section and look at quadrant definitions.

A short while afterwards I saw the standard model of particle physics surfing the interent in my room. I showed my friend Scott about the 16 squares of the quadrant model, and how the standard model of particle physics fit the 16 square pattern, with three generations, each of four fermions, the first three quadrants, and a final quadrant of four bosons. As Gell-Mann, a famous physicist said, "the particles in nature organize themselves in groups of four". A Professor of physics described that he had no idea why the particles of existence were arranged the way they were. It is to reflect the quadrant model pattern.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Sixteen elementary types of particles form the basis for the theoretical framework known as the Standard Model of fundamental particles and forces. J.J. Thomson discovered the electron in 1897, while scientists at Fermilab saw the first direct interaction of a tau neutrino with matter less than 10 years ago.

This graphic names the 16 particle types and shows when and where they were discovered. These particles also exist in the form of antimatter particles, with the same mass and the opposite electric charge. Together, they account for about 300 subatomic particles observed in experiments so far.

The Standard Model also predicts the Higgs boson, which still eludes experimental detection. Experiments at Fermilab and CERN could see the first signals for this particle in the next couple of years. Other fundamental particles must exist, too. The Standard Model does not account for dark matter, which appears to make up 83 percent of all matter in the universe.

The seventeenth transcends the four quadrants and is the fifth quadrant. The fifth quadrant is ultra transcendent and like God. The Higgs Boson is called the God particle. Two more particles are hypothesized, making the 19 squares of the quadrant model. According to physicists there are 16 known particles in exisstence. The 17th the Higghs Boson is questionable. The Higgs Boson is the fifth quadrant which is questionable. There is some evidence that it existes but it is not substantial enough to prove that it exists. So there is only 16 known particles/ four times four particles- which is the quadrant model. According to Murray Gell-Mann "the particles in nature organize themselves in groups of four". The neutrinos are different/transcendent, thus there is a three plus one pattern within each group of four. Below is a quadrant model diagram of the 16 particles of nature, in a four by four grid.

Not too long afterwards I was standing at a computer at the Price Center at UC San Diego. I had begun spending all day, everyday going to classes and surfing the web for quadrant examples and seeing them everywhere. One example that I discovered was the four blood types. The blood type O was different, and contained the previous three. Only type O could be given to somebody with type A, type B, and type AB. I told my friend that I had discovered another example of the quadrant model pattern, wherein type O could go into the other three types, and thus was transcendent, yet encompassing the other three. What is fascinting is taht originally only three blood groups were recognized. Karl Landsteiner proposed that there were three types of blood. Jansky won the nobel prize when he discovered there were four types of blood. The three plus one pattern was fulfilled with the fourth being transcendent.

"Fåhræus (a Swedish physician who devised the erythrocyte sedimentation rate) suggested that the Ancient Greek system of humorism, wherein the body was thought to contain four distinct bodily fluids (associated with different temperaments), were based upon the observation of blood clotting in a transparent container. When blood is drawn in a glass container and left undisturbed for about an hour, four different layers can be seen. A dark clot forms at the bottom (the "black bile"). Above the clot is a layer of red blood cells (the "blood"). Above this is a whitish layer of white blood cells (the "phlegm"). The top layer is clear yellow serum (the "yellow bile").[34]

The ABO blood group system was discovered in the year 1900 by Karl LandsteinerJan Janský is credited with the first classification of blood into the four types (A, B, AB, and O) in 1907, which remains in use today. In 1907 the first blood transfusion was performed that used the ABO system to predict compatibility.[35] The first non-direct transfusion was performed on March 27, 1914. The Rhesus factor was discovered in 1937.

It was subsequently found that the Czech serologist Jan Janský had independently pioneered the classification of human blood into four groups in 1907,[9] but Landsteiner's independent discovery had been accepted by the scientific world while Janský remained then in relative obscurity. However, in 1921 an American medical commission acknowledged Janský's classification. Jan Janský is nowadays credited with the first classification of blood into the four types (I, II, III, IV).


"Janský's classification remains in use today. In Russia and states of the former USSR, blood types O, A, B, and AB are respectively designated I, II, III, and IV.[10] The designation A and B with reference to blood groups was proposed by Ludwik Hirszfeld."

A little while later, after discovering the quadrant pattern, I was in a philosophy class at UC San Diego. The teacher described that Plato divided knowledge into four parts.The first part related to sensation, the second to belief, the third to thinking, and the fourth to knowledge. The four parts related directly to the quadrant pattern, with sensation in the first part, belief, the second, thinking the third, and knowledge the fourth.

The diagram is of the four parts of Plato's divided line, the fourth part, knowledge of the World of Forms, being different than the previous three. The first part is related to sensation, perception, response, and awareness (imagining)- the first quadrant of the quadrant model. The second part is belief, faith, behavior, and belonging, the second quadrant of the quadrant model. The third thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming, the third quadrant of the quadrant model. The fourth transcendent aspect of Platos divided line is contemplation, passion, flowing and knowing. Plato did calculations that suggested that the second part was greater than the first. But Plato did calculations that showed the third part of the divided line was larger than the second, although he said they were equal. Therefore he contradicted himself. Philosophers suggested he did that intentionally to try to tell people not to take him literally. But I suggest he was hinting at the holistic nature of the quadrant model, where the next square can be equal in size to the last square but simultaneously larger, because it contains the previous squares as well.

Later I sat with my friend Mattos, who was in a religion class with me. I showed him the quadrant model pattern, and I told him that I had studied the domains of life in biology. The fourth domain, the virus, was different in that it needed a host to survive. The fourth is always different. I also discussed the four gospels, and how the fourth gospel, John was different than the previous three. The New Testament itself is divided into four parts, the gospels, epistles, acts, and revelations, revelations being different. Jews divided the old testament into three parts, but Christians divided it into four. There is the dynamic between three and four where the fourth is transcendent. The vedas of the hindus are divided into four parts, and there are four Mayan codexes. The fourth is different in both cases. Mattos was amazed and acted as though he was astonished. I told him that existence was a reflection of the form of the cross. He thought it was fascinating.

There are four Vedas: the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvaveda.[12][13] Each Veda has been subclassified into four major text types – the Samhitas (mantras and benedictions), the Aranyakas (text on rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices and symbolic-sacrifices), the Brahmanas (commentaries on rituals, ceremonies and sacrifices), and the Upanishads (texts discussing meditation, philosophy and spiritual knowledge).[12][14][15] Some scholars add a fifth category – the Upasanas (worship).

The fourth veda is thought to have been written later and is seen by hindus as different from the previous three. Similarly there are four gospels. The fourth gospel, the gospel of John is called the maverck gospel, because it is different from the first three gospels, which are called synoptic.

The gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are considered synoptic gospels on the basis of many similarities between them that are not shared by the Gospel of John. "Synoptic" means here that they can be "seen" or "read together," indicating the many parallels that exist among the three. The synoptic gospels are the source of many popular stories, parables, and sermons, such as Jesus's humble birth in Bethlehem, the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, the Last Supper, and the Great Commission.

The fourth gospel, the Gospel of John, presents a very different picture of Jesus and his ministry from the synoptics.[15]In differentiating history from invention, some historians interpret the gospel accounts skeptically[16] but generally regard the synoptic gospels as including significant amounts of historically reliable information about Jesus.[16]

The early Buddhist Nikaya texts, for example, do not recognize Atharvaveda as the fourth Veda, and make references to only three Vedas

Out of the four great civilizations of the ancient world, three of them, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China, have been extensively studied and well-known to almost every individual. Lost to human memory was the fourth civilization of equal importance and much more sophisticated Indus Valley Civilization that thrived along the flood plains of rivers Indus and Gaggar-Hakra.

"Bellow, this wonderful, impressionistic image shows representatives of the three domains of life and large viruses, the proposed fourth. 

This figure represents the living species in the four small pictures according to the current classification of organisms: eukaryotes (represented by yellow cell), bacteria (represented by green cell), Archaea (represented by blue cell) and viruses (represented by magenta colored Mimivirus). 

— Boyer et al. (2010): Boyer M, Madoui M-A, Gimenez G, La Scola B, Raoult D (2010) Phylogenetic and Phyletic Studies of Informational Genes in Genomes Highlight Existence of a 4th Domain of Life Including Giant Viruses. PLoS ONE 5(12): e15530. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015530"



Characteristics of the three domains of life[edit]

A speculatively rooted tree for RNA genes, showing major branches Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota


The three-domains tree and the Eocyte hypothesis (Two domains tree).[5]


Phylogenetic tree showing the relationship between the eukaryotes and other forms of life.[6] Eukaryotes are colored red, archaea green and bacteria blue.

Each of these three domains of life recognized by biologists today contain unique rRNA. This fact in itself forms the basis of the three-domain system. While the presence of a nuclear membrane differentiates the Eukarya domain from the Archaea and Bacteria domains, both of which lack a nuclear membrane, distinct biochemical and RNA markers differentiate the Archaea and Bacteria domains from each other.



Archaea are prokaryotic cells, typically characterized by membrane lipids that are branched hydrocarbon chains attached to glycerol by ether linkages. The presence of these ether linkages in Archaea adds to their ability to withstand extreme temperatures and highly acidic conditions, but many archea live in mild environments. Halophiles, organisms that thrive in highly salty environments, and hyperthermophiles, organisms that thrive in extremely hot environments, are examples of Archaea. Archaea evolved many cell sizes, but all are relatively small. Their size ranges from 0.1 to 15 μ diameter and up to 200 μ long. They are about the size of bacteria or similar to the size of a mitochondrion in a eukaryotic cell. Members of the genus Thermoplasma are the smallest of the archaea.



Even though bacteria are prokaryotic cells just like Archaea, their membranes are made of unbranched fatty acid chains attached to glycerol by ester linkages. Cyanobacteria and mycoplasmas are two examples of bacteria. They characteristically do not have ether linkages like Archaea, and they are grouped into a different category—and hence a different domain. There is a great deal of diversity in this domain, and between that and horizontal gene transfer, it is next to impossible to determine how many species of bacteria exist on the planet.



Members of the domain Eukarya have membrane-bound organelles (including a nucleus containing genetic material) and are represented by four kingdoms: Plantae, Protista, Animalia, and Fungi.


Exclusion of viruses[edit]

Main article: Virus

None of the three systems currently include non-cellular life. As of 2011 there is talk about Nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses possibly being a fourth branch domain of life, a view supported by researchers in 2012.[7]

I sat in the Price Center on the computers. I spent hours a night searching the web and copying and pasting websites with quadrant examples onto my account. It turned out most every website I copied and pasted. Now I'm not even sure if I still have access to that account. But I read about how Aristotle delineated the four elements. He stated that there were two dyads of qualities that entities have. They are hot or cold. Things are also wet or dry. By creating combinations of these four qualities, four elements are produced. Air is hot, in that it rises, and wet in that it fills its container. Water is cold in that it sinks, and wet in that it fills its container. Earth is cold in that it sinks, and dry in that it maintains its form. Fire is hot in that it rises, and dry in that it does not fill its container, and maintains a form. I later learned that the four forces of physics are derived similarly from a combination of two dichotomies. The strong force is the microcosm, unifying forces. The weak force is microcosm, separating. Electromagnetism is macrocosm, separating. Gravity is macrocosm, unifying.

Aristotle said that there was a fifth ultra transcendent element. The fifth element is always ultra transcendent. The fifth element is like God. The fifth element is the aether. The fourth aspect of the quadrant model is always transcendent, and the fifth is ultra transcendent. Aristotle said that the aether is hot cold wet and dry all together. Similarly there is a fifth force of physics, dark matter. But some physicists say it is not a fifth force, but just an aspect of gravity. The fourth, gravity, points to the fifth. Fire, points to, or in other words, indicates the nature of aether. Aristotle said the Aether made up the stars, but it also was ubiquitous, and caused everything to be. In the same way, dark matter is ultra transcendent.

It is important to note that Empedocles, the PreSocratic philosopher who proclaimed the four elements, argued that fire was different from the previous three. He said fire was opposed to water, earth and air. This is the three plus one pattern that Jung described where the fourth is always different. Similarly, Galen and Hippocrates and the ancient doctors of medicine taught that there was four humours, again, derived from two dualities, and they always taught that one of the four humours was different from the other three. Even some argued that there were only three humours, not including the fourth transcendent humour. The hindus argued that there was three humours, what they call dosas, but there is a hindu text, the sushruta samhita, that agrees that there is a fourth dosa   The fourth is always different. The pattern of the first three being similar and a fourth that is added and different pervades reality. It is interesting to note that most ancient cultures only counted up to four and the number four was seen as different to them. Even most ancient cultures, when representing number, would represent the first three numbers in a similar fashion, but would represent the number four differently. Deheane for instance points out that almost all ancient cultures represented the first three numbers similarly. An example is the Roman numerals where the numbers one, two, and three are all depicted as lines I, II, and III. But most cultures he explains represented four differently. Roman numerals four is depicted as IV with a V. Deheane says that all culures depicted five as different. Some cultures depicted one, two, three and four similarly, and five different. Most depicted four as different, some depicted four as the same, but all ancient cultures depicted the number five differently than the first three numbers. Deheane tries to explain the pheneomena of number representation changing at four by describing how humans subitize numbers in groups of four. He points out that when humans approximate a number of items they can do it perfectly from 1 to three, they slightly drop off in effectiveness at four, but at five there is an extreme steep decline in accuarcy. Therefore it has been concluded by scientists that the human number approximation system is limited at four. Cowan had a book where he discussed the phenomena of 7 plus or minus two for working memory, but he reworked his findings and discovered that humans really only have a working memory that is effective at around four items. Also when doing dot following studies, scientists discoered that humans can follow three dots well and determine which dot is which, but at four they have difficulty. But at five it is impossible to follow all of the dots. Deheane believes that cultures represented four different than one two and three because of the way that humans subitize numbers, and the cutoff at the number four. But the quadrant model explains why it is that four is different. Four is different because it is the transition from one quadrant to the next, and reality is the quadrant reality, founded upon the quadrant pattern. Four is always different, and five is always questionable/ultra transcendent. Also it was discovered that humans can imagine a maximum of sixteen squares in their minds. There are 16 squares in the quadrant modelThe Aztecs described that the numbers one through four was order, although they saw four as different and sacred. They said that five is chaos. They argued that they were living in the fifth world because five represented chaos to them. Four is always different, five is ultra transcendent and questionable.

Empedocles saw the four elements as four Gods, and he said that these four predated existence and created all of existence. The fourth, again, he saw as different. Amerindian, African, Asian, Middle Eastern, cultures from every part of the world had origin myths that described four Gods, with the fourth being different. That is the quadrant pattern. Two examples are the Greeks who described four primordial Gods and the Babylonians who said there was four primordial Gods who created all of the other gods and everything. It is interesting to note that scholars point out that the fourth God is depicted as different and they hypothesize originally the Babylonians had three primary Gods but added the fourth. The three plus one pattern. Even the Cannanite Pantheon had four levels. The Egyptians described four pairs of primordial Gods. The Hindus stated that at the beginning Krishna made two quadruple expansions, forming two tetrads. The gnostics argued at the beginning of existence was two tetrads, and that Jesus was formed from the second tetrad. Amerindian groups would speak of four creators the fourth being different. For instance, the Hawaiians had four main primary Gods, and the fourth was a lot different, and Christian missionaries saw the fourth as like Satan. The quadrant pattern is truly seen everywhere in the world and is the dominant pattern.

Similarly there are four primary tastes. Bitter and sweet is the duality. Sour is the third bad one. Salty is the transcendent fourth. A questionable, ultra transcendent fifth, umami, has been proposed. Salt is NaCl. Umami is mono sodium glutamate. Both salt and umami have sodium in them. Sodium is Na. The fourth always points to/indicates the nature of the fifth. The fourth and fifth are transcendent- fifth is ultra transcendent and questionable. A lot of scientists say that there is four primary tastes and they do not include umami as a separate taste. The fifth is always questionable.


There are also five primary senses, but they fulfill the same 3+1+1 or 3+2 pattern/4+1, and Aristotle even argued there are actually four. The similar three are sight, the first square, hearing, the second square (hearing is social and thus brings about order and homeostasis and also the ear is responsible for balance, which is homeostasis. The third square is always the most physical. The third sense is touch. The first three are all called mechanoreceptors. Taste is a chemical receptor. It is the transcendent fourth. Taste is also the opposite of hearing. The mouth and the ear are oppoosites. One speaks the other listens. The second quadrant is opposite the fourth always, but in the same way connected, in that you cannot hear unless you speak. The fifth ultra transcendent sense is smell, which is also a chemical receptor. Both taste and smell are different in that they are chemical recepotrs. It is interesting that taste and smell are so linked. The fourth always points to the fifth. Aristotle said there really is four senses, and he linked the four senses to the four elements. The fourth sense, taste, Aristole said was really just an aspect of touch, so he said that taste and touch were one sense. He noted there are four sense organs, and Aristotle said there were really four senses because taste and touch were one sense. The fourth is always different- fifth always questionable. It is fascinating that Aristotle saw the fourth sense as related to fire, and even described the fourth as different from the previous three, elucidating the quadrant pattern of the transcendent fourth. Details on Aristotles findings are in the philosophy quadrant page. Another example of the five really being four (the fifth questionable ultra transcendent) and the fourth being transcendent is Euclid's five postulates. According to mathematicians, Euclids fifth postulate is incorrect. Euclids postulates were the foundation for all of geometry, and one of the most popular books behind the Bible, Euclid's Elements. But the fifth is false. Some mathematicians say that Euclid intentionally made the fifth postulate false in order so that mathematicians would discover new geometries from it. But Euclid did not really use the fifth postulate or need it in The Elements. His fourth postulate is different. It is actually about right angles which are quadrants. Ancient mathematicians even saw the fourth postulate as different/transcendent, saying it was not really a postulate. The fourth is always different, fifth questionable.

It was also once believed that there were six primary emotions. But scientists have established that there are four primary emotions, and that humans can only statistically accurately distinguish between four types of emotions. It was once thought that disgust and surprise were two of the six primary emotions. But facial recognition studies demonstrated that humans cannot statistically differentiate between disgust and anger, and surprise and fear. So scientists have determined that there are four primary emotions, happy, sad, anger, and fear. Again there is the fundamental four, and the fourth is different. Fear is the different fourth.

It also used to be that scientists thought that there was six degrees of separation between people. There is the famous book, 6 Degrees of Separation. However, studies showed that with facebook and other social media, there is in fact four degrees of separation between people.

Empedocles established four ultimate elements which make all the structures in the world—fireairwaterearth.[31] Empedocles called these four elements "roots", which he also identified with the mythical names of ZeusHeraNestis, and Aidoneus[32] (e.g., "Now hear the fourfold roots of everything: enlivening Hera, Hades, shining Zeus. And Nestis, moistening mortal springs with tears."[


Empedocles, then, in contrast with his predecessors, was the first to introduce the dividing of this cause, not positing one source of movement, but different and contrary sources. Again, he was the first to speak of four material elements; yet he does not use four, but treats them as two only; he treats fire by itself, and its opposite—earth, air, and water—as one kind of thing. We may learn this by study of his verses. (Metaphysics 1.4; 985a 29-985b 3

As Aristotle makes clear, Empedocles identifies not one archê but four archai. Although it is not clear what is meant, Aristotle further clarifies his statement by saying that that actually these four elements are really two archai: fire and the other three elements, earth air and water, which are said to be the opposite of fire. Empedocles was the first of the pre-Socratics to posit that there was a plurality of archai to explain all movement or becoming.

Aristotle himself, in De Sensu et Sensibilibus defined four senses: sight (associated with water because the eye contains water), sound (corresponding to air), smell (corresponding to fire), and touch (corresponding to earth). Aristotle viewed taste as merely a specialized form of touch, which he in turn viewed as the primary sense (because all life-forms possess it).



Bitter has been found to have a genetic component; some people taste certain foods as bitter, broccoli for example, while others do not. This may explain why it was the last of the four to be added to the common list, by the Greek philosopher Democritus.

So here's a question you don't hear every day: How many tastes can a person taste?

There's sweet, of course. Then sour. Then salty. And when the Greek philosopher Democritus took up the question several thousand years ago, he added bitter. So that makes four.

Democritus said (not because he did any experiments; being a philosopher, he thought for a living) that when you chew on your food and it crumbles into little bits, those bits eventually break into four basic shapes.

When something tastes sweet, he said, it is because the bits are "round and large in their atoms." Salty is isosceles triangle bits on your tongue, Bitter is "spherical, smooth, scalene and small," while sour is "large in its atoms, but rough, angular and not spherical."

And that's it, said Democritus. Everything we taste is some combination of those four ingredients.

And that made sense to Plato, and made sense to Aristotle, and pretty much ever since even modern scientists have said that's the number: four.

When taste buds were discovered in the 19th century, tongue cells under a microscope looked like little keyholes into which bits of food might fit, and the idea persisted that there were four different keyhole shapes.

An illustration of taste buds from Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body. When taste buds were discovered in the 19th century, tongue cells under a microscope looked like little keyholes into which bits of food might fit, and the idea persisted that there were four different keyhole shapes.

So four it is. Four it was.


Most of us have been taught that salty, sweet, sour, and bitter (that last one added by Greek philosopher Democritus a few thousand years ago) make up the four building blocks of taste.


All human behaviour can be broken down into four basic emotions, according to research by Glasgow University.

Four Degrees of Separation


 NOVEMBER 22, 2011 11:08 AM November 22, 2011 11:08 am 20

Perhaps the saying should be four degrees of separation, rather than six?

Using data on the links among 721 million Facebook users, a team of scientists discovered that the average number of acquaintances separating any two people in the United States was 4.37, and that the number separating any two people in the world was 4.74. As John Markoff and Somini Sengupta report in today’s New York Times, the findings highlight the growing power of the emerging science of social networks

Aristotle believed the Earth resided at the center of the Universe and that all matter was composed of four basic "elements" — earth, water, air, fire. A fifth element, called aether, did not interact with the other four, but instead formed the heavenly bodies

A few other examples of the quadrant pattern that you will come across, among the thousands on this website, one is the fact that there are four continents, AfroEurasia, America, Antarctica, and Australia. There are four variations of race according to Omi and Winant, Asian is superior and outsiders, White is superior and insiders, Black is inferior insiders, and Brown is inferior outsiders. There were four original civilizations, Chinese (Asians), Mesopotamian (White), Egyptian (Black), and Indus Valley (Brown). According to sociologists the fifth possible civilization Mesoamerica is questionable but consensus is it is not a civilization because it did not have writing. The fourth civilization, Indus Valley is transcendent, and recently discovered). Again, the three plus one pattern is expressed, in that the Indus Valley civilization is seen as different, and more mysterious. Sociologists say that there are four world religions. A world religion according to sociologists has a large amount of land and proselytizes. They are buddhism (about awareness- the first quadrant tends to be seen as good and nice and gentle and compassionate the first quadrant- Asians) christianity (about belief and faith in Jesus- the second quadrant- Whites), Islam (the third is about action and doing laws and rituals and is perceived as bad- Blacks), and Hinduism, the transcendent fourth- Brown people. Hindus kind of accept the previous three religions, saying they see Jesus as a great sage or avatar, and they think Buddha was an avatar of Krishna, and Muhammad (bpbuh) was a great prophet or avatar. Sociologists say that Judaism is not a world religion, although it is the questionable fifth. It has Israel, but it does not proselytize. There are also four political outlooks according to most important models in reality. In the Nolan Chart, again based around two dichotomies, one on personal freedom and one on economic freedom, there is four types. They are high personal freedom but low economic freedom liberals (Asians- Asian countries tended to be communist which is described as liberal), low personal low economic freedom statists (Whites associated with fascism nazism and Europe during WWII), low personal high economic freedom (Blacks- associated with rap music, talking down about women being promiscuous calling them sluts and being against gays, which is low personal freedom -personal freedom is associated with freedom of sexuality like being ok with homosexuality- but glorifying gold chains and nice rims and mansions which is economic freedom), and high personal high economic freedom (Brown people). Libertarian is kind of transcendent, the transcendent fourth, and contains the rest. A libertarian can pretty much be any of the previous three.

The four forces of physics built around two dyads- THE FOUR FORCES OF PHYSICS ARE SHOWN ABOVE

The image to the left is of the four humours in a quadrant formation.The four qualites in two dyads of hot, cold, wet, and dry were also used to establish the four humours. Black Bile was not originally seen as one of the four humours until Thales added it, producing the three plus one pattern.

Square 1: Idealists liberal Asian.

Square 2: Guardian authoritarian Caucasian

Square 3: Artisan conservative Black

Square 4: Rational libertarian Brown

The four civilizations represent the four races. China is Asian. Mesopotamian is White. Egypt is Black. Indus Valley is Brown.

Geographically, a continent is a large, discrete land mass separated by large bodies of water -- by this scientific definition there are only four continents:  Antarctica, Australia, Americas and Afro-Eurasia.  However, children at a grade school level 
are almost never taught using a four continent model.  Most educators take geography, politics and history into account
when deciding how to split our world up into continents.                                                    Source:

According to sociologists there are four world religions. Hinduism is the transcendent fourth that contains the previous three. Hindus can believe in the Buddha and Jesus and Muhammad BPBUH. Judaism is the questionable fifth. Most sociologists say that Judaism is not a world religion in that it does not seek apostles, even though it has a body of land/ Israel. The fifth is always questionable and ultra transcendent.

The four world religions are related to the four races.

Square 1: Asian is Buddhist. First square. Buddhism is about sensation, perception, response and awareness.

Square 2: Christian is Caucasian. Second square Christianity is aobut belief, faith, behavior and belonging.

Square 3: Black is Muslim. Third square Islam is perceived as bad. It is about thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. It thinks, questioning christianity, yet it is still not abstract, as it is the third square ego oriented.

Square 4: Brown is Hindu. Fourth square so it is contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. It is more metaphysical and contains the previous three.

According to sociologists Judaism is not a world religion. There is only four world religions. Although Judaism has Israel, it does not seek apostles, so is not a world religion.

Everything is the same thing everywhere. It is all a reflection of the cross/quadrant. It's all one pattern.

The Platonic solids have been known since antiquity. carved stone balls created by the late neolithic people of Scotland lie near ornamented models resembling them, but they pay no special attention paid to the Platonic solids over less symmetrical objects, and some of the five solids are absent.  Dice go back to the dawn of civilization with shapes that augured formal charting of Platonic solids.

The ancient Greeks studied the Platonic solids extensively. Some sources (such as Proclus) credit Pythagoras with their discovery. Other evidence suggests that he may have only been familiar with the tetrahedron, cube, and dodecahedron and that the discovery of the octahedron and icosahedron belong to Theaetetus, a contemporary of Plato. In any case, Theaetetus gave a mathematical description of all five and may have been responsible for the first known proof that no other convex regular polyhedra exist.

The Platonic solids are prominent in the philosophy of Plato, their namesake. Plato wrote about them in the dialogue Timaeus c.360 B.C. in which he associated each of the four classical elements (earth, air, water, and fire) with a regular solid. Earth was associated with the cube, air with the octahedron, water with the icosahedron, and fire with the tetrahedron. There was intuitive justification for these associations: the heat of fire feels sharp and stabbing (like little tetrahedra). Air is made of the octahedron; its minuscule components are so smooth that one can barely feel it. Water, the icosahedron, flows out of one's hand when picked up, as if it is made of tiny little balls. By contrast, a highly nonspherical solid, the hexahedron (cube) represents "earth". These clumsy little solids cause dirt to crumble and break when picked up in stark difference to the smooth flow of water. Moreover, the cube's being the only regular solid that tesselates Euclidean space was believed to cause the solidity of the Earth. The fifth Platonic solid, the dodecahedron, Plato obscurely remarks, "...the god used for arranging the constellations on the whole heaven". Aristotle added a fifth element, aithêr (aether in Latin, "ether" in English) and postulated that the heavens were made of this element, but he had no interest in matching it with Plato's fifth solid. (the fourth is different- the fifth ultra transcendent)                            

The four orbitals in chemistry. S orbitals are circles. P are two cirlces (the duality). D add to the first two and have a donut shape as well (they are more solid/physical the nature of the third square). F orbitals are a lot different and even separated from the previous three on the table. It was once seen by chemists as absurd to propose a fourth f orbital, but it was proven. The three plus one quadrant pattern is seen in the orbitals.

The 16 Square four by four Myers Briggs model with the sixteen personality types

Another quadrant example is the orbital shells in chemistry. In chemistry, electrons surround elements in probability densities called orbital shells.  There is s orbitals, p orbitals, d orbitals, and f orbitals. The f orbitals are different. On the periodic table, there is a segment that is separated from the rest of the table. That is the f orbitals. The fourth is always different. There is a questiaonble g orbital. The fifth is always questioanble. Chemists say that g orbitals exist but they can only be produced in a laboratory setting under extreme conditions. The fifth is alwasy ultra transcendent (like God). Plato related the five Platonic solids to the five elements.  The fifth, the dodecahedron, was related to the Aether. The ather is ultra transcendent. Plato said that it was like God. The dodecahedron was so holy, that it was not allowed to be shared with lay people, or spoken of. The fourth is always transcendent, the fifth ultra transcendent.

The Myers-Briggs model, originating with Carl Jung, consists of four polarities with sixteen personality types. 16 is four times four, and there are 16 squares in the quadrant model.  Jung identified the first three binaries. After factor analysis Myers and Briggs discovered that there was another pair, which is different and only later identified.  The fourth square is always a sort of maverick in relation to the preceding three. The four dualities are:

*Square one; extraversion-introversion (E-I)

*Square two;  sensing-intuition (S-N)

*Square three; thinking-feeling (T-F)

*Square four;  judging-perceiving (J-P).

Extraverts gain energy by being around others, and are more action oriented.  Whereas introverts gain energy by being alone, and are more cerebrally oriented.

Sensing and intuiting types are called the perceiving, information gathering functions. Sensors are concerned primarily with facts and details, while the intuitive are more concerned with comprehending “the big picture” and deeper meanings.

Thinking and feeling are the judging functions. Thinkers care more about logic, consistency, and doing what works.  Feelers are more concerned with what other people feel and think, and are interested in maintaining interpersonal harmony.  The third square is always about doing; the personality types in this third square want to do what works and what creates social harmony.

Next is judging and perceiving.  The fourth square always points beyond itself, engaging in a larger context.  Judging and perceiving deal with how people relate to the outside, wider world.  Judging personalities prefer to use their thinking and feeling functions when relating to the world.  Perceivers prefer to use their sensing and intuitive functions.   Those who prefer judging tend to  want things planned and decided, whereas, perceivers tend to like things to left open-ended.

The varied combinations of these personality types yield sixteen possibilities.   Keirsey separates the types into four temperaments; the Idealist, the Guardian, the Artisan, and the Rational. I link the 16 types to the 16 squares of the quadrant model pattern.

Quadrant 1 = the Idealist.  Square one, the sensor (INFJ);  square two, the perceiver (ENFJ);   square three, the responder (ENFP);    square four, the aware person (INFP).

Quadrant 2 = the Guardian.   In square one is the believer (ISFJ);  in square two is the faithful person (ESFJ); in square three is the behaver (ESTJ);  square holds the belonger (ISTJ).

Quadrant 3 = the Artisan.  In square one the thinker (ISFP); in square two is the emoter (ESFP); in square three is the doer (ESTP); in square four is the dreamer (ISTP)



Quadrant 4= the Rational. In square one is the contemplator (INTJ), in square 2 is the passionate person (ENTJ); in square three is the flow-er (ENTP); in square four is the knower (INTP).

There are two dyads that yield Keirsey's four temperaments: dyad 1--concrete and abstract; dyad 2--cooperative and utilitarian.  Concrete people care more about details and facts. Abstract people care more about the big picture and connections.  Cooperative people focus on maintaining social harmony, while utilitarian people care more about what works.

The two binaries relate to the four elements two binaries. Hot things rise and are weird (thinng should sink). Abstract people are weird. Cooperative people fit into the social setting and are seen as good. Wet things fill the container. Cold things sink and are related to concrete individuals. Dry things are solid and maintain their form/they are individuals. Dry is linked with utilitarian people.

"The foundation for the DISC model comes from the work of a Harvard psychologist named Dr. William Moulton Marston in the 1920’s. He developed a theory that people tend to develop a self-concept based on one of four factors — Dominance, Inducement, Steadiness, or Compliance. Marston’s theories form the basis on which DISC assessments and reports are built. A DISC quadrant diagram is shown below."

"It's often easier to see the construction of Kolb's learning styles in terms of a two-by-two matrix. Each learning style represents a combination of two preferred styles. The diagram also highlights Kolb's terminology for the four learning styles; diverging, assimilating, and converging, accommodating."

Asians-outsider superior

Idealist temperament- abstract (outsiders) cooperative (superior)

Air- hot (outsiders, rises), wet (fills container cooperative)

White- insiders superior

Guardian temperament- concrete (insiders, not weird deep abstract thinkers) cooperative (get along insiders)

Water- cold (sinks, normal, not in clouds), wet

Black- insiders inferior

Artisan temperament- concrete, utilitarian (does own thing not cooperative- thus seen as inferior)

Earth- cold (normal insiders), dry

Brown- outsiders inferior

Rational temperament- abstract utilitarian

Fire- hot, dry

The two dichotomies connect with the Omi and Winant dichotomies of race as well. The two dyads that Omi and Winant propose are

insiders v outsiders

superior v inferior

Concrete people are insiders. They do not think too abstractly, so they belong, and are not seen as weird. Abstract people are ousiders. Utilitarian people are inferior. Utilitarian peope do what they want and what they think is best, and not what the people around them want necessarily. Cooperative people are superior. They want what is most harmonious, not necessarily what is real. They work hard. They "try to fit in" more and "make others happy".

Asians- superior, outsiders

Whites- superior, insiders

Blacks- inferior, insiders

Brown- inferior, outsiders (the different fourth)

Winant actually just describes a triangluation of race, leaving the fourth race, the brown race, out. The fourth is always different. Winant does not say that it is true that Blacks are inferior, but that is the way they are perceived in the American/World culture.

There is a diversity of philosophical views about the relationship between determinism and free will; but the higher-level taxonomy of these views may be summarised as follows.  Those who hold that determinism and free will cannot both be true are known as incompatibilists.  Within this category, those who claim that determinism is true – and therefore free will is impossible – are known as hard determinists.  Those who claim that determinism is false and therefore that free will is at least possible are known as metaphysical libertarians (not necessarily related to political libertarians).  Those who think that determinism and free will are compatible are known as compatibilists. There is also a range of sub-categories within the compatibilist camp; but I will only discuss a couple of them in this essay.  This higher-level taxonomy can be visually described by the following diagram.

Hard Determinism -Determinism and no free will is the idealist. Idealists are abstract, so they see the connection in things and recognize determinism. But they are cooperative, so they do not do what they think works, but do what they think creates social harmony, so they do not have free will.

Hard incompatibilism- No determinism and no free will is the guardian

Libertarianism- Physical determinims is false and free will is possible is the artisan

Compatabilism- Free will is possible and Physical determinism is true is the rational temperament.

In Quadrant 1 are found the Idealists.  Idealists are abstract and cooperative.  Like all other  “residents” in the first square, they are weird.  They are sensitive and deep thinkers, and like social harmony, wanting to belong and fit in. But at the same time they do not fit in because they are very abstract in their consciousness, and are perceived by the group as weird.  They are sensitive, perceptive, responsible and aware, caring deeply about things like the environment and nature.  They are very spiritual, which is a characteristic of the first quadrant, and they want to be helpful. The first quadrant is conservative, which coincides with being helpful.  Idealists are sensitive to others and can help others to feel better.  They put others before themselves. When asked about the meaning of life the idealists say it is “to find yourself”.  Awareness is of the self.  They desperately want to belong, and look up to guardians.  Idealists make up only about ten percent of the population. The first quadrant is linked to the self. Idealists are very mental and even are inclined to see the universe as a mind. They are empathetic and compassionate but can run the risk of not being compassionate or sensitive to people they don't like. Idealists are more likely vegetarians. They are smart but their ideas can run wild and they are likely to believe in aliens and other things considered weird. Some may say they need a straight jacket for their ideas but they are brilliant. They sometimes run the risk of trying to belong too much though and caring too much about what others think. They are cooperative and want to be seen as responsible and they can be described sometimes as too nice and too sensitive and a critique against them is that they can work too hard to try to make everybody happy, and in the process can sometimes be disingenuous. Idealists tend to feel responsibility is important and are responsible themselves and expect others to be responsible. They are into self reliance. Idealists recall are aware. When one aware you can't quite put your finger on something completely but are just aware of it. Idealists like to say things like “the world is so incomprehensible it's beyond our comprehension”. They also like to express awe of the cosmos and being idealists, like to portray to others their awe and inspire them. Idealists are likely to believe that things like levitation or walking on water are really possible, which is kind of magical thinking, but they will try to explain it metaphysically. They love to inspire and help people and make people feel good. They tend to be into things like crystals, astrology, the occult, and literature, in part because these are weird and idealists are weird, and in part because these are avenues for finding the self and better understanding the self, which idealists love. Idealists want to find the self. The first square is the asian, superior, outsiders. The first square is the communist. Idealists like to make everybody equal, even if they are not, and they ironically do not like anybody who does not see himself as equal or act equal. Idealists look up to authority, like communists look up to the state, and they work for the status quo. Communists look highly upon the state, and have it mitigate equality. Air, hot and wet (filling the container) is the first square. The first square world religion is Buddhism, which is related with Asians. Asians want to be Caucasian. The first square likes the second square. The first square is always seen as good. Caucasians have respect for Asians. The duality gets along.

Quadrant 2 contains the Guardians.  Guardians are concrete and cooperative.   Unlike the Idealists, they are normal and fit in. Idealists tend to like guardians and look up to guardians and want to be them. The first square wants to be the second, the second wants to be the third, and the third wants to be the fourth. The second square focuses on homeostasis; it is about maintaining order.  The second square thinks in “black and white”.  Guardians are very concerned with right and wrong, and morality.  They are concrete thinkers concerned with facts.  But they are also cooperative and concerned with social harmony and belonging.  They tend to be religious; even if not religious about religion, they are religious about other things.  Being religious connotes believing deeply and having strong faith in something in spite of not necessarily having a deep knowledge or understanding of it.  They maintain order and structure, and are good at producing social harmony and establishing strong friendships.  They will “give you the shirt off their backs”.   When asked about the meaning of life a Guardian will likely say that it is to “put food in the fridge, and to take care of family”.  Guardians are very into family and friends, while also envying the Artisans who are more spontaneous and into having fun. While looking down on Artisans because of their wild and destructive behavior, and appearance of being less intelligent, simultaneously they wish to be more like the Artisan. They tend to like white people and like order. They try to play the role they feel is assigned to them, whether it is the role they thing a Black man should play if they are Black, or a woman, and so on. They are less likely to think very deeply about topics and are more likely to believe whatever they feel will help them belong. Guardians make up about fifty percent of the population.The Caucasian race is the second square, superior, insiders.. The second square is statists in the Nolan chart. Water, cold and wet, is the second square. The second square world religion is Christianity. Christianity is stereotypically linked with Caucasians. Christians are stereotypically against homosexuality and promiscuity of women (no personal freedom) and also against conspicuous consumption, and promote equality and sharing (no economic freedom).

In Quadrant 3 are the Artisans.  The third square is characteristically very physical.  Artisans are very into the physical.   They are concrete, and utilitarian They are rational, and “cool”.  They are good at thinking, yet are also emotional.   As doers they love to get things done while having fun.  They can be very spontaneous and even destructive; the third square is destructive, and often viewed as bad. They like sports and art.  However, they can envy those who are able to think abstractly, often turning to drugs in pursuit of the abstract and elusive.   Artisans like respect, and  like to have authority and they are not afraid to hurt feelings and be renegades and be politically incorrect. Unlike their opposites, the idealists they don't mind doing what they feel works, and what is "real", even if it disrupts social harmony and is not empathetic. Donald Trump is an example of an artisan. They are showmen. Artisans are plentiful, making up about thirty five percent of the population (wow I wrote that years before Trump was even elected in 2012, but rigorously recorded them on FaceBook starting around 2013). African/Black race is the third square, inferior, insiders (they are seen as cool and belong, so are insiders, although they are not seen as working hard, and thus inferior). Asians are not seen as cool like Black people are. Conservative on the Nolan chart is the third square. Earth, cold and dry, is the third square. The third square world religion is Islam. Islam is stereotypically associated with Black people. Islam is also conservative, and is not really communistic, being against homosexuality and women personal freedom, but for economic freedom. Africans are stereotypically conservative on the Nolan chart (stereotypically they are not for personal freedom like women promiscuity and homosexuality, but they are for economic freedom- nice cars, rims, gold chains.)

In Quadrant 4 are found the Rationals.  Rationals are abstract and utilitarian, and somewhat “weird”, which is a characteristic of the fourth square.   Abstract people look for principles, patterns, and connections. The fourth quadrant is knowledge and contemplation.  Rationals are very contemplative, tend to be calm, but can also be passionate.  They may not show emotions, but when they do they tend to lose control or be very intense. Rationals are utilitarian, doing what works best, not caring particularly about social harmony, hence they can be destructive.  This allows them to be philosophical and a transformative force.  Einstein was a Rational.  He had a hard time taking care of himself. Rationals are said to “have their heads in the clouds”.   They are good at contemplating, thereby transcending the normal world.  They also can be chameleons, fitting in with the other types  by pretending to be like them.   Benjamin Franklin is a good example.  Especially the INTP  is able to “see the big picture”. Rationals care most about gaining truth and want to press people and promote debate, which other types might feel is threatening and even confrontational. But Rationals do not really hold onto beliefs, and will just pretend to hold to one in order to spark debate so they can gain deeper insights and produce greater inquiry. Rationals are rare, making up about five percent of the population.  The fourth is always different, and seems not to belong with the other three. Whereas idealists are very into values and have emotional investment in their ideas, Rationals tend to be less sensitive and don't have as much emotional investment in beliefs. A Rational may appear to take a stance in order to promote inquiry and debate, but he really does not have one, and this may confuse idealists. I scored an INTP rational. I do not necessarily have any feelings for what I say or believe it, I just hopefully want to promote contemplation and inquiry. (I wrote that in 2013). The brown race is the fourth square, inferior, outsiders. The fourth square element is fire. The Nolan chart fourth square is libertarian. The fourth square World religion is Hinduism, associated with Brown people. Religions similar to Hinduism, like Bahai, that are more pluralistic, are also associated with Brown people. The fourth encompasses the previous three.

It is interesting that White people, the second square/ water, have historically wiped out a lot of brown people. Water extinguishes fire. White people accomplished conquest through the oceans. They represent water, even some having blue eyes like water. Water, White people, and Earth, Black people, also have a sort of dynamic, and conflict. But they need each other. The water sits on top of the earth . The ocean water constantly hits up against the Earth beach, but the Earth falls into the water, a kind of mutual violence. Water and Earth make mud. White people and Black people have interacted a lot, and while they remain separate, there is also mixing. Asian people are air, and air kind of is separate from the other elements. Asians are sterotypically isolationist. Although stereotypically they like White people. Water travels through air and becomes clouds so it can rain. Air is opposite of Earth. Aisans are opposite of Africans. Asians stereotypically look down upon Africans. Africans, Earth, are good at physical activities, whereas Asians stereotypically are less physical(solid), and more meditative. Asians are less strong and big.

Objects in space, for instance planets and comets, move in terms of the four conic sections. The fourth, the circle, is different from the previous three. I learned about the four conic sections in a teaching company course on physics, and they were taught as a three plus one with the fourth, the circle, different.

Each of the four conic sections begins with the intersection of a plane with a double-napped cone (two cones generated by rotating a line about a point, which becomes the apex of each of the two cones).

In a parabola, the plane intersects one cone parallel to the slant height of the cone.

In a circle, the plane intersects one cone parallel to the base of the cone.

In an ellipse, the plane intersects one cone at an angle between being parallel to the base and being parallel to the slant height of the cone.

In a hyperbola, the plane intersects both cones, usually at an angle greater than being parallel to the slant height.

In the conic sections above, it is important to note that the plane does not pass through the apex of the cones. When the plane does intersect the apex of the cones, the resulting conic section is called a degenerate conic section, which may include a point, a line, and two intersecting lines. This lesson does not address degenerate conic sections.

The four shapes of the playstation controller in quadrant formation


"Sperm are transported through a four-part duct system. The first part of this system is the epididymis. The testicles converge to form the seminiferous tubules, coiled tubes at the top and back of each testicle. The second part of the duct system is the vas deferens, a muscular tube that begins at the lower end of the epididymis.[9][page needed] The vas deferens passes upward along the side of the testicles to become part of the spermatic cord.[24] The expanded end is the ampulla, which stores sperm before ejaculation. The third part of the duct system is the ejaculatory ducts, which are 1-inch (2.5 cm)-long paired tubes that pass through the prostate gland, where semen is produced.[9][page needed] The prostate gland is a solid, chestnut-shaped organ that surrounds the first part of the urethra, which carries urine and semen.[9][page needed][24] Similar to the female G-spot, the prostate provides sexual stimulation and can lead to orgasm through anal sex.[28]"

Again in reality the number four, and the quadrant pattern is dominant. Nintendo 64 had 64 bits. 64 is four to the third power. Game Cube used 128 bits which is 64 times two and is a quadrant of eight by eight. Pac Man could only go up to 256 levels. 256 is very important in computers and is four to the fourth power.  Pac Man had four villains, Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. The fourth is even different, having a name that does not rhyme, and at the beginning the first three are together and the fourth is outside, being different. Thus the three plus one pattern is represented. "Each level in Donkey Kong consists of four screens, each with its own layout of platforms and unique dangers. Once the fourth screen is completed, it's onto the next level, at which point the cycle begins again at an increased difficulty (the barrels are more frequent, the fireballs are speedier)." Donkey Kong (alternatively Game Boy Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong '94 in early development) is a Game Boy game released in 1994. The game begins with the premise of a straight remake of the original Donkey Kong arcade game, as the game initially comprises the four classic stages. Zelda's princess is named tetra- tetra is four, and the number four permeates the Zelda games.  For instance there are four Links constantly in play in The Four Swords. In the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask there is four forms of Link, and there is a lot of repetition of four. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is set in Termina, a land parallel to Hyrule,[18][19] the latter being the main setting of most games in the series. "According to legend, Termina was split into four areas by four magical giants that live in four regions of the land." In Zelda: Oracle of the Seasons and Oracle of the Ages, the game travels between the four seasons in The Four Seasons. The most popular video game of all time was tetris. Tetra is four. The mario brothers game had eight worlds, each divided in four levels. Mario brothers is said to reflect the famous Hindu Epic the Ramayana, where Mario represents Ram and the princess represents Sita and Bowser represents Ravana. In the Ramayan there is Ram and his three brothers, making four brothers, who are seen as a fourfold incranation of God. Chinese Japanese and Korean narratives used a style called kishotenketsu, which is a four part narrative of introduction (the creation Brahma), development (homeostasis Vishnu), twist (the destruction and action Shiva) and conclusion (the transcendent fourth). Shigero Miyamato, who developed Mario games, usedthe kishotenketsu design when creating Mario video games. In Mario Kart racing there is four by four, 16 levels. Color systems in computers usually have 256 colors. 256 is four to the fourth power. "There are two forms of 8-bit color graphics. The most common uses a separate palette of 256 colors, where each of the 256 entries in the palette map is given red, green, and blue values." The Yoruba Africans had 16 main Gods, and their geomancy was based around the 16 figures and the number 256. In Ezekiel's famous Merkaba vision of God he sees four by four faces, four heads each with four faces, making 16 faces in all, and the fourth face on each head is different. The quadrant model pattern is a three plus one pattern.

As I discussed Carl Jung said that a trinity is a degenerate quaternity. The fourth aspect of the trinity is different/recalcitrant. For instance the Maasai had four original Gods, a Black, White, Grey, and Red deity. The red one was described as bad, like Satan, fulfilling the quaternity, where the fourth is different. The quadrant presents itself ubiquitously in reality. For instance, the holy men of the Igbo would tattoo quadrants across their face, and the quadrant was seen by the Igbo as a representation of God. They even related the quadrant to the number four. The bible has many allusions to the cross throughout, and the New Testament disciples make many references to the cross, saying that the most important thing is "Christ crucified". Tertullian responded to pagans who talked down on Jesus on the cross, saying "all of your Gods are crosses". Mercury and Athena and Zeus were all represented by the number four. Mercury, the son of Zeus, was celebrated on the fourth day of the fourth month, and statues of Mercurcy/Hermes were placed at crossroads/crosses. Odin was the main God of the Norse, and Odin was represented by the swastika. Thor's hammer was also represented by the swastika. The swastika is a quadrant. Romans said that Odin was the Norse Mercury. The swastika is a representation of the four. It has been argued that the Upanishads also equate the swastika and the fourfold sound Aum, which again was seen as God. Krishna said He is the Aum. It is true that there has been depictions of crucified Gods throughout history. For instance Quetzalcoatl, one of the four creator Gods of the Aztecs,  was depicted on a cross, and he said the sign of his next coming would be the cross. He shot an arrow into a tree forming a cross, and said that the sign of the cross would be the indication of his next coming. The Aztec Empire's capital, tenochtitlan, was structured in the form of a cross. The cross is the form of being and thus the most powerful of all symbols. The quadrant/cross is the form of Existence/Being. As I said, it could be argued that Plato saw the cross/chiasm as God, but he did say that the form of the Good was the way that God manifested, but was not necessarily God. Philo of Alexandria saw the logos as the cross, and thus saw Jesus as the cross made flesh. Buddhism is founded on the Four Noble Truths. The four truths are a three plus one pattern. The fourth noble truth about the eightfold path is different, and teaches how to end suffering. The fourth is transcendent. The Buddha had four sights that led him to become a monk and leave his palace. Today Buddhists go to four pilgrimage sights that represent four key places of the Buddhas life. Sometimes the four noble Truths are even subdivided into 16 truths in a four by four quadrant model matrix. The famous mantra Om Mani Padme Hum has four words and is chanted by Tibetan monks. 

Just a few examples of the quadrant model that you will hopefully see on the pages of this website if you search through are the four lobes of the brain and the Andre Walker model of the four types of hair. The bible says that man is made in the image of God. It is true that man is made in the image of the quadrant pattern, which is the pattern elucidated by the tetragrammaton name of God.. The fourth, the frontal lobe is transcendent. Parietal is first square related to sight (mental), temporal is order/homeostasis associated with hearing and religiosity and balance, so it is the second square. The parietal is more associated with the body and movement, so it is the third square. The frontal lobe is the transcendent fourth.

There are four rows of hair cells in the ear. "The hair cells are arranged in four rows in the organ of Corti along the entire length of the cochlear coil. Three rows consist of outer hair cells (OHCs) and one row consists of inner hair cells (IHCs). The inner hair cells provide the main neural output of the cochlea. The outer hair cells, instead, mainly receive neural input from the brain, which influences their motility as part of the cochlea's mechanical pre-amplifier. The input to the OHC is from the olivary body via the medial olivocochlear bundle." Three rows are similar, the fourth is different.

Just a few examples of the quadrant model that you will hopefully see on the pages of this website if you search through are the four lobes of the brain and the Andre Walker model of the four types of hair. The bible says that man is made in the image of God. It is true that man is made in the image of the quadrant pattern, which is the pattern elucidated by the tetragrammaton name of God.. The fourth, the frontal lobe is transcendent. Parietal is first square related to sight (mental), temporal is order/homeostasis associated with hearing and religiosity and balance, so it is the second square. The parietal is more associated with the body and movement, so it is the third square. The frontal lobe is the transcendent fourth.

There are four rows of hair cells in the ear. "The hair cells are arranged in four rows in the organ of Corti along the entire length of the cochlear coil. Three rows consist of outer hair cells (OHCs) and one row consists of inner hair cells (IHCs). The inner hair cells provide the main neural output of the cochlea. The outer hair cells, instead, mainly receive neural input from the brain, which influences their motility as part of the cochlea's mechanical pre-amplifier. The input to the OHC is from the olivary body via the medial olivocochlear bundle." Three rows are similar, the fourth is different.

There are four chambers of the heart, reflecting the form of the quadrant. There is four paranasal sinuses. There are four ventricles in the brain. There are four ligaments of the knee, the acl, mcl, lcl, and pcl. The c stands for cruciate. Cruciate comes from the word cross. These ligaments form quadrants, in that they cross. There are four mitochondrial complexes, and the fourth is different. There are four domains in sodium potassium pumps and calcium ion channels. There are four connective tissues, the epithelial, the connective, the muscular, and the nervous (the fourth nervous is transcendent- the fourth is always mental like the rational personality type where the third is the most action oriented and solid. Second is homeostasis. First is creation and mental). Originally biologists thought that there were three types of macromolecules, the proteins, carboydrates, and fats, but a fourth, the nucleic acids, was later discovered. The fourth is always transcendent, and the addition of the four to the three is the trinity moving to quaternity. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipidsproteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life A quaternity of rRNA Eukaryotic ribosomes contain four different rRNA molecules: 18S, 5.8S, 28S and 5S rRNA. Three of the rRNA molecules are synthesized in the nucleolus, and one is synthesized elsewhere. The biggest muscle in the body is the quadricep. It consists of three muscles that are similar and a fourth that is different. Blood is made of haemoglobin, which is composed of four units. The Immunoglobulin G antibodies, which comprise the vast majority of antibodies of the body, are tetrameric, with four components. There are four classes of IgG antibodies. The types of antibodies themselves fulfill a 3+1+1 pattern where the fourth is different. Steroids are composed of four fused rings, the fourth ring is different. There are four great observatories, one of which is Hubble, which detects visible light. The others are the Compton Gamma Ray observatory, the chandra x ray observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope, which views infrared light. The stomach is comprised of four types of cell, and so is the pancreas. There are four types of hormones in humans. They are steroid hormones, eicosinoids, amino acids, and peptides. Humans have four fingers. The pinky is first square small and weird and not action oriented. The ring is more relationships/homeostasis but also id not as dexterous. The middle is more action oriented and the biggest/most solid, which is the nature of the third. It also has connotations of being bad. the third squre is often seen as bad. The index finger points, so it goes beyond itself. The fourth is always transcendent. There are four types of cell in the bone. There are four types of glial cell in the brain, with the fourth being different and more recently discovered. The fourth is always transcendent. The list continues. Most students are taught the three germ layers, the endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm, but they are not taught the transcendent fourth germ layer, the neural crest. Similarly there are actually four ossicles in the ear, although most students are taught three. There is also a fourth head to the triceps, despite the name tri, meaning three. The fourth head is transcendent. There are four parts of the male urethra.

There is four stages of digestion that I learned from my professor at UCSD- ingestion, mechanical and chemical breakdown, absorption, and egestion

The stomach is divided into four sections, each of which has different cells and functions . The sections are: 

  1. The cardiac region, where the contents of the esophagus empty into the stomach.

  2. The fundus, which is formed by the upper curvature of the organ.

  3. The body, the main central region.

  4. The pylorus or atrium, the lower section of the organ that facilitates the emptying of the contents into the small intestine

A diagram of the stomach is below. In the diagram you see the pyloroduodenal opening. The duodenum is also divided into four parts.


The four types of cells in the pancreas

Approximately 3 million cell clusters called pancreatic islets are present in the pancreas.[10] Within these islets are four types of cells which are involved in the regulation of blood glucose levels. Each type of cell secretes a different type of hormone: α alpha cells secrete glucagon (increase glucose in blood), β beta cells secrete insulin (decrease glucose in blood), δ delta cells secrete somatostatin (regulates/stops α and β cells) and PP cells, or γ (gamma) cells, secrete pancreatic polypeptide.[11] These act to control blood glucose through secreting glucagon to increase the levels of glucose, and insulin to decrease it.

Another example of the three and four juxtaposition is the three and four column shin. Jews where tefillin to pray. There are four components to head tefillin. The word for tefillin in the Bible is totafot, which means two and two. So totafot means four. Four biblical passages that refer to tefillin are placed inside of the tefillin on the head in four compartments. The tefillin on the arm has the four passages in one compartment. Rabbeinu Tam says there are 64 permutations for the arrangement of tefillin scrolls. 64 is four quadrant model 16s, or four to the third power.

On the tefillin is a four columned shin. Usually shin is written with three columns but on the tefillin on the head the shin has four columns. The fourth is always transcendent. The three columned shin that is normal, v the four column shin worn during prayer represents the relationship between three and the transcendent fourth. The four headed shin according to kabbalists is the shin of the world to come, while the three headed shin is the shin of this world. The sign that spock made with his hands in star trek was the four columned shin.

Also on shabbat Jews are supposed to have three shabbat meals, but there is also a transcendent fourth meal that is described. The first three meals represent Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, the three patriarchs (sometimes four patriarchs are mentioned with Joseph added, the transcendent fourth). The transcendent fourth meal is supposed to represent King David.

The dreidal has four faces that are supposed to represent the four exiles of the Jewish people. On purim there are four mitzvot. The book of Esther, which purim is supposed to be celebrating, is the only book in the Bible where it does not mention the tetragrammaton. But, actually the tetragrammaton is hidden in acrostics in four places in Esther.

In the New Testament Paul gives the Christians four laws/prohibitions. One of the laws is not to eat blood.

The tree of life in Kaballah is said to be founded upon the first four sephirot. It is out of the first four sephirot that the other six sephirot emerged. The first four are linked to the four elements. So there is emphasis on the four. Moreover, in the center of the tree of life is the letter tav, which is the cross. Also, within the tree of life, there are four squares making a quadrant. Kabbalists say that it is within that area where the four squares reside, that 99 percent of everything exists.

The sephirot are linked to the tetragrammaton. Keter is the cusp of the yod. Chochma is the yud. Hei is Binah, the six sephirot Chesed, Gevurah, Tifereth, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, are the vav, and the final hei is Malkuth. There are four worlds in Kaballah from the tree of life and there are actually four trees of life. Nassim Haramein connects the trees of life to the isotropic vector equilibrium, which is made up of 64 tetrahedrons, and which he argues is fundamental to existence. Tetra is four.

Here is the four worlds of Kaballah

  1. World of Emanation (Hebrew: אֲצִילוּת‎‎, Atzilut): In this level the light of the Ein Sof radiates and is united with its source. Divine Chochmah, the limitless flash of wisdom beyond grasp, predominates.

  2. World of Creation (Hebrew: בְּרִיאָה or alternatively[16] בְּרִיָּה‎‎, Beri'ah): In this level, is the first creation ex nihilo, where the souls and angels have self-awareness, but without form. Divine Binah, the intellectual understanding, predominates.

  3. World of Formation (Hebrew: יְצִירָה‎‎, Yetzirah): On this level, creation is related to form. The Divine emotional sefirot of Chesed to Yesod predominate.

  4. World of Action (Hebrew: עֲשִׂיָּה‎‎, Assiah): On this level creation is relegated to its physical aspect, the only physical realm and the lowest World, this realm with all its creatures. The Divine Kingship of Malchut predominates, the purpose of Creation.​

Jews connect the four worlds to the four parts of the soul of man. Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, and Chaya. The first three are seen as similar, and often only three are mentioned, and the fourth is different.

Each hemisphere is conventionally divided into four lobes – the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. 

Each hemisphere is divided into four main lobes. Occipital is small and weird like the first square. Itis connected with vision. Vision is associated with being mental. The first square is the idealist personality square. The temporal is connected with hearing and order and homeostasis. The part of the brain responsible for understanding language is here. Language is relational. The second square is the guardian temperament and relational. The area of the brain responsible for religiosity is here. Religion is homeostasis and is the second square field of inquiry. The parietal lobe is more connected with movement and links to the parts of the brain responsible for touch. The third square is the most physical. The third square temparament is the artisan who is the most physical and action oriented. The fourth square is the transcendent frontal lobe. Here is the area responsible for speach and reason. The fourth square temperament is the rational.

In Thomas Wilson's book shown above the swastika, Wilson placed on the cover a depiction of a swastika formation shaped around four major rivers of the world. He theorized that ancients knew of these four major rivers, and thus they developed the image as sared. The swastika is the quadrant, the fact that it reveals itself in nature is a part of the intelligent design of the quadrant model reality that is reality. Others hypothesized that the swastika gained prominence because bird tracks were often in the form of quadrants/swastikas, because a lot of birds have four toes that are somewhat equidistant. Carl Sagan hypothesized that the intrigue around the swastika by ancient peoples came about due to a swastika formation that is left behind by the tails fo comets.

"Haynes was the first to observe that the four largest rivers on the four continents bordering the Atlantic Ocean (the Nile, Amazon, Mississippi, and Baltic) stand in relation to each other as do the outer arms of an enormous swastika. In Tree of Life, Mythical Archetype he persuasively argues that ancient navigators mapped these four rivers and derived the swastika from them."

"A swastika composed of Hebrew letters as a mystical symbol from the Jewish Kabbalistic work "Parashat Eliezer". The hebrew letters spell the word light. The Hindus reprsented agni, the God of Fire, by a swastika. Fire was made by rubbing two sticks together, thus making a cross, and hindus linked the cross to the swastika. Also the sun God Surya, the light giver, was represented by a swstika. I described how worshippers of Surya add Surya to the trimurti, making the trimurti a quaternity, with the transcendent fourth member. They believe that surya is supreme

Swastikas were even found in ancient synagogues made by Jews. The swastika is a representation of four/the quadrant.

Amerindians also employed the swastika symbol a lot. There is a story of a Navajo Amerindian hero man who was kicked out of his community and he was carried away by a swastika whirlpool. The swastika is called whirling log. In a sense the symbology is similar to that in the story of Jesus who was also ostracized and then crucified, for both the swastika and the cross are quadrants. 

Joscelyn Godwin’s The Polar Myth demonstrates that The Big Dipper and Little Dipper form a quadrant/swastika in the night sky. This is intelligent design of the quadrant reality where the Form of Being, the quadrant, is dominant everywhere. It is interesting also that the famous phi is derived from the angles of the swastika. The quadrant is the Form of Existence, and reality is manifested to reveal it in all aspects. The quadrant model is reality.

Above is an image of the four mitochondrial complexes. Even within the four there is a repetition of fours. Complex one translocates four protons. Complex two has four subunits. Complex three consists of translocating four protons. In complex four, four electrons are removed. The four is dominant and other numbers are not really mentioned. The same holds true in holy texts. Really the four is mostly mentioned and the quadrant pattern is pervaisve, but other numbers are mentioned only when the four already established dominance.

"In Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, NADH-CoQ reductase, or NADH dehydrogenaseEC, two electrons are removed from NADH and ultimately transferred to a lipid-soluble carrier, ubiquinone (Q). The reduced product, ubiquinol (QH2), freely diffuses within the membrane, and Complex I translocates four protons (H+) across the membrane, thus producing a proton gradient. Complex I is one of the main sites at which premature electron leakage to oxygen occurs, thus being one of the main sites of production of superoxide

Complex II consists of four protein subunits: succinate dehydrogenase, (SDHA); succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur subunit, mitochondrial, (SDHB); succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit C, (SDHC) and succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit D, (SDHD)

Complex III (in total four protons are translocated: two protons reduce quinone to quinol and two protons are released from two ubiquinol molecules).

Complex IV- In Complex IV (cytochrome c oxidaseEC, sometimes called cytochrome AA3, four electrons are removed from four molecules of cytochrome c and transferred to molecular oxygen (O2), producing two molecules of water. At the same time, eight protons are removed from the mitochondrial matrix (although only four are translocated across the membrane), contributing to the proton gradient. The activity of cytochrome c oxidase is inhibited by cyanide."

There are four papillae on the tongue. The fourth is different from the previous three in that it does not have taste buds.

"Lingual papillae (singular papilla) are the small, nipple-like structures on the upper surface of the tongue that give the tongue its characteristic rough texture. The four types of papillae on the human tongue have different structures and are named accordingly.

These are the: circumvallate papillae (vallate papillae), fungiform papillae, filiform papillae and foliate papillae. All except the filiform papillae are associated with taste buds.[1]"

There are four types of cells in the stomach:

  • Parietal cells: Produce hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor.

  • Gastric chief cells: Produce pepsinogen. Chief cells are mainly found in the body of stomach, which is the middle or superior anatomic portion of the stomach.

  • Mucous neck and pit cells: Produce mucin and bicarbonate to create a "neutral zone" to protect the stomach lining from the acid or irritants in the stomach chyme.

  • G cells: Produce the hormone gastrin in response to distention of the stomach mucosa or protein, and stimulate parietal cells production of their secretion. G cells are located in the antrum of the stomach, which is the most inferior region of the stomach.

Diagram of a calcium channel above.

Calcium channels have four domains, numbered I through IV on the image above. Analogously Sodium Potassium Channels also have four domains.

"Subunits of voltage-gated calcium channel. α-Subunit resembles that of sodium channel; however, function of various parts, e.g., III-IV linker, may not be same"

"The γ-subunits consist of four transmembrane segments and are expressed in skeletal muscle and brain"

The four rows of hair cells in the ear are in a three plus one foundation, reflecting the quadrant pattern.

Image below of the lobes of the cerebrum

The heart has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. 

  • The right atrium receives oxygen-poor blood from the body and pumps it to the right ventricle.

  • The right ventricle pumps the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs.

  • The left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the left ventricle.

  • The left ventricle pumps the oxygen-rich blood to the body

When Aztecs marched to be sacrified and have their hearts taken out, they marched in four lines.

Image of the four types of teeth in humans shown above. The molars, the fourth type are different, and are even pulled out.

Humans have four types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars, each with a specific function

Enamel is the hardest and most highly mineralized substance of the body. It is one of the four major tissues which make up the tooth, along with dentincementum, and dental pulp.

Cometary jets with cross shape and with swastika shape.

(Drawing by Sagan and Druyan, 1985)

The zones of the lung divide the lung into four vertical regions, based upon the relationship between the pressure in the alveoli (PA), in the arteries (Pa), in the veins (Pv) and the pulmonary interstitial pressure (Pi) :

  • Zone 1: PA > Pa > Pv

  • Zone 2: Pa > PA > Pv

  • Zone 3: Pa > Pv > PA

  • Zone 4: Pa > Pi > Pv > PA

​The lung has five lobes in a three plus two pattern where the first three are connected, and the next two are separate.

The four layers of the stomach. First is weird, second is connective and structure, third is muscle/movement action, and fourth is transcendent

Like the rest of the gastrointestinal canal, the large intestine is made of four tissue layers:

  • The innermost layer, known as the mucosa, is made of simple columnar epithelial tissue. The mucosa of the large intestine is smooth, lacking the villi found in the small intestine. Many mucous glands secrete mucus into the hollow lumen of the large intestine to lubricate its surface and protect it from rough food particles.

  • Surrounding the mucosa is a layer of blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue known as the submucosa, which supports the other layers of the large intestine. 

  • The muscularis layer surrounds the submucosa and contains many layers of visceral muscle cells that contract and move the large intestine. Continuous contraction of smooth muscle bands in the muscularis produces lumpy, pouch-like structures known as haustra in the large intestine.

  • Finally, the serosa forms the outermost layer. The serosa is a thin layer of simple squamous epithelial tissue that secretes watery serous fluid to lubricate the surface of the large intestine, protecting it from friction between abdominal organs and the surrounding muscles and bones of the lower torso.

The duodenum can therefore be subdivided into four segments: the superior, descending, horizontal, and ascending duodenum.

The wall of the small intestine is composed of the same four layers typically present in the alimentary system (takes the same quadrant pattern)

The large intestine is subdivided into four main regions: the cecum, the colon, the rectum, and the anus

The walls of the stomach consist of four layers, similar to other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. These layers, starting from the innermost layer, are named mucosa, sub-mucosa, muscularis externa, and the serosa. The first is weird, second is structure homeostasis, third is muscle and action and fourth is transcendent and different. The quadrant pattern is expressed. The same four layers are in the large intestine and small intestine and the layers are central to digestion, which is extremely important for the humans survival

"The four types of retinal neurons are bipolar cells, ganglion cellshorizontal cells, and amacrine cells." When my professor at UCSD taught my class about these four types he showed us an image of them in a three plus one pattern with the ganglion different

Anatomically, the urethra can be divided into four parts:

  • Pre-prostatic (intramural): Begins at the internal urethral orifice, located at the neck of the bladder. It passes through the wall of the bladder, and ends at the prostate.

  • Prostatic: Passes through the prostate gland. The ejaculatory ducts (containing spermatozoa from the testes, and seminal fluid from the seminal vesicle glands) and the prostatic ducts drain into the urethra here.

  • Membranous: Passes through the pelvic floor, and the deep perineal pouch. It is surrounded by the external urethral sphincter, which provides voluntary control of micturition.

  • Spongy: Passes through the bulb and corpus spongiosum of the penis, ending at the external urethral orifice. In the glans penis, the urethra dilates, forming the navicular fossa. The bulbourethral glands empty into the proximal urethra.


A cross section of Fallopian tube shows four distinct layers: serosa, subserosa, lamina propria and innermost mucosal layer

Olfactory epithelium consists of four distinct cell types:[2]

THE SGZ HAS FOUR CELL TYPES. It is also one of two major sights of neurogenesis in the brain. The other sight, the subventrical zone, has four layers. The Subventrical zone also has four cell types. It is no coincidence these very important parts of the brain reflect the quadrant pattern. It is the most important things that express the quadrant pattern in the most absolute ways.

The subgranular zone (SGZ) is a brain region in the hippocampus where adult neurogenesisoccurs. It is one of the two major sites of adult neurogenesis in the brain, along with the subventricular zone (SVZ).

The adult SVZ is a paired brain structure situated throughout the lateral walls of the lateral ventricles.[4] It is composed of four distinct layers[5] of variable thickness and cell density, as well as cellular composition. Along with the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, the SVZ is one of two places where neurogenesis has been found to occur in the adult mammalian brain.

Four cell types are described in the SVZ:[7]

1. Ciliated Ependymal Cells (Type E): are positioned facing the lumen of the ventricle, and function to circulate the cerebrospinal fluid.

2. Proliferating Neuroblasts (Type A): express PSA-NCAM (NCAM1), Tuj1 (TUBB3), and Hu, and migrate in line order to the Olfactory Bulb

3. Slow Proliferating Cells (Type B): express Nestin and GFAP, and function to ensheathe migrating Type A Neuroblasts[8]

4. Actively Proliferating Cells or Transit Amplifying Progenitors (Type C): express Nestin, and form clusters interspaced among chains throughout region[9]

The hippocampus proper is the four CA fields.

The hippocampus proper refers to the actual structure of the hippocampus which is made up of four regions or subfields. The subfields CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4 use the initials of Cornu Ammonis, an earlier name of the hippocampus.

Starting at the dentate gyrus and working inward along the S-curve of the hippocampus means traversing a series of narrow zones. The first of these, the dentate gyrus (DG), is actually a separate structure, a tightly packed layer of small granule cells wrapped around the end of the hippocampus proper, forming a pointed wedge in some cross-sections, a semicircle in others. Next come a series of Cornu Ammonis areas: first CA4 (which underlies the dentate gyrus), then CA3, then a very small zone called CA2, then CA1. The CA areas are all filled with densely packed Pyramidal cells similar to those found in the neocortex. After CA1 comes an area called the subiculum. After this comes a pair of ill-defined areas called the presubiculum and parasubiculum, then a transition to the cortex proper (mostly the entorhinal area of the cortex). Most anatomists use the term "hippocampus proper" to refer to the four CA fields

In Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, the environment changes with the season. From top left going clockwise: spring, summer, winter, autumn. Gameplay is sometimes affected by the seasons; during the winter for example, a path opens up that cannot be accessed during any other season; or during spring, the flower can be used to access unreachable ledges.

The central item of Oracle of Seasons is the Rod of Seasons. By standing on a stump and swinging the rod, Link can change the season and affect his surroundings.[19] For example, to cross a body of water, Link can change the season to winter and walk on the ice. Changing the season to summer causes vines to flourish, which Link can use to scale cliffs. When Link obtains the rod, he initially cannot use it.[20] In the course of the game, Link visits four towers that house the four spirits of the seasons; each tower Link visits allows him to switch to an additional season.[20]

The most prevalent form of divinatory geomancy involves interpreting a series of 16 figures formed by a randomized process that involves recursionfollowed by analyzing them, often augmented with astrological interpretations.

The sixteen geomantic figures.

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 Quatenary compounds in chemistry take the form of quadrants/crosses/swastikas, and they are very important in cleaning and are parts of shampoos and other products. Cruciform vegetables tend to be very healthy. Broccoli and the mustard plant are examples of plants that reflect the form of the cross. 

The discovery of penicillin was considered a miracle in science, saving millions of people from sickness.

"The key structural feature of the penicillins is the four-membered β-lactam ring; this structural moiety is essential for penicillin's antibacterial activity"

The tetrahedron is very important in reality. Water is tetrahedral, having four sides. The hebrew alphabet, it was discovered, derives from the tetrahedron. Buckminster fuller saw the tetrahedron as the fundamental unit of space-time, and he thought the isotropic vector equilibrium was the foundation of existence. The IVC is compriseded of 64 tetrahedron. Tetra is four. 64 is four times four times four. Jesus in the bible is referred to as the aleph/tav (the alpha and omega). The center of the cube of space in kaballah is the tav. The tav is the cross. In the tree of life the tav is very important and is the root of the tree. The tav is the cross. The ancient reprsentation of tav was the cross.  Jesus is represented by the cross, and by saying that he is the tav, he is saying that he is the cross. At the center of the tree of life is the aleph. The aleph is the swastika. Hindus are said to worship the trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, but Hindus argue that the concept of trimurti is artificial and introduced by Christians. Hindus like those that worship Surya add a fourth transcendent component to the trimurti, fulfilling the quaternity, saying that they do not worship three but four. 

Noldeke and other scholars divided the Quran into four parts, three Meccan periods and one Medina period. Again the fourth is different. There were four major Islamic Caliphates, the fourth, the Ottoman, was different. The Rashidun Caliphate (Arabic: اَلْخِلَافَةُ ٱلرَّاشِدَةُ‎‎ al-Khilāfaṫur-Rāshidah) (632–661) was the first of the four major caliphates established after the death of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. During the medieval period, three major caliphates existed: the Rashidun Caliphate (632–661), the Umayyad Caliphate (661–750) and the Abbasid Caliphate (750–1258). The fourth major caliphate, the Ottoman Caliphate, established by the Ottoman Empire in 1517, was a manifestation whereby the Ottoman rulers claimed caliphal authority. During the history of Islam, several other Muslim states, almost all of them hereditary monarchies, have claimed to be caliphates. The first four Caliphs were called the Rightly guided caliphs, but Sunnis and Shiites disagree on the fourth. There are the four major schools of the Sunnis. There are also the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The fourth is always different. Buddhism is founded upon the four noble truths. The fourth noble truth is different; it is the eightfold path. The four noble truths are even divided into 16. The 16 stages of contemplation, called anapanasati, in Buddhism are divided into four tetrads. Buddhism is a first square religion, so it is weird though, and has a lot of different numbers, although the four and the quadrant pattern is dominant.

Like the Calcium channels the Sodium channels have four domains. Notice how that within each domain is six membrane spanning segments. the four already established its dominance. Once the four has established its dominance, other numbers show up. but interestingly, look at how the S4 membrane spanning segment is different, the first three are similar, but then the fourth is different. The prominence of the number four and the quadrant pattern is maintained.

The α-subunit has four repeat domains, labeled I through IV, each containing six membrane-spanning segments, labeled S1 through S6. The highly conserved S4 segment acts as the channel's voltage sensor

The Sefer Yetzirah, a Jewish Kabbalistic text, describes that the tree of life is related to the unfolded cube, which is the cross. There are four texts of the Sefer Yetzirah

The four main versions are: (1) the Saadia version and commentary by Saadia Gaon that was published in 931 CE, (2) the long version and commentary that was published in 946 CE by Rabbi Shabbetai Donnelo, (3) the short version and commentary published circa 956 CE by Donash ibn Tamim, and (4) the redacted text known as the GRA version produced by Rabbi Eliahu, the Gaon of Vilna, in the 1700s.  

According to the Sefer Yetzirah and kabbalists the first four sephirot are the most important and represent the four elements. The other six sephirot it is said emerged from the first four. There is the dominance of the four.

The cube of space in the Sefer Yetzirah is said to represent the Universe, and the unfolded cube is supposed to represent the tree of life. Rabbis admit the unfolded cube is the cross.

The Tav is the root of the tree of life and the aleph is the center. Notice too that between binah, chokmah, netzach and hod is a four square quadrant. Look below how the ancient pictograph of the tav is the cross. The numerical gematria of tav is 400. There is a lot of repetition of 40 and 400 in the Bible and other Jewish texts (as there is in holy texts throughout the world) because four is the "chief of the numbers" in existence. Reverend Sun Myung Moon points out a repetition of 40s and 400s in the bible history and even in modern history, relating 40 years to events in korea and 400s to events in European history after the bible. Everything in existence reflects the quadrant pattern and the dominance of four because the quadrant is the Form of Being. Below is an ancient rendering of the letter tav. Notice that it is the cross. Tav is the last letter of the hebrew alphabet and thus the highest gematria is 400. As I discussed, the Hawaiians use constant repetition of fours, often citing that they have 400 gods below their four main Gods.

Ganesha Shodashi the most popular 16 forms of Ganesha, most commonly worshipped, shown above. Ganesha is worshipped in 32 forms, in two sets of 16, both quadrant models. One of the forms has 16 arms.

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is Representing approximately 75% of serum antibodies in humans, IgG is the most common type of antibody found in the circulation.IgG antibodies are large molecules of about 150[7][8] kDa made of four peptide chains IgG is tetrameric.It contains two identical class γ heavy chains of about 50 kDa and two identical light chains of about 25 kDa, thus a tetrameric quaternary structure. The two heavy chains are linked to each other and to a light chain each by disulfide bonds. The resulting tetramer has two identical halves, which together form the Y-like shape Tetra is four

Platos' works were tetralogies (tetra means four). Shakespeare also wrote tetralogies. Shakespearean sonnets were made up of three quatrains and one couplet. The sonnet is the three plus one pattern where the first three are quatrains and the fourth is different. Dr. Seuss wrote his books in iambic tetrameter. Tetra is four. Tetrameter is one of the most popular writing styles. Stephen King wrote some groups of four novellas. In Plato's Meno, Socrates proves the immortality of the soul by drawing sixteen squares in the sand, and showing how Meno, a slave with no education, recognizes the geometry of these squares due to recollection from the world of the Forms. 16 squares is a quadrant model. Socrates proved the world of Forms by drawing the Form of the Good, the quadrant model.

There is an African tribe that had women do things in fours and men do things in threes, working with the dynamic of three and four. Another African tribe did the opposite, where women did things in threes and men did things in fours.

As Jung said, trinities are incomplete quaternities. The Seneca Prophet, Handsome Lake, originally had a vision seeing three Gods, but the three Gods told him there was also a fourth, whom Handsome Lake later met. There was an Amerindian tribe that did many things in threes, but they were moving towards four, the transcendent fourth. For instance, when they did rituals, most of the people would do three reptitions but a few would do four. They would make noises and many woud do three but also some would add a fourth or add a slight noise to the third moving to the quaternity. Originally the Hindus had three aims of life in the Vedas. In the Upanishads a transcendent fourth, moksha, was added.

Covey's time management matrix. Covey wrote Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It is arbitrary to find a number of habits of people, so it is fitting that a number other than four, seven is used. The four presents itself in the most important areas in reality. Also Covey did introduce the time management quadrant model. Once four has been esstablished as dominant, other numbers present themselves. I discussed the phenomenon in the fact that there are six subunits within each of the four units of calcium channels in humans. The number six is presented because the number four already established its dominance.

The crucifix is the cross/quadrant. The cross has been central in painting throughout art history, even before Christianity in the quadrant/swastika/cross artwork of ancient peoples. Not only has the crucifixion been central in painting, but in the other three of the four primary arts, music, dance, and literature. According to my film professor painting, music, dance, and literature are the four primary arts.

"In music, Stabat Mater refers to compositions of a hymn of the same name, while Stabat Mater in art is a specific form of depiction, as in this painting by Rogier van der Weyden, circa 1460."

Tav is cross. Tav means sign in Hebrew. Rabbis say that the mark put on Cains head so that he would not be killed himself after he killed Abel, was the tav. Also it is said by Rabbis that the tav is what Ezekiel puts on the foreheads of the saved.

NASA's series of Great Observatories satellites are four large, powerful space-based astronomical telescopes. Each of the four missions was designed to examine a specific wavelength/energy region of the electromagnetic spectrum (gamma rays, X-rays, visible and ultraviolet light, infrared light) using very different technologies. Dr. Charles Pellerin, NASA's Director, Astrophysics invented and developed the program. The four Great Observatories were launched between 1990 and 2003, and three remain operational as of 2017.

Below is a picture of the four Great observatories

Socrates drew a quadrant model in the sand in his dialogue with Meno

"Now on to the ‘instruction’: Socrates is going to ‘teach’ the slave the solution without telling him; he will ask him questions.  They return to the 4 x 4 square, constructed this time from 4 of the original 2 x 2 squares:

“How much bigger is the area of this square, than that of the original?” asks Socrates.  The slave replies that it is 4 times as big.  Now Socrates draws a diagonal across the original square:

Again he poses a question: “What is the size of the shaded area?”  The slave replies that the area is 2 square feet.  Finally Socrates draws three more lines of equal length, like so:

He again asks a question: “Do these four lines not contain the shaded area?”  The slave agrees that they do.  Socrates asks “How many of these shaded triangles are there in the area?”  The slave replies that there are 4.  Socrates repeats his earlier question “What is the area of one of these shaded triangles?”  The slave repeats that it is two.  Now we get to the crux of the demonstration: “What is the area of the whole shaded region?” asks Socrates.  “Eight square feet!” the slave replies.  “We have agreed that the shaded area is a square,” says Socrates “and what line is the side of this square?”  The slave replies by pointing to the original diagonal."

Below is the sixteen square quadrant model diagram that Socrates drew in the sand.

Four natural curves of human spine. The first curvature, the cervical, is small and weird like the first square. The second, the thoracic is about structure, which is the nature of the second square. The rib cage is where the thoracic curvature is located. The lumbar curvature is the third square, and is action oriented. A lot of movement occurs in the lumbar. The sacral curvature is the transcendent fourth. Sacral comes from the word sacred. The fourth square is always transcendent, kind of pointing to God (which is the fifth questionable square)

The sacrum is also different in that the vertebrate are fused

Because the spinal cord is so fragile, it’s protected by a stack of rigid bones called vertebraethat surround the cord and form your spinal column, or spine. From top to bottom, the vertebrae are organized into four main regions: the cervical (C), thoracic (T), lumbar (L), and sacral (S) segments. 

Within each region, the vertebrae are numbered from top to bottom. In total, there are 7 cervical vertebrae (C1 to C7), 12 thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12), 5 lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5), and 5 sacral vertebrae (S1-S5). The sacral vertebrae are fused together and are collectively known as the sacrum.

James Watson said that consciousness came from glial cells. There are four types of glial cells in the brain

"Below is an Illustration of the four different types of glial cells found in the central nervous system: ependymal cells (light pink), astrocytes (green), microglial cells (dark red), and oligodendrocytes (light blue)."

The fourth type of glial cell is different.

There are four main types of glial cells in the adult vertebrate nervous system. Three of these, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia, are found only in the central nervous system (CNS). The fourth, the Schwann cells, are found only in the peripheral nervous system (PNS).

The Teletubbies main characters. From left to right: Dipsy, Laa-Laa, Po, and Tinky Winky.

Four points of constriction of the esophagus

The esophagus has four points of constriction. When a corrosive substance, or a solid object is swallowed, it is most likely to lodge and damage one of these four points. These constrictions arise from particular structures that compress the esophagus. These constrictions are:[7]

Four schools of Islam

The vast majority of Muslims give this right of independent reasoning to only four ancient Muslim theologians and jurists who lived in the first three centuries of Islam. These four fuqaha are:

Imam Abu Hanifa of Kufa
Imam Malik bin Anas of Medinah
Imam Muhammad al-Shafi of Medinah
Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal of Baghdad

Although a number of other jurists also became popular during their times, only the above four are now recognised by the vast majority of Sunni Muslims. These four great jurists and theologians tried to systemise the Islamic law into a comprehensive rational system which covered all possible legal situations. The four prominent schools of Islamic law are named after their founders and are called the Hanafiyya, the Malikiyya, the Shafiyya, and the Hanbaliyya schools of religious law.

Most Muslims regard these four schools as equally valid interpretations of the religious law of Islam. These schools are in good agreement on all essential aspects of the religion of Islam. They all acknowledge the authority of the Holy Qur’an and the Traditions as the ultimate source of the Islamic law. Only in areas and situations where these two sources are silent, do the four schools use their independent reasoning in which they may differ with each other.

The Differences between the Four Tibetan Schools

"Most people speak of Tibet as having four traditions: Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya, and Gelug, with Gelug being the reformed continuation of the earlier Kadam tradition."

A literary form called chiasmus runs through the whole Bible, even some arguing unifying the whole Torah. It also is seen in the Quran in one of the most famous passages of the Quran, and the Odyssey, Sir Gawain, and other famous texts. Chiasmus means cross. A cross is a quadrant. It has been argued that Moby Dick was founded on an interplay between three and four, representing the quaternity dynamic throughout the novel.

James Joyce was a famous author. His most famous novel, Finnegan's wake, was divided into four parts. The fourth part was different. Joyce explicitly ordered his works in the quadrant pattern, having four figures in many places, with the fourth different. Joyce said that his use of four was intentional because he noted how the three plus one pattern was everywhere in reality, and he employed it as well. 

Cinema is full of the three plus one pattern, where there is three main characters who are more close and a fourth main character that is different. An example is Hangover. Also Hot Tub Time Machine has four main characters, and the fourth is different. Also South Park has Kenny, the transcendent fourth boy who dies in every episode but is resurrected. Sex and the  In Arnold Schwarzeneggar's The Running Man, the game zone is divided into four quadrants. La la land is a popular movie. The film was divided along four seasons.

Also the crucifix/cross/quadrant is throughout cinema and literature in crucified hero shots or crucifixion allusions. For instance, in the Great Gatsby novel, Gatsby outstretches his arms in a crucifixion pose, making him a Christ figure. F. Scott. Fitzgerald, who wrote the Great Gatsby, wrote four novels. La la land is a popular movie. The film was divided along four seasons.


In the movie Aliens, Ripley outstretches her arms in her death, alluding to crucifixion. The crucifix is the quadrant. The alien series is also a tetralogy of four movies. Ripley thus reflects the quadrant. Harry Potter is given the cruciatus curse. Cruciatus means cross. The curse is an allusion to crucifixion. The cross is the quadrant.  Beethoven had 16 symphonies. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. His most famous symphony was the fifth, where he has a four note motif, with the fourth note different from the previous three. Beethoven said that he received inspiration from God to create the fifth symphony. The symphony is argued to be the greatest of all time. Bach had a famous four note motif called the Bach motif, and also called the cruciform motif, because the notes formed a cross. Shostakovich and other famous musicians had four note motifs. The twilight zone theme song is a four note motif, and so is the mockingjay song from hunger games. Most symphonies had four parts. Originally symphonies were composed of three parts/sections, but they moved to four parts. The movement from three to four is the dynamic of the three and four, where the fourth is transcendent. Mozart was known for string quartets. His teacher, Haydn, was called the Father of the String Quartet. Quartet is four. The first drum machine the rhythmicon could produce 16 rhythms. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.

La la land is a popular movie. The film was divided along four seasons.

There are four Space Odyssey movies. 2001 Space Odyssey has four parts. The monolith was originally intended to be a tetrahedron, and it shows up four parts in the movie. "Rolling Stone reviewer Bob McClay sees the film as like a four-movement symphony, its story told with "deliberate realism."[203] Carolyn Geduld believes that what "structurally unites all four episodes of the film" is the monolith, the film's largest and most unresolvable enigma.[204] Vincent LoBrutto's biography of Kubrick says that for many, Clarke's novel is the key to understanding the monolith.[205] Similarly, Geduld observes that "the monolith ... has a very simple explanation in Clarke's novel," though she later asserts that even the novel does not fully explain the ending. McClay's Rolling Stone review describes a parallelism between the monolith's first appearance in which tool usage is imparted to the apes (thus 'beginning' mankind) and the completion of "another evolution" in the fourth and final encounter[206] with the monolith. In a similar vein, Tim Dirks ends his synopsis saying "[t]he cyclical evolution from ape to man to spaceman to angel-starchild-superman is complete."

In Pia Skogemann's analysis of the Lord of the Rings, he discusses how Tolkein employs the quaternity in his work. Tolkein used the number 16 and four to organize a lot of his works, as you can see if you look through my website. In the Lord of The Rings there is the four hobbits, representing a quaternity. I listened to a Professor of gnosticism give a lecture on the Lord of the Rings, and he described how there is also the fellowship consisting of four races, the humans, the elves, the hoobits, and the dwarfs in the book. Skogemann discusses how Tolkein uses "multiples of four", like the four rivers, the four forests, and mandala like structures of cities.

The Wizard of Oz has four people in a quaternity in the group travelling to the wicked witch the lion, the tin man, the scarecrow, and the transcendent fourth Dorothy. The land of Oz is itself divided as a quadrant, with the wicked witch of the North, South, East, and West.

The Big Four Sports Leagues in America, the four leagues that make significant money are basketball and are featured the most on ESPN, are football, baseball, and hockey. The Greeks had four Panhellenic games, inclduing the olympics, named after four Gods. The olympics today, and back then, had sports events that reflect the quadrant image. The Romans had chariot racing in the Colloseum in which there were four color teams that Rome was divided into, and each color represented one of four Gods. The colloseum had four levels, the fourth for the slaves. The Hindus have a four caste society where the fourth caste is different. Hindus argue that the four castes emerged from the four parts of Parusha. The Russians had four estates, representing four castes. Ethiopians and many other groups divided society in four castes.  The Hawaiians had a four class society. The Chinese under confucianism had a society divided under "The Four Occupations" The Japanese Samurai society had four class levels. The levites of the Jews were divided into four parts. The Hindu vedic priests were organized in four groups of four, again making the quadrant model 16. There are four main islands of Japan. One of the four main islands of Japan is named Shikoku, means itself, "Four Provinces". It has four prefectures. The other four are Hokkaido, Honshu, and Kyoshu. Hawaii in ancinet times was divided into four chiefdoms around the four main islands. When Cook arrived to Hawaii the four chiefdoms were Kauai and Niihau, Oahu and Molokai, Maui, Lanai, and Kahoolawe, and Hawaii and parts of East Maui. The four major islands out of which the chiefs ruled out of were Kauai, Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii. The Greater Antilles consist of four major islands in the Caribbean Sea. The islands are Jamaica Cuba, Haiti, and Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is the smallest and it is different. The four main island groups of micronesia are the Caroline Islands, the Gilbert Islands, Mariana Islands, and Marshall Islands. The Gilbert Islands themselves are made up of 16 atolls. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. Oceania consists of four subregionsAustralasiaMelanesiaMicronesia, and Polynesia. 

Melanesia (UK/ˌmɛləˈniːziə/US/ˌmɛləˈniːʒə/) is a subregion of Oceania extending from New Guinea island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean to the Arafura Sea, and eastward to Fiji.

The region includes the four countries of Vanuatu, the Solomon IslandsFiji, and Papa New Guinea.

 The United Kingdom is divided into four countries, England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is different, and the full name of the UK is "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". Canada originally had four provinces. Upon confederation, the old province of Canada was divided into Ontario and Quebec; along with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, the new federation thus comprised four provinces. There are four provinces of Pakistan. Scotland was traditionally divided into four regions: The Highlands, The Lowlands, The Isle of Islay, and Campbeltown. There was also four original historical divisions of Norway The five traditional regions of Norway. Sørlandet is more recent, while the other four are ancient. At least parts of Møre og Romsdal - particularly Nordmøre - identifies more with Trøndelag than with Vestlandet. World historians say that for most of human history the world was divided into four world zones. David Christians in his book "Map of Time" defined the four world zones that shaped most of human history as Afro Eurasia, the Americas, Australasia, and the Pacific. The Union of South Africa was established in 1910 by combining four British colonies: the Cape Colony, the Natal Colony, the Transvaal Colony and the Orange River Colony

"The United Kingdom is now one of 16 Commonwealth nations, a grouping known informally as the Commonwealth realms, that share a monarch, Queen Elizabeth II." There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. New Zealand is divided into 16 regions. Germany is divided into 16 states.


There are The Big Four asteroids. There is the Big Four Universities but many know it as the Big Three. There is the Big Four Television Stations but many know it as the Big Three. The fourth is always different. There is the Big Four Advertising agencies, Big Four Record labels (the four basically have monopolies), there is the Big Four Motorcycle Gangs, and many other Big Fours, where the four dominate, and usually the fourth is different. The famous Hagia Sophia has a lot of sets of 16, such as 16 pillars, and the famous structure has four levels with the fourth being different. The famous temple of Karnak complex and other well known Egyptian structures were divided into four or structures parts in a qudrant pattern. The Egyptian army marched in four lines after their four main Gods. There was times when Egypt celebrated three main Gods and then they moved to four. The Taj Mahals garden is a quadrant model of 16 squares, comprised of 16 gardens in a four by four structure. A lot of Eastern temples have the four by four structure and have quadrants in their makeup, such as Angkor Wat. The most popular church layout through history was cruciform, and there were four utilized hosptial layouts through history, one of them was the quadrant/cross layout. Psych wards were also organized as crosses, because with the cross layout it was easy to keep track of all of the patients. I did not say many examples but they are on the quadrant pages on the quadrant website.

An aerial image of the structure of Angkor Wat

An aerial view of the sixteen square garden Taj Mahal. The garden is Charbagh quadrilateral garden layous. The garden of Eden has four rivers that church fathers said were layed out as a cross/quadrant. It is believed by historians that the four square Persian gardens inspired the genesis account fo the garden of Eden, as the four square Gardens were called paridaizas, which means paradise. The historians argue that the genesis account was written during the Israelites time in Persia.

"During the Islamic occupation, the aesthetic aspect of the garden increased in importance, overtaking utility. During this time, aesthetic rules that govern the garden grew in importance. An example of this is the chahār bāgh (چهارباغ), a form of garden that attempts to emulate the Garden of Eden, with four rivers and four quadrants that represent the world. The design sometimes extends one axis longer than the cross-axis, and may feature water channels that run through each of the four gardens and connect to a central pool."

Below is an image of the four terrestrial planets. The four planets are separated by an asteroid belt from the four gas giant planets. The asteroid belt represents the quadrant border dividing quadrant from quadrant. Mercury is the small, weird first square. Venus is the good looking, beautiful second square. The second square is always perceived as good (although in reality lying behind the surface it is not that good but is full of sulfuric acid, deadly conditions). Earth is the third planet where action is going on/ it is bad and full of wars. Mars is the transcendent mysterious fourth planet.

 Solar System has four terrestrial planets: MercuryVenusEarth, and Mars 

The shape of the wave function of a photon is a maltese cross/quadrant

Each run of the experiment produced two flashes on a detector, one for each photon. After more than 2,000 repetitions, a pattern of flashes built up and the team were able to reconstruct the shape of the unknown photon’s wave function.

The resulting image looks a bit like a Maltese cross, just like the wave function predicted from Schrödinger's equation. In the arms of the cross, where the photons were in step, the image is bright – and where they weren't, we see darkness.

Hologram of a single photon reconstructed from raw measurements (left) and theoretically predicted (right).

Above is a "Mosaic from Lyon illustrating a chariot race with the four factions: Blue, Green, Red and White"

Rome was divided into four factions in regards to chariot races. Each faction represented a different of four Gods.

The drivers would drive four horse chariots called quadrigas.

Below is the depiction of a tetradic color scheme. It is in juxtaposition with the triadic color scheme, fulfilling the three/four dynamic principal. "The tetradic (double complementary) scheme is the richest of all the schemes because it uses four colors arranged into two complementary color pairs. This scheme is hard to harmonize; if all four colors are used in equal amounts, the scheme may look unbalanced, so you should choose a color to be dominant or subdue the colors."

There are a wide variety of approaches to analyzing personal coloring. The most well-known is "seasonal" color analysis, which places individual coloring into four general categories: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn

The three primary color wheel v the four primary color wheel- the three v four dillema.

Opposing and complementary colors are paired differently on their respective color wheels.

Here's a simplified version of the 3-primary and 4-primary color wheel chart. Compare the alignment of colors around the wheels: The only colors that face each other on both primary color wheel charts are red & green.


On the 4-primary color wheel, the color swatches squeeze together to allow for the newly expanded green section. This gives us a new set of lovely 'eye candy' opposites, like

  • deep purple & lime,

  • orange & turquoise,

  • plum & lemon,

  • cool green & orangey red.

Here's a range of opposing colors from the 4-primary color wheel:


Is One Primary Color Wheel Better Than The Other?

No. Neither of them is inherently more valid/important/useful than the other. They were just designed to answer completely different questions!

For interior design projects or crafts, I'd probably prefer Hering's 4-primary color wheel because of the way it 'explains' warm and cool colors. And also because of the lovely opposing pairs - they're just such a nice alternative to the color mixing wheel

Download an image of Hering's 4-primary color wheel here!


There are four terrestrial planets in the solar system. there are four gas giant planets. There are four planetesimals that NASA agrees upon, one of which is Pluto. There are four Galilean moons. Originally Galileo saw three but later saw the fourth. The fourth is always transcendent. Enceladus is a moon of Saturn that is famous for having "four mysterious tiger stripes" that spew out water. They are known as the tiger stripes. Christopher Columbus took four voyages. Before Columbus it was thought there was three parts to the globe, and it was described that Columbus was discovering the fourth part; the transcendent fourth. The fourth was mysterious and transcedent. Amerigo Vespucci took four voyages. America is named after Amerigo. Matthew Perry took the four Black Ships to Japan. The Great White Fleat of Roosevelt consisted of 16 ships. 16 Squares of the quadrant model. The Wright brothers took four times to do a successful flight. The World Trade Center attacks involved four planes. The first two are the duality that hit the towers. The third hit the pentagon. The fourth was different hitting nothing; the transcendent fourth. The movie Zeitgeist which documented the World Trade Center as a conspiracy was divided into four parts. Galileo organized his famous treatise into four parts/days, and his cover page showed the four types of knowledge. Benjamin Franklin's autobiography was divided into four parts. Einstein wrote four papers during what is called his miracle year, the fourth one was different, introducing E=MC squared. Einstein was highly influenced by Maxwell's four equations, the four equations that explain all of electromagnetism. Maxwell originally derived his equations from quaternion mathematics. Quat is four. There are four laws of thermodynamics. The fourth is different. All of motion can be described with only four equations, called the kinematic equations. The fourth equation is different in that it is a quadratic equation. Quad is four. The quadratic equation formula is the only formula that students are required to memorize in middle school. The FOIL method for solving quadratic equations has four parts, first outer inner and last. Completing the square in quadratic equations involves a quadrant. Descartes claims that he received inspiration for the Cartesian coordinate system, the foundationn of mathematics, from God. The proofs for Calculus and algebra actually involve four part quadrants where the fourth part is different. There are quations for up to quartic equations, degree four equations. Degree four is transcendent, and it took very long to come up with a proof for degree four. Four is the highest it goes. The ancients knew of four perfect numbers. Euclid discusses the four perfect numbers. Originally three were known, but later in ancient times the fourth was discovered.  It took until more modern times for the fifth perfect number to be discovered, while the first four were known to the ancients. The fourth is always different. The fifth is always questionable and ultra transcendent. There are other types of numbers that follow the same pattern. For instance the first three mersenne primes are similar, but the fourth is different. The fifth is extremely different. There is a group of numbers where it took a while to discover the fourth but it was done, but the fifth could only be discovered with the use of computers. The famous four color theorem in mathematics has the same pattern, where it was proven every map could be produced with just four colors at the least, but to prove this a computer was needed. To prove five colors a computer was not needed. I studied mathematics at UCSD and went to many lectures and watched many lectures from different renowned professors and I saw the proofs for algebra, calculus, and a lot of the most famous mathematical theorems were built solely around the quadrant model. A lot of it I forgot or do not know how to explain and I would have to rewatch lectures and post the videos in order to get them to you all hopefully. But the quadrant pattern is dominant in mathematics. In chaos theory at four bifurcations things become different. The fourth is always different. The fifth is always questionable and ultra transcendent. Alexander the Great's Empire was divided into four at his death. Ghenghis Khan's Empire was divided into four Khanates as well.

Carbon and silicon are called the miracle elements. Carbon makes up all of life. It has four valence electrons and thus is the shape of a quadrant. Silicon has four valence electrons and is the shape of a quadrant. Carbohydrates has the word carbon in it and hydrate which is water. All of life is made up of 97 percent four elements. They are called COHN. Carbon, oxygen, hydrongen, and nitrogen. Nitrogen is the different fourth making up a smaller percentage. The Earth is basically a ball of silicon. Rock and sand and glass and computers and clocks and many other things are made of silicon, which I said is the form of a quadrant. The quadrant expresses itself in the most important aspects. Many theorists say that there are three primary colors, but it is also argued that there is four. There are triadic color schemes and transcendent tetradic color theories, again the dynamic between three and four where the fourth is different.

In middle school students are taught to complete the square for solving quadratic equations. Completing the square involves four squares/rectangles in the form of a cross, with the fourth, the b/2 squared, being the different fourth aspect. The proof is shown below.

Below is depicted the four gas giant planets beyond the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt represents the quadrant demarcation. Then after Jupiter is the Comet belt, representing another boundary of the quadrant.

The four blood moons tetrad-

The blood moon prophecy is a series of apocalyptic beliefs promoted by Christian ministers John Hagee and Mark Biltz, which state that a tetrad (a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses—coinciding on Jewish holidays

Usually, only about one in three lunar eclipses are total, and about four to five total eclipses can be seen from any single location on Earth in a decade. This means that lunar tetrads are rare occurrences, leading some to attach special, even religious, significance to these events

Some Nash Equilibrium Game Theory Quarant Matrices posted below, including the famous pd, prisoners dillema matrix. Richard Dawkins used Nash Equilibrium and Game theory in a documenary called Nice Guys Finish First where he determined that being nice is the best reproductive strategy. Dawkins is labelled one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse along with three other famous atheists.

Game theory is based around the prisoners dillema, which is a quadrant model of four options. The nash equilibrium is a quadrant model. Nash won a nobel prize and a movie was made after him, A Beautiful Mind. Biologists, psychologists and sociologists use game theory a lot. There are four attachment styles according to psychologists. Originally three were described, but later the transcendent fourth was added. Similarly originally three parenting styles were articulated by psychologists. Later a fourth was added. Attachment styles and parenting styles are both quadrant models based on two polarities. Skinner, who started operant conditioning, described four types, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment. Ancient subjects in school were divided into the trivium and the qudadrivium. Again we see the dynamic of three and four. The word trivial comes from trivium. The trivium was seen as easy and non essential, hence trivial derives from it. The quadrivium was seen as advanced. The same pattern where the four is transcendent and different. The basis of economics is supply and demand, where there is four possiblities, high supply high demand, low supply high demand, high supply high demand, and low supply low demand.

Skinner was a famous psychologist who spearheaded behaviorism, one of the four major fields of psychology. He performed experiments with dogs using operant conditioning. There are four types operant conditioning.

According to Huitt & Hummel (1997), four methods are employed in operant conditioning: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment.  The table below is derived from the table created by Huitt & Hummel (1997): 

Diagram is shown below

Televisions usually only use three colors in pixel formation. Pixels are quadrants, and the three colors would be put in four squares with one color repeating. But there are Quattron televisions which add a fourth color, yellow, to red, green and blue, giving the image more depth. The fourth is always transcendent. Headphones use four pairs of wires or three, again the three and four dynamic. The fourth one is different. The standard telephone uses four pairs of wires, again, the fourth is different. Printing uses four colors, CYMK, cyan, yellow, magenta and black. CYMK printing is called four color printing, and again the fourth is different. Piaget, the father of developmental psychology, described four levels of development, sensorimotor (linked to first square sensation and the child is guillable like the personality type idealist), preoperational (a less rational stage more related to belief where children have magical thinking and the primary concern is belonging-homeostasis like the guardian personality type), concrete operational (more of the doing stage more rational like the artisan personality type), and formal operational (the transcendent fourth stage where abstract reasoning comes into play like the rational personality type). There are four phases of matter, gas, liquid, solid, and the fourth transcendent plasma.

THE FOURTH ATTACHMENT STYLE WAS ADDED LATER- THE THREE PLUS ONE PATTERN. The quadrant diagram below shows the four types.

"Ainsworth (1970) identified three main attachment styles, secure (type B), insecure avoidant (type A) and insecure ambivalent/resistant (type C). She concluded that these attachment styles were the result of early interactions with the mother.


A forth attachment style known as disorganized was later identified (Main, & Solomon, 1990)."


"Through her studies Baumrind identified three initial parenting styles: Authoritative parenting, authoritarian parenting and permissive parenting. Maccoby and Martin expanded upon Baumrind’s three original parenting styles by placing parenting styles into two distinct categories: demanding and undemanding.[24]With these distinctions, four new parenting styles were defined:"

Shiva's trident is called a trishul. The trishakti trishul combines the trident, the aum and the swastika. I have shown that these three symbols are in fact all quadrants. The trident is the cross, and the aum is the fourfold, and according to the upanishads the swastika is the fourfold aum. The image below is of the trishakti trishul


Plasma - the "fourth phase"


The three normal phases of matter listed on the slide have been known for many years and studied in physics and chemistry classes. In recent times, we have begun to study matter at the very high temperatures and pressures which typically occur on the Sun, or during re-entry from space. Under these conditions, the atoms themselves begin to break down; electrons are stripped from their orbit around the nucleus leaving a positively charged ion behind. The resulting mixture of neutral atoms, free electrons, and charged ions is called a plasma. A plasma has some unique qualities that causes scientists to label it a "fourth phase" of matter. A plasma is a fluid, like a liquid or gas, but because of the charged particles present in a plasma, it responds to and generates electro-magnetic forces. There are fluid dynamic equations, called the Boltzman equations, which include the electro-magnetic forces with the normal fluid forces of the Navier-Stokes equations. NASA is currently doing research into the use of plasmas for an ion propulsion system.

"In physics, a state of matter is one of the distinct forms that matter takes on. Four states of matter are observable in everyday life: solidliquidgas, and plasma."

Kant was an extremely famous philosopher, considered one of the greatest of all time. He had four groups of three categories of understanding. The categories were quantity, quality, relation, and understanding. Plotinus had four levels of being, the One, Mind, Soul, and Bodies. The stoics also had four categories of being, substance, quality, somehow disposed, and somehow disposed in relation to something. All of Kants, and Nietzsche's works were built around the quadrant model. Nietzsche's famous Zarathustra is divided into four parts. Zarathustra is another name for the Persian prophet Zoraster. Nietzsche wanted to divide his work "The AntiChrist" into four parts, but he never got the opportunity to finish it. The Revaluation of All Values was also the working title of a series of four books Nietzsche was planning to write, only the first of which  — The Antichrist  — he ever completed. However, one of his schemas for The Will to Power used "The Revaluation of All Values" as a subtitle, and it was this scheme that his sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche used to assemble his notes into the final book with that title. Zurvanite zoroastrians say that Zoroaster taught a quaternity of original Gods. The zoroastrian calendar is divided into four parts, and Zurvanites say that Zoroaster taught that there were four Gods for each of the four parts of the calendar. Similarly the igbo have four market days, four day weeks, and each day is precided over by one of their four main Gods.  Kants metaphysics was divided into four categories with the fourth being different. There is synthetic apriori, analytic apriori, synthetic aposterirori, and analytic aposteriori. While Kant saw analytic aposterirori as the fourth transcendent type that is impossible, modern philosophers have gone so far as to argue that there is analytic aposteriori truths. Heideggar is famous for his fourfold based on two dichotomies. Tool and specific something is Gods. Broken tool and specific something is sky. Something at all and tool is Earth. Something at all and broken tool is mortals. Heideggar also spent a lot of time analyzing Aristotles four causes, the material, formal, efficient, and final cause. Aristotle's four causes relate to Tinbergen's four questions. A class I took at UCSD solely went through the four questions in relaitonship to biology. They are proximate and contemporary, mechanism, proximate and chronicle, ontogeny, ultimate and contemporary, adaptive, and ultimate and chronicle, phylogenty. Ken Wilber is famous for his quadrant model, where he distinguishes four types of knowledge, based on two dichotomies. Wilbers four types are interior subjective, interior objective, exterior subjective, and exterior objective. EF Schumacher, like the other very famous philosophers, has works that are built around the quadrant four. Schumacher agrees with Aristotle that there are four levels of being/ kingdoms. He sees the levels as distinct phase shifts. The levels are mineral, plant, animal, and human. Human is the transcendent fourth. Schumacher argues that philosophers and scientists have not adequately explained how these four distinct levels arose and why there are these four. I would say the reason is because reality fulfills the quadrant pattern in all areas. Even Anton Levay's Satanic Bible was divided into four parts, based on the four crown princes of hell. Timothy Leary's interpersonal circumplex has 16 categories and is based off of a quadrant of four types dominant hate, dominant love, submissive hate, and submissive love. Leary's eight circuit model of consciousness is based on two divisions of four. Schopenhauer's works were read by Albert Einstein and inspired him. Schopenhauer's most famous work was The Fourfold Root of Sufficient Reason. In the describes four classes of objects, becoming, knowing, being, and willing. (Becoming, and Being are the ultra transcendent square of the quadrant model of reality, and knowing is the 16th square). Aristotle says that knowledge begins with sensation. Knowing is the 16th square of the quadrant model and it encompasses everything before it. Sensation is the first square.

Osupensky is famous for his book, the Fourth W.ay. Ouspensky felt that traditional spiritual paths offered three ways to enlghtenment, and he offers a transcendent fourth way. In one of Ouspensky's books he discusses the transcendent fourth dimension, and offers a lot of transcendent fours. He mentions how there are four space time dimensions and there is the transcendent fourth dimension time. Ouspensky relates the four dimensions to the four dimensions of consciousness, and he concludes that it is important to move into the transcendent fourth form of consciousness. Ouspensky describes that the four tarot suits represent the tetragrammaton. He begins his book on Tarot discussing the first card of the tarot, and his realization that it had four symbols of magic, which he connects to the tetragrammaton. He says "Before him on a cube-shaped altar were four symbols of magic--the sceptre, the cup, the sword and the pentacle." And Ouspensky continues "

"With his hands he unites heaven and earth, and the four elements that form the world are controlled by him.

The four symbols before him are the four letters of the name of God, the signs of the four elements, fire, water, air, earth."". A lot of people talk about the mysterious Planet Niburu. Niburu was called by the ancients, "The Planet of the Cross", and was represented by a cross.

Strauss-Howe Generational theory describes a fourfold cycle of generational types in American history. The theory articulates four generational archetypes and turnings. Steve Bannon, who a lot of people think influences President Trump a lot, talks a bit about the concept of the fourth turning. Again, in the model the third stage is bad and the fourth stage is transcendent. John Dee is popular for Enochian Magic. Dee's magic centers around crosses within quadrant grids. Crosses are quadrants. Dee's famous monas consists of four symbols. Dee looks highly upon the quatenary, seeing it as elemental. He mentions that the tetractys equalled ten, and the Romans used the X to represent the number ten. Dee sees the link between the cross/X and ten as not accidental, but the link of the quatenary tetractys and the ten dots and the cross. Dee also suggests that seven is a powerful number because it combines the ternary and the quatenary, the three and the four. Like Pythagoras, Dee focuses on the number four and sees the importance of other numbers solely in relationship to the ultimate number four. A founder of transactional analysis titled his book "I'm Ok, You're Ok". The title stemps from the four life positions of transactional analysis, I'm not ok you're ok, I'm not ok, you're not ok, I'm ok you're not ok, and I'm ok you're ok.–_You%27re_OK. Rumsfeld titled his autobiography Known and Unkown: A Memoir. The title comes from his infamous phrase known knowns, in regards to weapons of mass destruction in Iraz. Slavoj Zizek described that most people believe that there are three possibilities, but there is a transcendent fourth, unknown knowns. Later a documenary was made on Rumsfeld called "The Unknown Known" referring to the transcendent fourth type.

Sociologists describe that america began in its colonial times as four distinct regions, New England, Middle Colonies, Chesapeake Bay Colonies, and with the deep south being the different fourth. On the one dollar bill for the United States is the tetractys, and the bowling pins in bowling are arranged in a tetractys. There are 16 balls in pool. 16 is four times four. March Madness has 64 teams in four groups of 16, in four brackets. Each team in football plays 16 games. Line ups like the 442 are popular in socceer. There is even a magazine called four four two. Another lineup in soccer is the tetractys lineup 4321. In football there is four downs and the four three defense lineup is the most popular. Baseball is centered around the four bases. There are four strokes in swimming competitions. There are four differnt types of throwing events and four different types of jumping events in track. The throwing events are are the long jump, the tripple jump, the high jump, and the pole vault. "The four most prominent throwing for distance sports are in track and fieldshot putdiscusjavelin, and the hammer throw." The relay race in track has four people handing off the baton. Many sports tournaments, from soccer to wrestling, are built around 16 opponents, and four brackets. Most nascar races have four turns. The famous Coach Bobby Knight said that the basketball court takes the form of the cross. Go to the quadrant sports and quadrant dance sections for more amazing details from many sports. 


Washington DC is divided into four quadrants. Truth tables have four possiblities TT TF FT and FF. Truth tables are foundational in logic. Binary also has the four possiblities. Logic is founded upon Aristotle's logic squares of opposition, which are quadrants. There are four categorical propositions underlying logic, AEI and O, universal affirmative, universal negative, particular affirmative, and particular negative. There are 16 binary boolean operations. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. The pythagorean theorem even relates to the quadrant model 16 squares. There are four strains of HIV. There are four different parasites that spread Malaria. There are four species of the genus Chlamydia, and the fourth is different. Four types of Ebola effect humans. There are four stages of syphilis and four stages of migraine.


The simplest pythagorean triangle is the three, four, five triangle. The three side which is three squared, 9 squares, was seen by Egyptians to represent the God Osiris. The five side, five squared, which equals 25, was Horus. The four squared side, which is 16 squares, was Isis. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. When Osiris is killed he resurrects by a kite flying over him, which is a symbol of a cross. There are different accounts of how many pieces he was cut into. One account says he was cut into 14 pieces. St. Gregory saw 14 as significant because it was the tetractys plus the holy number four. Ibn Arabi, a Muslim philosopher, also saw 14 as significant because it was the tetractys plus four, so he saw it as the most holy number, organizing his texts around 14. Ibn Arabi saw time and everything organized around the number four. One of Ibn Arabi's book was called "On the Universal Tree and its Four Birds". Other Egyptian accounts say that Osiris was divided into 16 pieces, which is the quadrant model. Egyptians would eat 16 pieces of bread, representing the 16 pieces of Osiris, again the quadrant model four times four.














Also the three by three square is the magic square for Saturn. The four by four square is the magic square for Jupiter. Jupiter was Zeus Pater, or Zeus Father. Zeus was four letters and was represented by the number four. Zeus was seen as supreme and Greeks even would say that He subsumed all of the other Gods and was the only God. The four is supreme. The third square is the five by five magic square of mars.

I also solved an ancient mystery, wherein Plato describes that the divided line has four parts, but his mathematics say that the second part and third part are equal, but nonetheless Plato says the third part is greater. The contradiction has puzzled philosophers for centuries. Many have suggested Plato made a mistake, some say he intentionally made a mistake in order to tell his reader not to take him seriously. But I note the quadrant model is holistic, and the third contains the previous two parts thus making it simultaneously equal yet larger, so it is not a paradox, or it is a paradox but it is reconciled with awareness of the quadrant models holistic nature where each square builds upon the previous squares, encompassing yet adding to them. Plato's four part divided line of reality thus has the quadrant model holistic nature.

The number four and the quadrant/cross/quadrant pattern are seen in so many places and are so important they represent proof of intelligent design in reality. The pattern is pronounced in so many areas it is indisputable evidence of intelligent design in existence. The pattern in prominent and represented in the most famous and renowned works. Only by looking at the many examples on this website and on my other websites would one be able to see how wisespread the pattern really is, and keep in mind that I studied the quadrant model since 2009, and really only started recording a lot of examples online in 2012, and only started rigorously recording examples on FaceBook around 2013. For years I went through texts and watched numerous lectures on DVDS and live at UCSD where I attended almost every class at the school, going to classes all day long, and wrote them down in notebooks, and saw myriads of examples of the pattern that I forgot now or do not know how to explain or find now. But if you saw all that I had seen, you would probably be convinced that the quadrant model is the greatest theory in history. Reality is the quadrant reality. The quadrant is the form of being, and the quadrant pattern is the way that Being expresses itself. Plato's form of the Good, from which he claimed reality expresses itself, is the quadrant. The Hindus call the swastika, which is the quadrant, "the Good".

Ptolemy, the Father of Astrology is famous for his work Tetrabiblos, which means the four books. Vedic astrology uses a four quadrant system. Western astrology is based around the four elements and divisions of four throughout. The Four Books of Architecture are a famous compilation by Palladio. Palladian architecture is named after Palaldio. Durer wrote the four books of human proportion, and his famous work Melancolia (one of the four temparements is melancholy) has a four by four magic square in it. Magic square and magic sygils, which derive from magic squares, have been used in esoteric teaching, but physicists have come across mathematical peculiarities from magic squares such as constants in physics, including the four by four Jupiter magic square. When the founder of the Mormons, Joseph Smith, was murdered, it was said he was carrying a Jupiter magic square. There are four works of Mormons known as the standard works. The Shulchan Aruch, the main book that Jews use for Halacha, is divided into four parts. There are six orders of the mishnah, but it has been argued there were originally four and that originally only four were taught. There is a quote of a rabbi saying to learn four orders of Mishnah, and the quote has lead some to speculate there was originally only four. Rashi is a famous rabbi. There are four lines of Rashi on every page of the talmud and the four lines are connected to the tetragrammaton. Jews where tzit tzit on the four corners of their dress. One of the tassels is longer than the other three, making the three plus one pattern. The way the tzit tzit are braided creates a number pattern that relates to the tetragrammaton. The Sephardic tzit tzit create a gematria of 26, which is the tetragrammaton. Ashkenazi Jews tzit tzit gematria adds up to 39 "the Lord our God is one" which means the tetragrammaton (four) is one. Four braided challah is popular for Jews. When Jews Bench after meals they say four prayers, and the fourth is different. Three of the prayers were from Biblical figures and the fourth was written by the rabbis, creating the three plus one.

Most music uses four bar phrases and the most popular rhyme scheme is four by four. A verse in rap music is called 16 bars. There is 12 bar blues and also 16 bar blues. Even the most popular Hinud meter has 16 beats, called tintal. Nursery rhymes tend to be quatrains, which means they have four lines. For instance, line 1, Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Line 2, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Line 3, all the kings horses and all the kings men. Line 4, Couldn't put Humpty together again. Most Hindu music uses quatrains, for instance Achyutas uses eight quatrains. Shiva's mantra om namo shivaya, has five syllables, and is said to represent the five elements with aether. The addition of aether is the four plus one pattern, where four is still dominant. The Beatles revolutionized pop music and are considered one of the biggest bands in history. They are known as the Fab Four, and their fourth member Ringo Starr, was kind of the different fourth. Many bands, such as Black Sabbath, and A Tribe Called Quest were foursomes. ABBA was one of the most popular bands of all time, and it had four members, represented by the four innitials. The Doors, and the Who were other popular foursomes. Jim Morrison of the Doors made numerous crucifixion poses on stage and in pictures. The cover of LA Woman features a man crucified on a telephone pole.  The Who had an album called Quadraphenia. In one of the songs Daltrey talks about having "four personalities". Quad is four. Usually the fourth member is different in bands. For instance, Destiny's Child originally had four members but the forth left. I studied bands and the common theme is a fourth member that is not as permanent as the other three. Especially in fivesomes like NSYNC there is a fourth member that is different and a fifth that is very different. Usually the fifth member leaves earlier like in Spice Girls. Sociologists have studied groups in business and have discovered that groups of three work well and at groups of four there is still order and they still work well but there is a decline. But at five there is chaos and it does not work. The pattern of the fourth being different and the fifth being very different and questionable is everywhere from chaos theory to all subjects. As the Aztecs saw it, five is chaos/excess.

Jay Z has a rap song called 44-4s. It is said that his name is a play on J- Hova, the tetragrammaton. Jay-Z calls himself Hov. His last album was called 444. His daughters name is Blue Ivy. The IV is a play on four and Blue has four letters. Beyonce is featured on an album cover Formation in a cruciform pose. During the superbowl the performers made an X, which is a quadrant, and it was supposed to be a salute to Malcolm X. I played a tournament with Master P on his team the P Miller Ballers in the ninth grade. Master P has an album cover with a cross encompassing the whole cover. The title of the album is "Only God Can Judge Me". Slayer's Album "God Hates us all" features a 16 square cross on the cover. In Nas's song, "Do You Hate Me Now", Nas is depicted as crucified on a cross.

 Chaupais, which are made up of quatrains and 40 lines, are very popular among Hindus. An example is the Hanuman Chalisa. The Hanuman Chalisa's first line describes the four fruits of Lord Ram. The Shiva tandava strotram was said to have been written by Ravana, and is made of quatrains, with each line having 16 syllables.  There are16 squares of the quadrant model. The Romanians use the same name for Shiva's Trident and the cross. Ganesha is said to be the embodiment of the fourfold Aum, and His body is shaped as the Aum. Ganesha died and resurrected after being killed by the trident. The trident is the cross. There is a famous book called the 16 crucified saviors, arguing that there were 16 saviors in the world who were crucified. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. Like Jesus, Ganesha died and resurrected by the cross, because the trident is a symbol of the cross. Church fathers even looked at the story of Odysseus and said that Odysseus was crucified on the mast when he tied himself to the mast to prevent himself from jumping into the ocean to the sirens. Nostradaumus wrote his prophecies in quatrains, and Rumi wrote many poems in quatrains. Quincunxes are crosses made of five elements. In Buddhism many things are represented by qunicunxes. For instance deities are often arranged in quincunxes, and the five elements are arranged as a quincunx. Sir Thomas Brown wrote a book in which he posited that the quincunx was evidence of intelligent design, because he saw the pattern everywhere in nature. There are four denominations of Hinduism. Vaishnavites, Shaivites, Hindus who worship the Mother Goddess, and Smartas. Smartas worship five Gods in the form of a quincunx. Shankarcharya said that there were 16 valid Upanishads. There are 16 squares of the quadrant model. Ramakrishna had 16 disciples. Israel had 12 tribes. The tribes were arranged in four groups of three, in the form of a quadrant. Church Fathers note that Balaam was going to curse the Israelites until he saw the camps of the Israelites arranged in the form of the quadrant, and then he belssed them. The 12 disciples of Jesus reflect the 12 tribes of Israel. There were originally four Ireland provinces, but later a fifth was added, but the five are represented in a quincunx, which is a quadrant of five parts. The name of the Inca Empire was "the four suyos", which meant the four regions. There are four types of teeth and teeth are made of four components. There is 16 teeth on the top and 16 on the bottom. There are four kingdoms of Eukaryotes according to Hogg and Whittaker. The four kingdom model is the most popular. The kingdoms are plants, fungi, animals, and the transcendent fourth protists. The protists are separate yet contain the previous three. There are "plant like, animal like, and fungi like protists".  There are four mechanoreceptors in humans, pacinian, ruffini, golgi, and free nerve endings. The fourth is different. I studied mathematics and every subject at UCSD and saw that the quadrant model pattern was dominant and pretty much the only subject taught, but the teachers did not know that they were teaching the quadrant model in every class and that it was dominant in every class. Hypothesis testing in statistics involves a quadrant and four possiblities H0 is true and accept null hypotehsis, H0 is false and accept null hypothesis, H1 is true and reject ull hypothesis, and H1 is false and reject null hypothesis. Israelites in the levant lived in what were termed "four room houses". It was hypothesized that the use of four rooms made it so that there was equality. There are many theories of why things are the way they are. But the true and ultimate explanation is the quadrant pattern. I did not cherry pick quadant examples, but I saw that the quadrant pattern represented itself as dominant in every subject at UCSD and everywhere.

 Chaupais, which are made up of quatrains and 40 lines, are very popular among Hindus. An example is the Hanuman Chalisa. The Hanuman Chalisa's first line describes the four fruits of Lord Ram. The Shiva tandava strotram was said to have been written by Ravana, and is made of quatrains, with each line having 16 syllables.  There are16 squares of the quadrant model. The Romanians use the same name for Shiva's Trident and the cross. Ganesha is said to be the embodiment of the fourfold Aum, and His body is shaped as the Aum. Ganesha died and resurrected after being killed by the trident. The trident is the cross. There is a famous book called the 16 crucified saviors, arguing that there were 16 saviors in the world who were crucified. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. Like Jesus, Ganesha died and resurrected by the cross, because the trident is a symbol of the cross. Nostradaumus wrote his prophecies in quatrains, and Rumi wrote many poems in quatrains. Quincunxes are crosses made of five elements. In Buddhism many things are represented by qunicunxes. For instance deities are often arranged in quincunxes, and the five elements are arranged as a quincunx. Sir Thomas Brown wrote a book in which he posited that the quincunx was evidence of intelligent design, because he saw the pattern everywhere in nature. There are four denominations of Hinduism. Vaishnavites, Shaivites, Hindus who worship the Mother Goddess, and Smartas. Smartas worship five Gods in the form of a quincunx. Shankarcharya said that there were 16 valid Upanishads. There are 16 squares of the quadrant model. Ramakrishna had 16 disciples. Israel had 12 tribes. The tribes were arranged in four groups of three, in the form of a quadrant. Church Fathers note that Balaam was going to curse the Israelites until he saw the camps of the Israelites arranged in the form of the quadrant, and then he belssed them. The 12 disciples of Jesus reflect the 12 tribes of Israel. There were originally four Ireland provinces, but later a fifth was added, but the five are represented in a quincunx, which is a quadrant of five parts. The name of the Inca Empire was "the four suyos", which meant the four regions. There are four types of teeth and teeth are made of four components. There is 16 teeth on the top and 16 on the bottom. There are four kingdoms of Eukaryotes according to Whittier. The four kingdom model is the most popular. The kingdoms are plants, fungi, animals, and the transcendent fourth protists. The protists are separate yet contain the previous three. There are "plant like, animal like, and fungi like protists".  There are four mechanoreceptors in humans, pacinian, ruffini, golgi, and free nerve endings. The fourth is different. I studied mathematics and every subject at UCSD and saw that the quadrant model pattern was dominant and pretty much the only subject taught, but the teachers did not know that they were teaching the quadrant model in every class and that it was dominant in every class. Hypothesis testing in statistics involves a quadrant and four possiblities H0 is true and accept null hypotehsis, H0 is false and accept null hypothesis, H1 is true and reject ull hypothesis, and H1 is false and reject null hypothesis. I did not cherry pick quadant examples, but I saw that the quadrant pattern represented itself as dominant in every subject at UCSD and everywhere.

The quadrant model synthesizes and unifies everything in existence under one pattern. It organizes what was once thought of as chaos into a simple form. There are the Big Four cats, the tiger, lion, leopard, and jaguar. The movie jaws was inspired by the four shark fatalities of the Jersey shore shark attacks. Out of more than 470 species of shark, only four have been involved in a significant number of fatal, unprovoked attacks on humans: the great whiteoceanic whitetiptiger, and bull sharks.  About 30 cockroach species out of 4,600 are associated with human habitats. About four species are well known as pests. the AmericanGermanOriental, Asian, or brown banded cockroach. There are the four homidae, humans, chimpanzees, orangutangs, and gorillas. There are four species of giraffe.  There are four species of rhino. The family Rhinocerotidae consists of only four extant genera: Ceratotherium (White rhinoceros), Dicerorhinus (Sumatran rhinoceros), Diceros (Black rhinoceros) and Rhinoceros (Indian and Javan rhinoceros). There are four subspecies of black rhino: South-central (Diceros bicornis minor), the most numerous, which once ranged from central Tanzania south through ZambiaZimbabwe and Mozambique to northern and eastern South Africa; South-western (Diceros bicornis occidentalis) which are better adapted to the arid and semi-arid savannas of Namibia, southern Angola, western Botswana and western South Africa; East African (Diceros bicornis michaeli), primarily in Tanzania; and West African (Diceros bicornis longipes) which was declared extinct in November 2011.[12] The native Tswanan name keitloadescribes a South African variation of the black rhino in which the posterior horn is equal to or longer than the anterior horn.[13] There are four subspecies of gorilla. "​​".  Common chimpanzees have four subspecies. "Four super radiations of insects have occurred: beetles (evolved about 300 million years ago), flies (evolved about 250 million years ago), and moths and wasps (evolved about 150 million years ago).[23] These four groups account for the majority of described species. The flies and moths along with the fleas evolved from the Mecoptera." "Traditional morphology-based or appearance-based systematics have usually given the Hexapoda the rank of superclass,[31]:180 and identified four groups within it: insects (Ectognatha), springtails (Collembola), Protura, and Diplura, the latter three being grouped together as the Entognatha on the basis of internalized mouth parts".  

There are four genetic lineages of dogs, and people who classified horses classified them into four types. "DNA microsatellite analyses of 85 dog breeds showed they fell into four major types of dogs that were statistically distinct.[141] These include the "old world dogs" (e.g., Malamute and Shar Pei), "Mastiff"-type (e.g., English Mastiff), "herding"-type (e.g., Border Collie), and "all others" (also called "modern"- or "hunting"-type)." Proteins have a quatenary structure, having four levels, the fourth being different.

"The hyena is a carnivorous dog-like species of animal, native to parts of both Africaand Asia. There are four known species of hyena, the spotted hyena, the striped hyena, the brown hyena and the aardwolf."

The Gibbons are not one of the four types of great ape, but are lesser apes. "The Gibbons are divided into four genera based on their diploid chromosome number: Hylobates (44), Hoolock (38), Nomascus (52), and Symphalangus (50)." There are many other examples. Nature fulfills the quadrant model pattern everywhere.

The Lakota chiefs stated "the Creator organized everything in existence in fours, and the Lakota try to do everything they do in fours". The shaman of the Amerindian Allegewi said "four is the chief of the numbers," and argued as well that everything in reality was made in fours. The Lakota and the Allegewi had 16 gods. There are four parts of a tree, the roots, trunk, branches, and leafs. There are four groups of gymnosperms, which are seed producing trees, which are conifers, gynkos, cycads, and gnetophytes. There are four main structures of a flower. These are the calyx, which consists of sepals, corolla, which has petals, androecium, which consists of stamens, and gynoecium, which has carpels. The Cannanite pantheon had four levels of Gods. At the top level was El, who historians think was the Elohim of the Israelites. The Lakota organized the 16 in four groups of four. The Bavili Africans highest, Supreme God's name literally means, "The Personal Essence of the Fours".  The Bavili have a sacred grove made up of six rows of four each, making 24. The Mapuche Amerindians state that their creator God is four individuals in one; an old man, and old woman, a young man, and a young woman. The European guitar originally had four strings. The Bambara Africans worship God who they see as a quaternity of four persons. The banjo has four strings. A lot of string instruments have four pairs of strings or groups of strings. Tubas and other instruments with valves often have three valves but also a lot of times add a fourth different/transcendent valve. The symphony orchestra has four sections.The four sections of the orchestra are the strings, winds, percussions, and brass. There were originally four amino acids according to origins of life theoriests, out of which the other amino acids emerged. There are four layers of the Earth and four primary layers of the atmosphere according to scientists. There are also four stages of sleep, and usually a person sleeping goes through about four cycles of those four stages. The third stage is when you sleep walk. The third square is the most related to action. The fourth stage is REM sleep and is different.

Kosher animals are divided into four classes. Those that chew their cud and have cleft hooves, those that don't chew their cud and have cleft hooves, those that chew their cud and don't have cleft hooves, and those that don't chew their cud and don't have cleft hooves. Only the fourth different one, those that have cleft hooves and chew their cud can be eaten. Ruminants, which tend to chew their cud, have four stomachs. Humans have four sections of their stomachs. Ruminants have a fore-stomach with four chambers. These are the rumenreticulumomasum, and abomasum There are four kosher locusts that can be eaten. While the consumption of most insects is considered to be forbidden under the laws of kashrut, the rabbis of the Talmud identified four kosher species of locust. However, the identity of those species is in dispute. 

All winged swarming things that go upon all fours are a detestable thing unto you.

כא  אַךְ אֶת-זֶה, תֹּאכְלוּ, מִכֹּל שֶׁרֶץ הָעוֹף, הַהֹלֵךְ עַל-אַרְבַּע:  אֲשֶׁר-לא (לוֹ) כְרָעַיִם מִמַּעַל לְרַגְלָיו, לְנַתֵּר בָּהֵן עַל-הָאָרֶץ.21 Yet these may ye eat of all winged swarming things that go upon all fours, which have jointed legs above their feet, wherewith to leap upon the earth;

כב  אֶת-אֵלֶּה מֵהֶם, תֹּאכֵלוּ--אֶת-הָאַרְבֶּה לְמִינוֹ, וְאֶת-הַסָּלְעָם לְמִינֵהוּ; וְאֶת-הַחַרְגֹּל לְמִינֵהוּ, וְאֶת-הֶחָגָב לְמִינֵהוּ.22 even these of them ye may eat: the locust after its kinds, and the bald locust after its kinds, and the cricket after its kinds, and the grasshopper after its kinds.

 There are four specific animals mentioned in the Torah that are kosher.  

explicitly list four animals as being ritually impure:

  • The camel, for chewing the cud without its hooves being divided.[1][2]

  • The hyrax, for chewing the cud without having cloven hooves.[2][3] (The Hebrew term for this animal - שפן shaphan - has been translated by older English versions of the bible as coney; the existence of the hyrax wasn't known to early English translators. The coney was an exclusively European animal, not present in Canaan, while the shaphan was described by the Book of Proverbs as living on rocks[4] like the hyrax, but unlike the coney.)

  • The hare, for chewing the cud without having cloven hooves.[2][5]

  • The pig, for having cloven hooves without chewing the cud

Despite being listed among the birds by the Bible, bats are not birds, and are in fact mammals (the reason being that the Hebrew Bible distinguishes animals into four general categories – beasts of the land, flying animals, creatures which crawl upon the ground, and animals which dwell in water – not according to modern scientific classification). Most of the remaining animals on the list are either birds of prey or birds living on water, and the majority of the latter in the list also eat fish or other seafood.

Leviticus goes on to list four exceptions, which Deuteronomy does not. All these exceptions are described by the Levitical passages as "going upon all four legs" and as having "legs above their feet" for the purpose of leaping.[99] The identity of the four creatures the Levitical rules list are named in the Masoretic Text using words of uncertain meaning:

  • arbeh;[100] the Hebrew word literally means [one which] increases. The Septuagint calls it a brouchos, referring to a wingless locust, and older English translations render this as grasshopper in most parts of the Bible, but inconsistently translate it as locust in Leviticus.[101] In the Book of Nahum, the arbeh is poetically described as camping in hedges in cold days, but flying off into the far distance when the sun arises;[102] for this reason, a number of scholars have suggested that the arbeh must actually be the migratory locust.[13]

  • sol'am;[100] the Hebrew term literally means "swallower". The Septuagint calls it an attacos, the meaning of which is currently uncertain. The Talmuddescribes it as having a long head that is bald in front,[103][104] for which reason a number of English translations call it a bald locust (an ambiguous term); many modern scholars believe that the Acrida (previously called Tryxalis) is meant, as it is distinguished by its very elongated head.

  • hargol;[100] the Hebrew term literally means strafer (i.e., [one that] runs to the right or to the left). The Septuagint calls it an ophiomachos, literally meaning "snake fighter"; the Talmud describes it as having a tail.[105] The Talmud also states that it has large eggs, which were turned into amulets.[106] This has historically been translated as beetle, but since the 19th century, cricket has been deemed more likely to fit.

  • hagab;[100] the word literally means "hider". The Book of Numbers implies that they were particularly small.[107] The Septuagint calls it an akrida, and it has usually been translated as grasshopper.

There is four signs on a bird that makes it kosher. The same fourfold dyad corresponds to fish. Only the fourth type, those that have fins and have scales can be eaten.  There are also four signs for a kosher bird. First the bird must not be a predator. The predator characteristic is the transcendent fourth that contains the previous three. The Sages further stated that animals with the following three features are kosher: an “extra” toe (sometimes a defensive spur, as with chickens), a gizzard in the digestive tract that can be peeled, and a muscular pouch, or crop, near the throat to store food. The commentators, however, disagreed on whether all four of these criteria must exist to make the animal kosher, or if the presence of some (or all) of the other three signs indicate that the bird is inherently not a predator" Zakovich wrote a book on the three plus one pattern, which he also calls the three-four pattern, in the Bible. An example of the pattern is the four beasts in Daniel, which carry over to revelations. The first three beasts are described as like animals, but the fourth is different, and described as the scariest, and is even sort of an amalgamation of the previous three beasts. Elijah on the mountain has three experiences of natural elements, but then the fourth is a whisper, which he recognizes to be God. The fourth is different. Delilah tries to take down Samson three times, but only on the fourth is she successful. Samuel hears God call for him three times, but only the fourth time does he recognize it to be God. During passover Jews drink the four cups of wine, and the four species of sukkot are tied in a three plus one pattern, where one of the plants is separate. The four cups of wine are supposed to represent four sons. "Examples of the special symbolic significance of the number four in the Haggadah are the Four Questions ("Mah Nishtannah"), four Sons, and the four types of food at the seder meal: unleavened bread (matzah), lamb, bitter herbs, and ḥaroset". The Four Cups of the Passover Seder as they correspond to the "four sons" (the wise one, the wicked one, the simple one, the one who does not know how to ask) as well as the four matriarchs (Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah.) The four species of sukkot are also supposed to represent four types of people. The four species of sukkot are waved in the four directions in a quadrant format four times. There is an Amerindian story where a man goes to his chief three times, but the chief does not answer, but the fourth time the chief tells him "you have come to me the sacred four times, now I must answer".

Von Bauer is a famous embryologist, the "Father of Embryology", who described four archetypes in Embryology. Cuvier described four embranchements of animals. Darwin originally recognized three embranchments of animals, but later saw the fourth. Darwin acknowledged the transcendent fourth embranchment after studying Von Bauer and Cuvier's work. There is always the dynamic between three and four; the fourth is different.

There is a book called The Quadrant of Electricity by Dollaard. Dollard discusses Tesla's DC, direct current, and AC, alternating current, but mentions that there are two other types, IC, impulse current and OC, oscilating current, making four. There are four stages of the Carnot Cycle. The four stroke combustion engine has four parts, and it is the most popular style of engine. There are four thermodynamic potentials learned the first year in chemsitry in college, and they fulfill a quadrant model pattern, being produced by two dichotomies. They are internal energy, gibbs free energy, helmholtz free energy, and enthalpy. Enthalpy has constant pressure and constant entropy, Gibbs has constant pressure and constant temperature, internal energy has constant volume and constant entropy, and helmholtz free enrgy has constant temperature and constant volume. The gas laws learned in the first year of chemistry are also based around four variables, pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of gas. Arthur Young has a book in which he discusses four different types of folds including the fourfold, but he focuses on the fourfold seeing it as the most elemental in reality. Young talks about the three fold, the fourfold, and the twelvefold. But he emphasizes the fourfold and discusses the dynamic between three and four. Young mentions the four derivatives of motion, seeing the fourth derivative of motion, jerk, which is the derivation of acceleration, as the transcendent fourth. The  The four derivatives are motion, velocity, acceleration, and the transcendent different fourth, jerk. Most students in physics only learn the first three. Young also mentions a four level seven part pattern, where the seven creates a V in four levels. A similar four level seven number V was elucidated by Plato, in which Plato discusses seven letters that create two series of four numbers, with the number one repeated in both series, and being the connecting point of the V. The two series of four numbers are called Plato's two tetractys, and Platos Lambda, and Plato described that these two sets of four numbers were used to create the soul of existence. 

There are 16 main tectonic plates.

Lavoisier, the Father of Chemistry, abandoned the four element theory of chemistry, but maintained four groupings of elements, labelling elements as gases, metals, non mentals, and earths. Giovanni Arduino, the Father of Geology, separated history into four periods, distinguishing rocks into four series. The fourth period, he called the quatenary period, and the term quatenary is still used by geologists today to refer to the modern period. Chess was originally called Chaturang meaning four divisions. The chess pieces correspond to the four divisions of the Indian Army. Also Backgammon is described as a board divided among four quadrants. There are four suits in cards, and solitaire uses four blank spaces where the cards fill. Dance dance revolution has a four direction dancing grid, and the playstation console controller has the four buttons with four shapes in a quadrant pattern. The popular game twister has four colors. The vikings had a game called Viking chess that was centered around four different shapes. Paul Dirac discovered antimatter using four four by four matrices. I discussed that Wolfgang Pauli saw the three plus one pattern in the quantum numbers. Pauli corresponded with other physicists who also noted the centrality of the number four and would notice the same three plus one pattern in other areas of physics, often where four would be the cut off. There are chemists who have noted the three plus one pattern in the atom. Thyresistors have four layers of alternating materials, as do silicon controlled rectifiers.

The Quran code derives from the four words of the Basmallah, which starts off every surah of the Quran except one. It means in the name of Allh (the four letter name) the most gracious, the most merciful. The quran code was found around the four words of Basmallah. A chemist, Dr. Plichta, saw the three plus one pattern in the atom and linked the patterns of four in the atom and the number 19. The number 19 is also seen in the Quran code linked with the four words of the Basmallah (there are 19 squares in quadrant model adding three to the 16- in the standard model of particle physics there are 16 known particles and three questionable ones- the three questionable are the fifth quadrant). The Muslim tawheed is four words in a assonance and l alliteration la illaha illa allah- meaning there is no God but Allh. In order to become a muslim you must say the four words, and they are argued by Muslims to be the most beautiful and unified by the letters l and a. The Ishmaili Muslims believe that Jesus was crucified, and they say that when the Quran describes that Jesus did not die on the cross, that it is saying that Jesus, the true Jesus, his true self did not die on the cross. They point to Quranic passages that say that if you die in the name of God it is not right to say that you are dead. The Ismaili sect Islam connect the four words of the shahada, the tawheed, to the four parts of the cross. There are four main poses that Muslims make in prayer and four musts of Wudu washing for Muslims. Muslim prayer can consist of two three or four rakat/movements. Four is the highest. Vaishnavites similarly start off their studies by saying the four words Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Prahlad, in the story of Narismha, chants these four words, meaning, in the name of Vishnu. Joseph Campbell argues that religions go through four stages of development, the way of the animal powers, which is the weird first square full of shamans, the way of the seeded earth, which is the good second square with mother goddesses, the way of the celestial lights, which is the bad patriarchal Father God mind set, and finally the transcendent fourth The Way of Man where people seek abstract deeper understanding. Bachofen has a similar four stage development of history. Sociologists say that human socieites move through four stages. Elman Service defined them as bands, which have equality and are nice like the first square, tribes, which are nice homeostasis and family oriented, chiefdoms, which have more violence and are therefore more bad, which is the nature of the thrid square, and finally the transcendent fourth states, which kind of build upon and add to yet contain the previous three. Adam Smith distinguished four stages of human history, the hunters, shephards, agricultural, and commerce. McLuhan was famous for his Tetrad of Media Effects. He also distinguished four periods of history, the oral tribal periods, the age of writing, the civilization created by print, and the electric circuitry global village. Teillhard de Chardin also divided human evolution into four stages, the geosphere, biosphere, noosopher, and christosphere. Aurobindo also employed four stages. Gebser describes four stages of consciousness, archaic, magic, mythic, and mental. Spengler divides history into four seasons. Goethe discusses four epoches of the human spirit as well. In all of the cases the fourth has a transcendent quality. The Hindu four yugas/ages took the same pattern where the first is good, second is good, third bad, and fourth transcendent/different. The Greeks, for instance Ovid, also define four ages of man, a golden that is good, silver that is good, bronze that is bad and warlike, and a fourth transcendent age, iron. The fourth is always different. If there is a fifth it is ultra transcendent and questionable. In relation to the seasons spring is good summer is fun and family and good, fall is bad in that leaves are dieing, and winter is the transcendent death. In World War II there was the Big Four Allied Powers. Germany was divided into four regions after the war between the Big Four powers. The Big Four who fought World War I were the four allied powers  Woodrow Wilson of the United States, David Lloyd George of Britain, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando of Italy, and Georges Clemenceau of France. The central powers who fought the allied powers during World War I were known as the quadruple alliance, as they consisted of four members, Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. There were four major crusades. The term crusade derives from the word cross/crux. A crux is a quadrant. The crusaders wore crosses.


I wrote a general post about what makes a hot beat hot. As a followup, here’s how to program some generic patterns and a few famous breakbeats. The basic unit of dance music is a sequence of sixteen eighth notes, two measures of four-four time. Drum machines like the Roland TR-808 represent the sixteen eighth notes as an ice cube tray with sixteen slots, with a row for each percussion sound. Software like Reason and Fruityloops have drum machine emulators that follow the look and feel of the 808. The loop cycles from slot number one across to the right. When it gets to slot sixteen it jumps back to one.


Here’s how you’d count the basic loop. Above is the standard music notation method of counting two bars of four-four time. Below is the drum machine representation, with the eighth notes numbered one through sixteen.

Popular drum machines tend to have 16 square pads in a four by four format, reflecting a quadrant. Akai and midi and the popular music machines tend to use sixteen channels and the sixteen squares, presenting the quadrant model. The sixteen squares are the most pronounced feature of the drum machine.

Tinbergen's Four Questions are shown in a quadrant formation below. As I discussed I had a class at UCSD on the psychology of animal behavior and Tinbergen's four questions was the basis of everything in the class.

"Proximate Questions about the individual animal (micro view*[4])
1. LIFETIME DEVELOPMENT - how does the behaviour change with the individual's age? What early experiences are necessary for the behaviour to be shown? Which developmental steps and environmental factors play a role?
2. Current MECHANISM - what are the stimuli that elicit the present response? How has it been modified by recent learning? How do behaviour and psyche "function" on the molecular, physiological, neuro, cognitive and social level? How do these relate to each other as a structure?

Ultimate Questions about the species (macro view)
3. EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY - how does the behaviour of this species compare with similar behaviour in related species? How might it have arisen through the process of evolution? Why did the behaviour evolve in this manner and not otherwise?
4. RESULT / EFFECT - how does the behaviour affect the animal's chances of survival and reproduction? What is the function or purpose*[5] of the behaviour in this context?"

Below is the table of error types in statistics. This is the foundation of statistics. One of the first things learned in statistics class in college is quartiles and inner quartile range. Quar means four.

The four mechanoreceptors in Quadrant Model format are shown above.

Fig. 3. The four types of low-threshold mechanoreceptors in human glabrous skin are depicted. The four panels in the centre show the nerve firing responses to a ramp and

hold indentation and in % the frequency of occurrence and putative morphological correlate. The black dots in the left panel show the RFs of Type I (top) and Type II (bottom)

afferents. The right panel shows the average density of Type I (top) and Type II (bottom) afferents with darker areas depicting higher densities (after Westling, 1986).

The cutaneous sensory system (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Aug 6, 2017].

"Below is schematic visual model of oxygen-binding process, showing all four monomers and hemes, and protein chains only as diagrammatic coils, to facilitate visualization into the molecule

Hemoglobin's quaternary structure comes from its four subunits in roughly a tetrahedral arrangement". There is also four parts of blood, red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets.

The embryo of a baby fulfills a tetrahedral form at the four cell stage. A tetrahedron is four cells. The cells differentiate to a 16 cell morula stage. There is 16 squares in the quadrant model. Ultimately 64 cells are created, which is four 16s, or four quadrant models. Haramein relates the shape to the isotropic vector equilibrium. 

Below a 4-cell embryo with a typical pyramidal or tetrahedral structure

"When cell division generates about sixteen cells, the zygote becomes a morula (mulberry shaped). It leaves the fallopian tube and enters the uterine cavity three to four days after fertilization".

Compaction occurs at 16 cells. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model

When the cells number around sixteen the solid sphere of cells within the zona pellucida is referred to as a morula [6] At this stage the cells start to bind firmly together in a process called compaction, and cleavage continues as cellular differentiation.

As you can see, the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is a four by four quadrant model. It is written below in the sixteen word format. Hare Krishna devotees say that the mantra is equivalent to Krishna, although they admit that such a statement is cryptic and esoteric. Krishna says that he is the Aum, which is the fourfold. The Maha Mantra is a representation of the fourfold.

Panchayatana puja (IAST Pañcāyatana pūjā) is a system of worship ('puja') in the Smarta tradition of Hinduism.[1] It consists of the worship of five deities set in a quincunx pattern,[2] the five deities being ShivaVishnuDevi or DurgaSurya and an Ishta Devata such as Ganesha or Skanda or any personal god of devotee's preference.[3][4] Sometimes the Ishta Devata is the sixth deity in the mandala.[1]

Depiction below of the typical arrangement of five icons or anicons in Pancayatana puja on the right. To the left is the quincunx, a cross/quadrant of five parts. The quadrant is dominant in reality, expressing itself in four in quincunxes as well. 

A Ganesha-centric Panchayatana: Ganesha (centre) with Shiva (top left), Devi or Durga (top right), Vishnu (bottom left) and Surya (bottom right).

On Arthur Young's fourfold

Young has discovered a specific pattern, an explicit design to process that repeats itself again and again in nature. The "structure" of "time-structure" has four categorically distinct aspects. Two of these aspects are objective while two are nonobjective or projective. Young devotes much of his second book, The Geometry of Meaning, to an exposition of the fourfold. 

The importance of the discovery of fourfold reality to the construction of a New Age paradigm cannot be overemphasized. Science assumes that reality is monistic, i.e., that there is only one kind of ultimate substance. Mind, for example, is generally viewed as an epiphenomenon of the brain, not as part of a basic dualism in nature. New Age thinking, on the other hand, tends to accept a dualistic or loosely defined "multidimensional" view of reality, making a distinction between objective and nonobjective reality. Physicist David Bohm's contrast of explicate and implicate order points in this direction as does Carlos Castaneda's popularized teaching of "a separate reality." Young alone, however, has seen the power and necessity of a fourfold analytical interpretation of objective and projective reality. In order to function, universal process requires not one but two dualisms, two pairs of opposites that mediate each other. "


Below is one of Young's numerous fourfold quadrant diagrams.

Below is another one of Young's fourfolds in his geometry of meaning as well as a link to the book. Again he mentions three other folds (making four in all)- three folds two folds and twelve folds, but his emphasis is on the fourfolds and he ultimately brings all the folds back to the four fold

Plato's Lambda is made of two sets of four numbers. The first set is 1,2,4, and 8. The second set is 1, 3, 9, 27. The diagram above shows the relationship of the lambda to the tetractys. Plato said that the soul of existence was created by the two tetratys, sets of four numbers of the lambda. Plato argues in the Timaeus that these two sets of four numbers were placed in the form of a giant chiasm/X/CROSS/quadrant. These cosmic chiasm was the form out of which existence was produced. Church fathers looked at Plato's writings and agreed that the chiasm is the cross. The cross is the quadrant. The quadrant is the form of being. Below is a diagram demonstrating the link between Plato's lambda, two sets of four numbers or two tetractys, and the Pythagorean tetractys.'s+lambda&source=bl&ots=1FvbOcukAp&sig=innjnDJ1ch70jcKN9mQ2ybMT0WM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiK74LjkMXVAhWHqFQKHS8iDxcQ6AEIQTAF#v=onepage&q=plato's%20lambda&f=false

Above is Paul Dirac's four four by four matrices. The four by four matrix is the standard in physics. Four by four is 16 and teh Quadrant model. Dirac's four by four matrices were used to discover antimatter.

Below is a quadrant model produced by Timothy Leary in relationship to his 16 type circumplex model of personality. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.

This celebrated proof of the pythagorean theorem involves four sections, with the a squared section being the different fourth. The geometric proof for calculus derivatives similarly involves a four section square with the fouth part being different

The geometric presentation for the proof of the product rule in calculus involves four sections

While it is not necessary for the proof, it can be helpful to understand this product geometrically as the area of the rectangle in this diagram:

Bayes theorem is described as the most important theorem in statistics. The theorem is a quadrant model.

"Visualization of Bayes' theorem by superposition of two event tree diagrams."

Below is a quadrant geometric visualisation of Bayes’ theorem. In the table, the values w, x, y and z give the relative weights of each corresponding condition and case. The figures denote the cells of the table involved in each metric, the probability being the fraction of each figure that is shaded. This shows that P (A |B ) · P (B ) = P (B |A ) · P (A ) i.e. P (A |B ) = P (B |A ) · P (A )/P (B ) . Similar reasoning shows that P (Ā |B ) = P (B |Ā ) · P (Ā )/P (B ) and so forth.

Above is the CAST trigonometric quadrant that is the foundation of trigonometry. The A, All part is different, yet contains the previous three- the transcendent fourth

Robert Kiyosaki's well known cash flow quadrant depicted above

The four types of black holes. The fourth type is different and was discovered a lot later. They are shown below in a quadrant formula.

Penrose diagrams are the basis for the study of black holes. They are quadrants. Their precursors were Kruskal-Szekeres diagrams which were also quadrants with four parts.

Below is a Kruskal–Szekeres diagram, illustrated for 2GM=1. The quadrants are the black hole interior (II), the white hole interior (IV) and the two exterior regions (I and III). The dotted 45° lines, which separate these four regions, are the event horizons. The darker hyperbolas which bound the top and bottom of the diagram are the physical singularities. The paler hyperbolas represent contours of the Schwarzschild rcoordinate, and the straight lines through the origin represent contours of the Schwarzschild tcoordinate.–Szekeres_coordinates

Usually scietists define four main layers of the atmosphere. The fourth, the thermosphere is way different from the first three. It is a lot longer and is made of extremely rarefied air. The third level is where light shows occur. The third is related to action. The second layer has the ozone. The second square is always protection and homeostasis.

It is used in temples. Trishala, the mother of the founder of the Jains, Mahavira, had 16 dreams signalling her sons birth.

The Lho Shu magic square is a three by three magic square that is seen as very sacred to Jains and other Eastern religions. There is a striking feature that is noted about the magic square, that the prime numbers in the square form a cross. The cross is a quadrant. The four even numbers are in the corners.

64 is four to the third power. 64 is 16 times four. Brahma Pada in the center is dedicated to Brahman. Brahman is said to be the absolute and everything. It is true that everything is the quadrant. The Brahma Pada is a four square quadrant model. A diagram of the temple is below. The manduka pada, 64 square temple, also consists of four padas, the Brahma Pada i the center, The Devika Pada which is a sixteen square quadrant model,  the Manusha Pada, and finally the Paisachika Pada.

"The 8x8 (64) grid Manduka Hindu Temple Floor Plan, according to Vastupurusamandala. The 64 grid is the most sacred and common Hindu temple template. The bright saffron center, where diagonals intersect above, represents the Purusha of Hindu philosophy.[2][30]"

The Four Major Cults: Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Seventh-day Adventism Paperback – January 9, 1989

"GADV-protein world is a hypothetical stage of abiogenesis. GADV stands for the 1-letter codes of four amino acids, namely, glycine (G), alanine (A), aspartic acid (D) and valine (V), the main components of GADV proteins" 

The fourth stage of the sex response cycle is transcendent.

The human sexual response cycle is a four-stage model of physiological responses to sexual stimulation,[1] which, in order of their occurrence, are the excitement phase, plateau phase, orgasmic phase, and resolution phase

Theories of the evolution of horses have consistently grouped horses into four groups, with the fourth different. Notice how Edwards adds a transcendent fourth type to the three, fulfilling the three plus one pattern

A theory associated with James Cossar Ewart in Scotland and Johann Ulrich Duerst in Germany postulated three primitive horse types, considered subspecies of Equus caballus, as ancestors of modern breeds. They were:[4]

  • "Forest Horse", Equus caballus germanicus, descendant of a "Diluvial Horse", Equus caballus silvaticus

  • Asiatic Wild Horse or Przewalski horse, then considered Equus caballus przewalskii

  • Tarpan, then considered Equus caballus gmelini.

To these Elwyn Hartley Edwards adds a fourth, the "Tundra Horse", supposedly ancestor of the Yakut pony, and "largely unconsidered by hippologists".[4]

A later theory associated with European scholars such as Jimmy SpeedRuy d'AndradeHermann Ebhardt and Edward Skorkowski, postulated four basic body types, which were not considered to be named species.[4] They were:

  • Pony Type 1, in northwestern Europe, resistant to cold and wet, similar to the modern Exmoor pony

  • Pony Type 2, in northern Eurasia, larger than type 1, resistant to cold, similar to the modern Highland pony and Fjord horse

  • Horse Type 1, in central Asia, resistant to heat and drought, similar to the modern Sorraia and Akhal-Teke

  • Horse Type 2, in western Asia, small and fine-boned, resistant to heat, similar to the modern Caspian horse.

American paleontologist Deb Bennett[5][6] postulated that the early form of E. caballus developed into seven subspecies,[7] of which four supposedly contributed most to the ancestry of the domesticated horse, both directly and via assorted crossbred lineages between them.[8] These were:

Horses also have four gaits

Below is an image of the four funnel liner titanic. Titanic was a four funnel liner, but the fourth funnel was fake. The fourth was placed on it because four funnels was seen as prestigious and extraordinary. The fourth is always different/transendent.

"OlympicTitanic and Britannic only had three operational funnels. However sporting four funnels represented power, safety and prestige, in keeping with the style and fashion of the early 20th century the White Star Line opted to fit the three Olympic-class ships with 'dummy' fourth funnels in order to rival the two Cunard ships. The ideology of four funnels representing size and power rapidly diminished soon after the First World War, later larger flagships including the SS ImperatorSS Normandie and the RMS Queen Mary all sported three funnels to conserve deck space, later still as shipbuilding became more efficient the RMS Queen ElizabethRMS Mauretania and the SS America reduced this further down to two funnels, today's modern cruise ships are all built with only a single funnel and many military vessels no longer sport them at all."

There is generally a maximum of four trophic levels in the food chain. The first square is good and nice. Nothing is killed. The first is always weird and good. The second is always good as well. The second trophic level is vegetarians. The third trophic level is bad. The third square is always bad. The secondary consumers of the third trophic level are carnivores that eat the nice, good primary consumers of the second trophic level. The fourth level is transcendent, in that it is animals that eat the animals that eat the animals.

"Energy is passed up a food chain or web from lower to higher trophic levels. However, generally only about 10 percent of the energy at one level is available to the next level. This is represented by the ecological pyramid in Figure 1.1. What happens to the other 90 percent of energy? It is used for metabolic processes or given off to the environment as heat. This loss of energy explains why there are rarely more than four trophic levels in a food chain or web. Sometimes there may be a fifth trophic level, but usually there’s not enough energy left to support any additional levels. "

The transcendent fourth kingdom of life is the protists. A fifth kingdom has been proposed, the monera. But the most popular classification is four kingdoms. The monera addition is the three plus one plus one or three plus two pattern. Protists are the transcendent fourth, and monera are simply protists without a cell wall. The fourth always points to the fifth.

"The formal taxonomic category Protoctista was first proposed in the early 1860s by John Hogg, who argued that the protists should include what he saw as primitive unicellular forms of both plants and animals. He defined the Protoctista as a "fourth kingdom of nature", in addition to the then-traditional kingdoms of plants, animals and minerals."

"Hogg's classification was the basis for Whittaker's later definition of FungiAnimaliaPlantae and Protista as the four kingdoms of life."

Europeans in the 16th century divided the world into four continentsAfricaAmericaAsia and Europe.[1] Each of the four continents was seen to represent its quadrant of the world—Europe in the north, Asia in the east, Africa in the south, and America in the west. This division fit the Renaissance sensibilities of the time, which also divided the world into four seasons, four classical elements, four cardinal directions, four classical virtues, etc.

When Amerigo Vespucci and others discussed the finding of America, America was termed the "fourth part of the world". The fourth was different and mysterious than what they considered the three known parts.

In the video above, at 13:50, the man articulates how the four words of Basmallah are the foundation of the quran code. He highlights the four words each with a different color. Basmallah is often chanted before teaching and prayer and is seen as extremely important in Islam. It is comprised of four words, and the Basmallah begins every surah of the quran.

There are four major tournaments in bowling

"The PBA Tour has four events that are considered major tournaments over the history of the organization:

  • The USBC Masters

  • The PBA World Championship

  • The Tournament of Champions

  • The U.S. Open"

The ten pins are usually automatically set by machine into four rows which form an equilateral triangle where there are four pins on a side (Pythagorean Tetractys). Neighboring pins are set up 12 inches (30 cm) apart, measured from center to center. There are four pins in the back row, then three, then two, and finally one in the front at the center of the lane

Four Grand Slam Tennis Events

The Grand Slam tournaments, also called majors, are the four most-important annual tennis events. They offer the most ranking points,[1] prize money, public and media attention, the greatest strength and size of field, and greater number of "best of" sets for men. The Grand Slam itinerary consists of the Australian Open in mid January, the French Open in May and June, Wimbledon in July, and the US Open in August and September

There are four main types of tennis court.

"Tennis is played on a variety of surfaces and each surface has its own characteristics which affect the playing style of the game. There are four main types of courts depending on the materials used for the court surface: clay courts, hard courts, grass courts and carpet courts."

Tennis games are four points.  

  • The games are scored starting at "love" (or zero) and go up to 40, but that's actually just four points. From love, the first point is 15, then 30, then 40, then game point, which wins the game​


 See below how the tennis court is in the shape of a quadrant in the center in the image below. Ping Pong tables also form quadrants as well as badminton courts. Four players play in quadrant formation during doubles

The Big Four in wrestling and 16 shows 16 Squares of the Quadrant Model

WWE has broadcast pay-per-views since the 1980s, when its classic "Big Four" events (Royal RumbleWrestleManiaSummerSlam, and Survivor Series) were first established. The company's PPV lineup expanded to a monthly basis in the mid-1990s and reached its peak of sixteen shows. Since the second brand extension in July 2016, brand-exclusive pay-per-views returned with only the "Big Four" as the only pay-per-views to feature both Raw and SmackDown brands.

Events like the Fatal Four Way are popular in wrestling. Also the four figure lock is a renowned wrestling move, that is said to make the image of a four. The crucifix neck crank and the crucifix position are also forms in wrestling that resemble the crucifix/quadrant, and are named after it.

The Spartan government setup had 4 branches

  1. The two Co-Kings 

  2. The Gerontes or Gerousia – rich elders 

  3. The Ephors 

  4. The Appella or Demos 

'There are four distinct levels of protein structure." The four levels are shown below. The fourth is transcendent.

Kant's metaphysics diagrammed in a quadrant below

Ken Wilber's quadrant model illustrated above

Slayer's album cover "God Hates Us All" features four crosses in a corss/quadrant formation. The cross is the quadrant

Slayer is one of the Big 4 thrash metal bands. The other three are Megadeath, Anthrax, and Metallica.

The song "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" by Drowning Pool allegedly was played by ISIS members and used as a threat against the West as inspiration of what they wanted to do. In it he repeats sets of four "let the bodies hit the floor" and he counts to four saying one nothing wrong with me, two nothing wrong with me, to four, nothing wrong with me

At 9 seconds he discusses how the war in Syria is divided between four sides. It makes sense that there will be a lot of fighting in Islam, because Islam is the third square religion, which is associated with being "bad". Buddhism, the first square world religion, of the four world religions, is seen as good. The first square is always perceived as good. Although Buddhism is also seen as weird, which is also characteristic of the first square

The four-stroke cycle
 A: Intake 
 B: Compression 
 C: Power 
 D: Exhaust

"A four-stroke engine (also known as four cycle) is an internal combustion (IC) engine in which the piston completes four separate strokes while turning a crankshaft. A stroke refers to the full travel of the piston along the cylinder, in either direction." 

Why does everything on Passover Haggadah= 4? 4 cups, 4 sons, 4 questions?!

Carbon atom as swastika and Aum, both symbols of the fourfold


We have discussed the significance of the merkaba in past articles and how it is this form that can be seen in countless ancient, sacred artworks from around the world. We see the Buddhist and Sri Yantra mandalas, the Star of David, and ancient artworks from numerous Judeo-Christian churches. These depictions of the star tetrahedron may be the key to understanding the form of the photon. In fact, in the episode of interest, we are given significant proof that it very much is.


There are numerous ways to prove that the photon has the form of the star tetrahedron. The first is mathematics. The thought of any amount of math may seem intimidating and maybe a little boring to some, but we will keep the subject simple. (For those who like more complexity, links are provided.)

The Star of David is a two dimensional double tetrahedron Merkaba. The double tetrahedron Merkaba is shown above. Tetra is four. Wilcock and others argue that the Merkaba is elemental to reality. An amplituhedron is four tetrahedrons.

"The amplituhedron and the merkaba

This is a drawing of the merkaba which David Wilcock made years before (left) along with a simplified drawing of the amplituhedron (right).  As we can see, there is a direct correlation with the amplituhedron. As it turns out, the amplituhedron is exactly ¼ of the merkaba. In mathematics, forms are typically simplified to their most elementary structure so as to make calculations simpler to work with. The form of the amplituhedron is yet another example which makes the strong point that the photon (the basic structure of spacetime and the foundation of all wave/particles) is, in fact, the merkaba."

Harramein says that the IChing is a coding for the double tetrahedron Merkaba matrix. Tetra is four. Again the dominance of four

The video below is titled 

I Ching As A Star Tetrahedron Matrix: Encoding The Geometry Of The Universe

In the video above Haramein demonstrates how the tree of life connects to Buckminster Fuller's isotropic vector equilibrium. The IVC (isotroic vector equilibrium) is made up of 64 tetrahedrons. Tetra is four. 64 is four 16s. Haramein connects the 64 to the squares on the chess field, to the 64 arts in hinduism, the 64 codons in the genetic code, and many other examples. There is also a text in the Nag Hamadi finds that describes 64 treasures. There is a ton of examples of 64. 64 is an eight by eight quadrant model made of four quadrant model 16s. 64 is four to the third power. I mentioned already that Nintendo 64 used 64 bites. Haramein and Fuller argued that the IVC was the underlying structure of space time

Shodashi means 16. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model and sixteen syllables in the mantra. There are 16 types of desires and the 16 petalled lotus. 

Sarva Aasa Paripuraka, a sixteen-petal lotus


"As Shodashi, Tripurasundari is represented as a sixteen-year-old girl, and is believed to embody sixteen types of desire. Shodashi also refers to the sixteen syllable mantra, which consists of the fifteen syllable (panchadasakshari) mantra plus a final seed syllable. The Shodashi Tantra refers to Shodashi as the "Beauty of the Three Cities," or Tripurasundari.[2]"

Ram was said to move like four animals. Hanuman said Ram bestows four fruits. According to Hindus an Avatar must have 16 specific qualities, and Ram possessed all 16 of those qualities. There is 16 squares in the quadrant model. The upanishads say that there is 16 parts of the self.

A song of the Tripura Sundari is to the left. The 16 four times four is dominant. Yes the tripura is about three cities, but as I said, other numbers are mentioned in cases in reality when four already presented its dominance.

Accodring to the Hindu Upanishads, the self has 16 parts and the universe has 16 parts. Also the upanishads say that 16 elements were created

“Lastly, Sukesa approached the sage and said: ‘Holy sir, Hiranyanabha, prince of Kosala, once asked me this question: ““Sukesa, do you know the Self and his sixteen parts?”” I replied, ““I do not. Surely, if I had known them, I should have taught them to you. I will not lie, for he who lies perishes, root and all.”” The prince silently mounted his chariot and went away. So now I ask of thee, Where is the Self?’” (Prashna Upanishad 6:1).

Where is the Self? “The sage replied: “My child, within this body dwells the Self, from whom sprang the sixteen parts of the universe; and in this manner they came into being” (Prashna Upanishad 6:2). “Pondering thus, and in answer to his thought, he made Prana; and from Prana he made desire; and from desire he made ether, air, fire, water, earth, the senses, the mind, and food; and from food he made vigor, penance, the Vedas, the sacrificial rites, and all the worlds. Thereafter, in the worlds, he created names. And the number of the elements he thus created was sixteen” (Prashna Upanishad 6:4). We need to take this part by part.

“As the flowing rivers, whose destination is the sea, having reached it disappear in it, losing their names and forms, and men speak only of the sea; so these sixteen parts created from out his own being by the Self, the Eternal Seer, having returned to him from whom they came, disappear in him, their destination, losing their names and forms, and people speak only of the Self. Then for man the sixteen parts are no more, and he attains to immortality. Thus was it said of old: ‘The sixteen parts are spokes projecting from the Self, who is the hub of the wheel. The Self is the goal of knowledge. Know him and go beyond death.’” (Prashna Upanishad 6:5, 6).

The Beatles album, with the Beatles, represented as a three plus one quaternity

The four species and their relationship to teh four main parts of the body according to Jews. Notice how the first three are bound together, but the fourth, the etrog is separate. The three plus one pattern is thus verified.

Butterflies go through four stages of metamorphosis. The stages are egg, larva, pupa and adult. The monarch butterfly has a four cycle migration pattern that is well studied by biologists.


The fourth part of the cycle is different.

Monarch butterflies go through four stages during one life cycle, and through four generations in one year. It’s a little confusing but keep reading and you will understand. The four stages of the

 monarch butterfly life cycle are the egg, the larvae (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis), and the adult butterfly. The four generations are actually four different butterflies going through these four stages during one year until it is time to start over again with stage one and generation one.

In February and March, the final generation of hibernating monarch butterflies comes out of hibernation to find a mate. They then migrate north and east in order to find a place to lay their eggs. This starts stage one and generation one of the new year for the monarch butterfly.

In March and April the eggs are laid on milkweed plants. They hatch into baby caterpillars, also called the larvae. It takes about four days for the eggs to hatch. Then the baby caterpillar doesn’t do much more than eat the milkweed in order to grow. After about two weeks, the caterpillar will be fully-grown and find a place to attach itself so that it can start the process of metamorphosis. It will attach itself to a stem or a leaf using silk and transform into a chrysalis. Although, from the outside, the 10 days of the chrysalis phase seems to be a time when nothing is happening, it is really a time of rapid change. Within the chrysalis the old body parts of the caterpillar are undergoing a remarkable transformation, called metamorphosis, to become the beautiful parts that make up the butterfly that will emerge. The monarch butterfly will emerge from the pupa and fly away, feeding on flowers and just enjoying the short life it has left, which is only about two to six weeks. This first generation monarch butterfly will then die after laying eggs for generation number two.

The second generation of monarch butterflies is born in May and June, and then the third generation will be born in July and August. These monarch butterflies will go through exactly the same four stage life cycle as the first generation did, dying two to six weeks after it becomes a beautiful monarch butterfly.

  1.  Halpern, Sue (2002). Four Wings and a Prayer. Kindle edition location 1594. New York, New York: Random House.

Butterflies also have four wings.

The creature with the most advanced vision is the mantis shrimp. It has 16 photoreceptors. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. The last four photoreceptors are different as well, fulfilling the three plus one pattern in that the last quadrant is diffferent than the previous three.

12 of those cones can detect different wavelengths of light, and the other 4 can detect different type of polarized light.

Master P's album with a cross on the front

Hoagland believes that there is tetrahedron geometry in planets and points to a 19.5 degree phenomenon, derived from what he considers tetrahedra inside planets, marking important features on the planets surface. Tetra is four.

From the album Quadraphenia- The Who- Four Faces. Quad means four. In the song Daltrey describes having four personalities. 

A composition from Wagner's famous Wagner's four part ring cycle

Der Ring des Nibelungen (usually known simply as The Ring cycle) is essentially four very big operas, all linked together by the same story. In order, they are: Das Rheingold, Die Walküre, Siegfried and Götterdämmerung.

The Valkyries, the second of Wagner's four works is very well known, and played in a lot of movies. It is shown above.

Pythagoras believed that all music was tuned through the tetractys. The fundamental unit of music to the Greeks was the tetrachord. Tetra is four.

The term tetrachord derives from ancient Greek music theory, where it signified a segment of the Greater and Lesser Perfect Systems bounded by unmovable notes (Greek: ἑστῶτες); the notes between these were movable (Greek: κινούμενοι). It literally means four strings, originally in reference to harp-like instruments such as the lyre or the kithara, with the implicit understanding that the four strings produced adjacent (i.e. conjunct) notes.

Modern music theory makes use of the octave as the basic unit for determining tuning: ancient Greeks used the tetrachord for this purpose. Ancient Greek theorists recognized that the octave is a fundamental interval, but saw it as built from two tetrachords and a whole tone.[1]


The square of oppositions is a quadrant and it is the foundation of logic. The square of opposition is a diagram representing the relations between four categorical propositions. The origin of the square can be traced back to Aristotle.

If we assume that the set denoted by the subject term cannot be an empty set, then there are four logical relations among the A, E, I, O statements. They are shown in the Traditional Square of Opposition. The four relations are:





Gottlob Frege's Begriffsschrift also presents a square of oppositions, organised in an almost identical manner to the classical square, showing the contradictories, subalternates and contraries between four formulae constructed from universal quantification, negation and implication.

Frege's square of opposition
The conträr below is an erratum:
It should read subconträr

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