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The Israelites worshipped the tetragrammaton. The tetragrammaton is four letters. The tetragrammaton is YHW and H. Kaballah is Jewish mysticism. Some kabbalists described the tetragrammaton as the dynamic between the number three and the number four. There are four letters in the tetragrammaton, YHW and H, but there is also three letters because there is a repetition of the H.


So the three letters in the tetragrammaton, YHW. So the tetragrammaton has four letters in total, but three different letters. Also the final H in the tetragrammaton is silent. Whenever a letter H ends a word it is silent. So the tetragrammaton sort of represents a three plus one pattern. Three letters make a sound, but the fourth letter is silent.


The Hindus worship the AUM. Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita says that He is the AUM. The AUM is described to be the Brahman, the Ultimate God. According to the Mandukya Upanishad, the AUM is also a three plus one pattern. The Mandukya upanishad calls the AUM, the fourfold sound. A represents Brahma and creation. U corresponds to Vishnu and sustaining/ homeostasis and order. M represents Shiva and destruction/action. The Mandukya Upanishad says that there is a fourth aspect to Aum though, a silence that surrounds the previous three letters. So the AUM, like the tetragrammaton is the three plus one pattern.


The Muslims worship Allh. In English Allh is spelled Allah, with an a before the final h, but in arabic it is spelled Allh. Muslims see significance int he four letters of Allh, and see miracles in the four letters and the way that they are arranged. For instance, the words in Arabic for A, Al, All, and Allh all connote the oneness of God, some Muslims proclaim. The name Allh is also a three plus one pattern. The way that Allh is written, the All are written together, and the h is written separate. Also, like in the Aum and the tetragrammaton, the final h is silent. So Allh illustrates the three plus one pattern.


The Greeks also venerated the three plus one. Empedocles was a famous Greek Philosopher. He argued that there were four primordial Gods. The four original Gods were Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, and Hades. Empedocles saw these four Gods as the four elements, air, water, earth, and fire. Empedocles, moreover, saw the four elements as a three plus one pattern. In Aristotle’s, The Physics, Aristotle discusses Empedocles philosophy of the four elements, and Aristotle agrees with Empedocles. Aristotle proclaims that while some Philosophers argued that there was less that four elements, there is in fact four elements that make up existence. Aristotle also mentions, that Empedocles saw the four elements as a three plus one. According to aristotle, Empedocles saw fire as “opposed to” the other three elements, and separate from them. The first three were seen as very linked by Empedocles, but the fourth element, fire, was articulated as different.


Aristotle, however, later in the Physics, mentions that there is a fifth element. But the fifth element Aristotle describes as ultra transcendent. The fourth element, fire, was different, but the fifth was extraordinarily distinct. The fourth was transcendent, but the fifth was ultra transcendent. Aristotle said that while fire was opposed to the previous three elements, it still associated with them. But the fifth element, the Aether, did not even affiliate with the first four elements. The aether, according to Aristotle, was in the stars, in the heavens, and was divine.


In the quadrant pattern the fourth is always transcendent and different, and the fifth is ultra transcendent and like God. Aristotle’s four elements can be linked to the four phases of matter. The four phases are gas, liquid, solid, and plasma. Plasma is the different fourth element. Again there is a questionable, ultra transcendent fifth phase of matter, called the Bose Einstein condensate. But the Bose Einstein condensate can only be produced under laboratory conditions. Under normal conditions, there are only four phases of matter, and that is why gas, liquid, solid, and plasma are called the classical states of matter.


Fundamental to the quadrant pattern is the three plus one pattern. The fourth transcendent aspect can point to an ultra transcendent fifth component, which itself may become a new quadrant. Reality is organized according to the quadrant pattern. The first is always weird and more mental, the second square is more related to order and homeostasis, the third is connected with destruction and action, and the fourth is transcendent, often containing elements of the previous three and or being very different from the previous three and not seeming to belong. Kabbalists saw the YHW and H tetragrammaton as linked to such a pattern. The Y represented creation, the H sustaining and homeostasis, the W action and creativity, and the H transcendent and different.

The way that I discovered the quadrant pattern was that my sophomore year of college, in 2010, my Grandpa told me a personality model over the phone where there were four types of people. My Grandpa had me draw the four types in a quadrant. There were thinkers, emoters, doers, and dreamers. Thinking oriented people, emotional people, doers and dreamers. I didn’t like the model. I thought that there should only be three types of people. I didn’t think that dreaming belonged. I understood what it meant to be a thinker, or an emotional person, or a doer, but to be a dreamer just seemed too different and it didn’t seem to fit with the other three to me. I thought that there should be only three types.


So I examined the model. Maybe a week later I was reading the Gospels for the first time. I was on the chapter where Jesus was crucified and that was when the revelation hit me. I realized that thinking and emotion were a duality. They were different aspects of the same thing. Thoughts affect emotions and emotions influence thoughts. Neither existed without the other. Then I recognized that thinking, emotion, and doing were a triad. What we think influences our emotions, which impacts what we do, which alters our thoughts and inspires new emotions. These three were sort of a trinity, separate but one. Then I identified that dreaming was transcendent, yet included the previous three. I remembered what my psychology professor at UCSD described a week earlier. She talked about how when you dream you have thoughts and emotions and you do things but there is a different quality to your thoughts and emotions, and you do not physically act out what you do because you are paralyzed. You do things in the dream world with your dream body but not physically. So I recognized that dreaming was transcendent to the previous three, yet contained them. They were all different versions of the same thing, separate and distinct but one, simultaneously continuous and discrete.


I observed the phenomena where the fourth was different and transcendent. The first was more mental, the second more linked to homeostasis and order, the third action.


Earlier that week I watched a lecture on Physics that my other Grandpa had bought me from the teaching company. In the lecture the professor discussed that there were four types of forces. He said that the fourth, Gravity, was different. The first three forces, the strong force, the weak force, and electromagnetism, could be articulated through the theory of quantum mechanics, but Gravity could only be understood through the theory of General Relativity. There were attempts made by Physicists to combine the four forces into one. These theories were called Grand Unifying theories, and Theories of Everything, but the Physicists were unsuccessful because they could not link Gravity with the other three. Like Empedocles fire, Gravity was separate from the first three.


Physicists distinguished the four forces by the different combinations of two dichotomies. The dichotomies were bringing together v. separating, and on a large scale v. small scale.The strong force brought things together on a small scale, the weak force separated things on a small scale, electromagnetism separated things on a large scale, and gravity brought things together on a large scale.


Similarly Aristotle organized the four forces along two dyads. The dyads were hot v. cold, and wet v dry. Hot things rose and cold things sunk. Wet things filled the container and dry things stayed compact and firm. Air was hot and wet. Air rose and filled its container. Water was cold and wet. Water sunk and filled its container. Earth was cold and dry. Cold things sunk and dry things maintained their shape. Earth is solid and does not fill its container. Fire was hot and dry. Hot things rose like fire rises and dry things assumed a form not filling the container.


In the same pattern, there are four blood types. A, B, Ab, and O. O is the transcendent fourth. The O blood type can be put in the previous three blood types. So the O is the transcendent fourth domain. There are also four domains of life that assume the same pattern. Archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes, and the virus. Archaea are kind of weird extremophiles. Bacteria kind of maintain order breaking down dead matter and living in creatures guts breaking down food. Eukaryotes are the doers that perform actions and do things. Animals and plants are Eukaryotes. Eukaryotes are more solid. The fourth transcendent domain of life is the virus. When a biologist is asked if a virus is alive or dead, the answer is yes. Biologists originally only agreed upon three domains of life, and did not consider the virus a domain of life because the virus needed a host to survive. But more recently many biologists consider the Virus a fourth domain of life and even think that the other three domains of life may have emerged from the transcendent fourth domain. Therefore the virus is kind of separate, yet encapsulates the previous three. The other three may have emerged from the virus and moreover, the virus literally needs to live within the other three to survive.


The next day after I had the revelation of the quadrant pattern I went to my Biology class at UCSD. The teacher drew Punnett squares. They were quadrants, and they were dihybrid crosses where the first three squares were similar and the fourth different. We watched a movie on DNA and the four nucleobases ACGT were described. Thymine was different, and was replaced with Urine in DNA. I went to the bathroom and drew the next quadrant.



Corresponding to the thinking square I wrote contemplation. The next square I wrote passion, corresponding to the emotion square. The third square I wrote flowing, corresponding to the doing square. The fourth square I wrote knowing, corresponding to the dreaming square.


That night I showed my friend Michael Mossad the model. I told him that according to Plato reality is a shadow of what he called “the Form of the God”. I told Michael that the Form of the Good was the cross. I told him that I made the discovery while I was reading the gospels on the chapter where Jesus was crucified. I told him that the I immediately connected the quadrant to the cross. I explained to Michael that the reason why the cross is such a powerful symbol is it is the “Form of Being” the “Form of Existence” the “Form of the Good”, what Plato saw as God.

I then gave Michael the definitions of thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. I told Michael that thoughts are shaped by the ego/identity. If I consider myself Black my thoughts might be different on a subject than if I considered myself European. I told Michael that emotions are also influenced by the ego identity. I told him that if I consider myself a basketball player then I might get mad if somebody said I was no good at basketball, but I told him that if I did not see myself as a basketball player then I probably would not feel any emotion to such a remark. I told him that thinking and emotion are also physical. I said that thoughts are affected by neurotransmitters and axon potentials which are physically linked, and emotions are connected to hormones. Also one's race and physical features influence his thoughts and emotions. Phrenologists always knew that one's race and physical features affects one's thoughts and thinking capacity and it is obviously true although people like to fight against such claims because they feel that they are used to justify eugenics and practices that are discriminatory. I said to Michael that doing, the third square, was purely physical, and related to physical action, and one's physical qualities affect what he does. For instance if you are tall and athletic and strong, you are more likely to play basketball. So thoughts and emotions, and what one does is connected to physical qualities and phenomena.


I then explained to Michael the definition of dreaming. I told Michael that dreaming was also governed by the ego. Freud said that the content of a lot of dreams was sublimations of sex, which is very ego oriented. People have dreams where they have sex with their mothers. I explained that sex is an act of ego/self preservation, representing the desire to perpetuate/preserve the ego self. Having sex with one's mother represents the ultimate manifestation of the ego desire to save and perpetuate itself, because your mother shares 50 percent of your genes and therefore your child with your mother will have a lot more of your genes, and thus the attempt to procreate with one's mother is the desire to perpetuate and promote the ego self. Freud said that this desire was repressed in waking life, but expressed itself subliminally and metaphorically in dreams. I told Michael how in dreams you run away from bad guys, or try to hide from your classmates because you are naked. You try to protect the ego self in the dream. But I said you also do things that you would not do in regular life. You still think, but there is a different quality to your thoughts. You are more impulsive and spontaneous and do not question things as much. In waking life, if one saw a giant monster walking across the street, he might question if it was real, but in a dream there is not as much questioning that occurs, and things that are supernatural and surreal are taken for granted as real and not questioned. I told Michael that when you dream you are still a physical body acting out the dream, but that physical body is a dream body in the dream world. Your actual physical body is paralyzed and in the bed, so you do not act out your dream with your real physical body. So I told Michael that there is a transcendent quality to dreams. Dreams are still tied to the physical ego body, but there is also a sort of transcendence of the physical ego body. Some great discoveries occurred while people were dreaming. For instance Kekule came up with a model of Benzene while dreaming. Mendelev discovered the periodic table while in a dream. It can be argued that the reason they were able to leap to these discoveries was because their rational physical brains were turned off and they were in touch with a more transcendent supernatural dream realm. There is a transcendent quality to dreams. Ancient cultures saw dreams as linked to the divine realm and the spiritual realm. In the Bible dreams are used to tell the future which is a supernatural task. So the dream links one to the transcendent.


Below the thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming quadrant I drew another quadrant. In the thinking square I wrote contemplation, in the emotion square I wrote passion, in the doing square I wrote flowing, and in the dreaming square I wrote knowing. I told Michael that the fourth square, dreaming, points to the fifth square, contemplation. The fourth square contains the previous three squares, but also indicates the nature of the square that comes after it. Dreaming is simultaneously physical, but points beyond the physical to the transcendent. Dreaming concurrently is linked to the ego body and points beyond the ego body identity. Magical and supernatural feats can occur in dreams such as flying, especially if one is capable of lucid dreaming, where he recognizes that he is dreaming during the dream, and is therefore able to control the dream environment and himself and have supernormal abilities.

I defined for Michael contemplation. I said that when one contemplates he focuses deeply on something, not just at the surface. In order to fully contemplate something, one must seek patterns and relationship, and thus he must immerse himself in the interconnectedness and oneness of things. In order to contemplate, therefore, one must transcend the ego body/separation, and let himself go to oneness and Truth without contamination of the ego identity. So dreaming points to contemplation. I then defined for Michael passion. I said that when one is passionate he loses is completely immersed in something and loses himself in it. I said again the ego self is dead. I told Michael that passion is the byproduct of being a part of something larger than yourself.


I defined for Michael contemplation. I said that when one contemplates he focuses deeply on something, not just at the surface. In order to fully contemplate something, one must seek patterns and relationship, and thus he must immerse himself in the interconnectedness and oneness of things. In order to contemplate, therefore, one must transcend the ego body/separation, and let himself go to oneness and Truth without contamination of the ego identity. So dreaming points to contemplation. I then defined for Michael passion. I said that when one is passionate he loses is completely immersed in something and loses himself in it. I said again the ego self is dead. I told Michael that passion is the byproduct of being a part of something larger than yourself. I said to Michael that flowing is synonymous with the zone. I said that Michael Jordan described the zone, where he experienced a different perception of time and space. He felt that the rim was larger and time moved slower. Everything he did was perfect. He was not aware of his body. He transcended his body. I told Michael that when I was younger I was always in the zone when playing basketball. I was considered by many to be the best shooter in the nation, and I was never aware of my body or what I was doing. Everything I did was subconscious and automatic, but it was more perfect and pure than if I planned it. I saw videos and how I skipped and constantly moved and I was not even aware that I was doing that at the time. I was flowing- I was in the zone. I then told Michael that I would define knowing for him more later, but I told him that philosophers define knowing as a justified true belief. So I said knowing is the Truth, and it is justified so you can explain why it is the Truth. I told Michael that the only thing that can really be known is the quadrant model and that the quadrant is the Form of Existence, I told him that was the one Truth. I knew this even though I had only discovered it the previous day.

I told Michael that the cross is the form of existence and everything in reality was just a manifestation, a reflection of the quadrant pattern. I told him that therefore the quadrant model is the only thing that can really be known and that it is the only thing that is. I told Michael that there is no thing, the only thing that is is the quadrant model that is it, everything is a manifestation of the quadrant pattern, there is only one thing in existence and that is the quadrant pattern- there is no thing only the quadrant model pattern.


I then drew for Michael a quadrant to the left of the thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming quadrant. In the first square I wrote sensation, in the second square I wrote perception, in the third square I wrote reaction (which I later changed to response) and in the fourth square I wrote awareness. I told Michael that while the thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming square was phyiscal, this square was mental and related to the mind. I defined the terms for Michael. I said that sensation is the transduction of chemical and electrical stimuli to sense organs. I then told him that perception was the interpretation of the stimuli by the mind. I emphasized that sensation and perception was mental. I told Michael that placebo pills can completely alter one's perceptions. Perceptions are very much linked to the mind. So sensation and perception are the duality, corresponding to the thinking and emotion squares. I then told Michael that response is the triad. Perceptions evoke responses, and responses are instinctual. For instance, if one gets the perception of a flash of light in his eyes he blinks. If a female hamster gets the sensation of a male hamster mounting her she instinctively responds by arching her back.  The hamster does not consciously do this but instinctively does. So a response is a reaction influenced by stimuli that provokes it. Doing is not necessarily controlled by the stimuli around it, but responses are connected to stimulus.


Similarly a person has more control over his thoughts and emotions, but sensations and perceptions are very linked to the environment. Somebody can affect whether he is happy or not by smiling. The physical action of smiling releases neurotransmitters that make somebody more happy, according to psychologists. But if somebody is in an ice bath he cannot change the fact that he is going to feel very cold until he sensitizes to the ice bath. The environmental stimuli have more of an impact on sensation and perception, and not as much with thoughts and emotion. I link the first quadrant to air, and air fills its container, so it is influenced a lot by its environment. Sensation, perception and response are like air. Thinking and emotion and doing are like earth, more solid and physical, and less influenced by the environment. Sensation perception response and awareness are more mental and flimsy and ethereal, whereas thinking emotion doing and dreaming are more solid and physical. That polarity marks the contrast between the first quadrant and the third quadrant.


I then defined for Michael awareness. I told Michael that awareness is separate yet contains the previous three. I said that our awareness is made up of our sensations, perceptions, and responses, but not entirely. I said that there is a lot of sensations and perceptions and responses that we are not aware of. But awareness is kind of a conscious sensation, perception, and response, being able to observe one's perceptions. So awareness contains the previous three but at the same time transcends them. I told Michael that there is self awareness. Many animals do not have self awareness. They merely instinctually have sensations, perceptions, and responses. But the chimpanzee is said to have self awareness. If you put a red dot on a chimpanzee’s head it will be able to look into a mirror and notice the dot and will attempt to take it off. Thinking emotion doing and dreaming are related to the ego. But sensation, perception, response, and awareness are linked to the self. One tries to protect the self and understand the self, whereas one tries to promote and boost and embellish the ego. It is said that when one dreams he wishes to achieve great things and accomplish goals that are currently out of reach. Dreaming is therefore dangerous and represents a sort of breaking away from the safe and the comfortable.  Awareness is etymologically linked to the root word wary. Wary means to be cautious. Once you have self awareness you become cautious and wish to protect and preserve the self.


David Keirsey made a personality model where he pronounced four types of people. There is the idealists, the guardians, the artisans, and the rationals. Again, these are built around two dyads. The idealists abstract and cooperative. Abstract people are more mental and seek patterns. Cooperative people care more about doing what produces social harmony than doing what works. Idealists are sensitive, perceptive, responsible, and aware. So idealists are connected to the first quadrant, sensation, perception, response, and awareness. Being concerned with the environment, like air, which conforms to its environment, is an idealist quality. So idealists are sensitive and perceptive, focusing on their environment and seeking harmony within it.


The opposite temperament is the artisan temperament. Artisans are concrete and utilitarian. An example of an artisan is Donald Trump. While idealists are the air element, artisans are the Earth element. Idealists are the first quadrant, and artisans are the third quadrant. The first and third quadrant are opposites. Concrete people do not seek patterns and deeper understanding, but look for facts and details/data. Utilitarian people do not care as much for social harmony, but more seek to do what works, despite if it hurts feelings. Idealists are more feminine, whereas artisans are more masculine, and women tend more to be idealists and first quadrant oriented, whereas men tend more to be artisans and third quadrant oriented. Idealists are responsible and wary/cautious, whereas artisans do what works and are dreamers, not caring if they step on toes to accomplish their dreams. Idealists seek more self understanding and harmony with others, whereas artisans are more ego oriented, seeking to accomplish goals, so they are not as aware/wary/cautious, and perceptive, seeking to maintain harmony, but they do what they do and do what they feel works, despite if it makes others unhappy or uncomfortable. The idealists are air, conforming to their environment, whereas artisans are earth, solid and individuals, maintaining their shape/form. The artisans are more physical oriented, thinking, emotion doing and dreaming, and the idealists are more mental oriented, sensation, perception, response, and awareness.


So I told Michael that awareness encompasses sensation, perception, and response, but it also transcends them, and points beyond them. It engulfs the previous three in that, as your awareness changes, your sensation, perception, and responses change. There was a case where a architects looked at an X ray of a pyramid in Egypt and they could not see anything of significance. But finally an architect examined the x ray who had built a structure like a pyramid from the inside out, and he noticed that there were channels that indicated the structure was built from the inside out. He was able to perceive this because he was aware of such a possibility. The other people presumable had the same exact sensation when they looked at the picture; they saw the same thing, but they did not perceive what the architect who figured it out perceived because they did not have his awareness. Awareness alters sensations, perceptions, and responses. But also perceptions can alter awareness. The more that you perceive something, the more aware of it you can become. But  I explained to Michael that awareness also points beyond itself. I said that people are aware of an overwhelming amount of stuff. All of the awareness would be too much to handle, if it were not solidified and encapsulated into beliefs. Awareness becomes beliefs, and beliefs make reality manageable. Awareness has a quality of being ethereal and mental, and does not have substance. When people describe being aware of something, there is a connotation that they have not completely grasped it but they are MERELY aware of it. They have not quite put their fingers on it. Awareness becomes more compactified when it becomes contained in beliefs. I described that aware and wary are etymologically connected. Aware is therefore linked with beware. Wary is caution. There is an inclination through caution to create beliefs to structure and order one's world and make it manageable. So being aware/ bewaring becomes beliefs.


I had to think about the model a little longer so I told Michael that we would talk about it more later. About a week later I met with Michael again and told him that the second quadrant had come to me. The first quadrant was sensation, perception, response, and awareness. The second quadrant was belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. I explained to him that awareness is consolidated into beliefs. So the fourth square awareness points to the square belief, which becomes its own quadrant. I said that belief and faith were the duality. Our beliefs determine our faith, faith is concerned with beliefs. I said that belief is the first square of the second quadrant so it is mental but because it is the second quadrant it is related to homeostasis. I said that beliefs are mental content that create order and glue together groups. The second quadrant is connected with homeostasis and order. I said that faith is connected with trust. To have faith in something you do not have to have visible proof, but visible proof does not hurt. All of the quadrants are connected, so the first quadrant can affect the second quadrant. If one has perceptions of something this can cement his faith and beliefs. But to believe something or have faith in it one does not need to see it, and one's faith and beliefs can even affect what one perceives. I said that faith also has the connotation of being relational. For instance, a man can be faithful with his wife. The second quadrant is the most relational, linked with homeostasis and order. I told Michael that behavior is the third square, doing square of the second quadrant. Again, there is a triad. People behave in accordance with their beliefs and faith.


While the first quadrant was related to the self and the third quadrant to the ego, the second quadrant is more connected with the community. Beliefs, faith, and behavior are connected with the community and maintaining order, structure, and stability within the community. One's beliefs are very much affected by the community that he is brought up in. For instance, somebody born into a Muslim family will most likely have Muslim beliefs, but somebody brought up in a Hindu family will more likely have Hindu beliefs.


I mentioned that the first quadrant sensation, perception, response, and awareness is associated with the idealist temperament. Idealists are sensitive, perceptive, responsible, and aware. Artisans are thinkers, emotional, doers, and dreamers. Guardians are believers, faithful, doers, and dreamers. Idealists are air. Artisans are earth. Guardians are water. Water is cold and wet. Cold things sink and wet things fill the container. Guardians are concrete and cooperative. That means that idealists share the cooperative function with idealists, and share the concrete function with artisans. Concrete people do not seek deeper meaning and patterns but search more for facts and details, and cooperative people care more for social harmony than doing what works. Sensitive idealist people have deep minds and care about harmony. Believer guardians are not as deep, but they also care about harmony like the sensitive idealists. Water and air both fill their containers because they are wet. Filling the container is linked with caring about social harmony more than doing what works. Fire and Earth are dry and do not fill the container. Artisans and rational utilitarian, which corresponds to being dry, and not doing things for social harmony’s sake and making everybody feel good, but doing what works. As a result idealists may seem disingenuous and like they are full of shit, arguing that everybody and everything is equal and lovey dovey, not wanting anybody to feel like they are marginalized and being perceptive and empathetic to everybodys feelings, whereas an artisan will tell the idealist to be real and get out of make believe fairy land and stop deluding yourself. But the idealist really truly feels what they say, but so does the artisan. Idealists are characterized as being “pussys” whereas artisans are “macho tough guy bad asses” and “cool”. The Guardians share the concrete aspect with artisans, not being very deep minded, but they also share the cooperative aspect with idealists, wishing for social harmony. Although, guardians are not abstract and do not see the oneness and connection of things like idealists, so they are practical and realistic, and while they want social harmony, they are not abstract and airy fairy and weird like idealists.


I told Michael that behavior is following orders. Again, belief, faith, and behavior are the second quadrant and the second quadrant is connected with community and homeostasis. Orders by the community/ authority determine belief, faith, and behavior.

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