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Ismaili Muslims believe that the cross and Islam are not incompatible, and they say that Jesus did die on the cross. They point to passages in the Quran that say that if somebody dies in the way of Allah it is not right to say that he is dead, and that his soul did not die but his physical died. So they say that when the Quran says that the people only perceived that Jesus died on the cross but he really did not, it was an esoteric reference, and that Jesus really was crucified and his body did die on the cross.

"In the book by Paul Walker on Al-Sijistani("Abu Yakub Al-Sijistani: 
Intellectual Missionary"), published by IIS in 1996, Walker details 
Al-Sijistani's interpretation of the Christian cross in detail. For 
him, the four points of the cross signify the four wellsprings of 
knowledge that together make up the structure of truth: Universal 
Intellect, Universal Soul, Natiq and Asas." 


Issac Assimov originally had three laws of robotics. Later he added the fourth transcendent law. The movie IRobot was inspired by Assimov's book I, Robot

The Three Laws of Robotics (often shortened to The Three Laws or known as Asimov's Laws) are a set of rules devised by the science fiction author Isaac Asimov. The rules were introduced in his 1942 short story "Runaround", although they had been foreshadowed in a few earlier stories. The Three Laws, quoted as being from the "Handbook of Robotics, 56th Edition, 2058 A.D.", are:

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

  2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.[1]

In later fiction where robots had taken responsibility for government of whole planets and human civilizations, Asimov also added a fourth, or zeroth law, to precede the others:

    4.  A robot may not harm humanity, or, by                inaction, allow humanity to come to harm

In the lecture the professor describes how to Ismaili Muslims, the cross represents the four sacred words that many Muslims hold to be the most beautiful, the tahweed of the shahada, la illaha, illa, allh, which means, there is only one worthy of worship Allh.

Above is an image of T.S Eliot's book four quartets

"While writing East Coker Eliot thought of creating a "quartet" of poems that would reflect the idea of the four elements and, loosely, the four seasons.[6] As the first four parts of The Waste Land has been associated with one of the four classical elements so has each of the constituent poems of Four Quartets: air (BN,) earth (EC,) water(DS,) and fire (LG.) However, there is little support for the poems matching with individual seasons"

Like with Assimov's three plus one laws of robotics, there are three plus one laws of thermodynamics. Three plus one is the quadrant pattern. A lot of people know about the three laws of thermodynamics, but there is a fourth zeroeth law

The four laws of thermodynamics define fundamental physical quantities (temperatureenergy, and entropy) that characterize thermodynamic systems at thermal equilibrium. The laws describe how these quantities behave under various circumstances, and forbid certain phenomena (such as perpetual motion).

The four laws of thermodynamics are:[1][2][3][4][5]

Ghostbusters is a good example of a quaternity in cinema. The ghostbusters start off with three members. Then later they add the transcendent fourth member, fulfilling the three plus one phenomena.

"Parapsychologists Peter VenkmanRaymond Stantz, and Egon Spengler are called to the New York Public Library to investigate recent paranormal activity. As paranormal activity increases in New York City, they hire a fourth member, Winston Zeddemore, to cope with demand."

There is a video game where you can play as the four ghostbuster members

Video games often have four players because consoles usually have four plugs for controllers. Star Fox for instance has a star fox team with four members, Peppy Hare, Falco Lombardi, Skippy Toad, and Fox McCloud In Star Fox games you can play multiplayer duels with these fou rplayers

Charles Manson drew a swastika on his forehead. The swastika is the quadrant. The quadrant is the Form of Being. Manson believed that the Beatles Helter Skelter was a code for a race war between the Blacks and the Whites. As I described Black people are the earth and White people are the water element so there is conflict between the two. Manson had people murdered in four locations to try to start the race war. It is not by accident it was four locations. The quadrant pattern is expressed throughout reality. Manson believed that the four horsemen of the apocalypse were the beatles

"Charles Manson interpreted that Helter Skelter was something to do with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. I still don't know what all that stuff is; it's from the Bible, Revelation - I haven't read it so I wouldn't know. But he interpreted the whole thing - that we were the four horsemen, Helter Skelter the song - and arrived at having to go out and kill everyone.

Paul McCartney

Like Charles Manson, The Beatles - particularly John Lennon and George Harrison, had long hair.

And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

Revelation 9, verse 15

The four angels were The Beatles; the "third part of men", in Manson's mind, represented the destruction of white people.

And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.

It's The Beatles, the music they're putting out. They're talking about war. These kids listen to this music and pick up the message. It's subliminal.

Charles Manson, 1970"

The player controls Pac-Man through a maze of various dots, known as Pac-Dots, as well as four multi-colored ghosts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. The goal of the game is to consume all the Pac-Dots in a stage in order to proceed to the next one. Between some stages, one of three intermission animations plays.[23] The four ghosts roam the maze, trying to catch Pac-Man. If any of the ghosts touch Pac-Man, he loses a life; when all lives have been lost, the game ends. Pac-Man is awarded a single bonus life at 10,000 points by default—DIP switches inside the machine can change the required points to 15,000 or 20,000, or disable the bonus life altogether. The number of lives can be set to 1 life only or up to five lives maximum. High score cannot exceed 999,990 points; players may exceed that score, but game keeps last 6 digits.

Near the corners of the maze are four larger, flashing dots known as Power Pellets that provide Pac-Man with the temporary ability to consume the ghosts and earn bonus points

In the game, the player is presented with four Ghostbusters to choose from: Peter VenkmanRay StantzEgon Spengler, or Winston Zeddemore.

The Beatles "Let it Be" album cover, in a quadrant

The fanta quartet is another popular, famous group of four. There have been four fanta quartets

The Fantanas are a group of spokesmodels who were created to promote the Fanta brand of soft drinks in the United States. The quartet has appeared since 2002 in advertising and personal appearances. There have been four different Fantanas rosters. Their jingle is "Wanna Fanta! Don't you wanna?".

The four regions of the Incan Empire

The four bases of the baseball diamond.

Formations of fours in soccer is the most common. One fascinating formation, as I said, is the tetractys 4-3-2-1. There is even a soccer magazine called 4-4-2

This formation was the most common in football in the 1990s and early 2000s, so well known that it inspired the title of the magazine FourFourTwo. The midfielders are required to work hard to support both the defence and the attack: typically one of the central midfielders is expected to go upfield as often as possible to support the forward pair, while the other will play a "holding role", shielding the defence; the two wide midfield players must move up the flanks to the goal line in attacks and yet also protect the full-backs.[9][10] On the European level, the major example of a team using a 4–4–2 formation was Milan, trained by Arrigo Sacchi and later Fabio Capello, which won three European Cups, two Intercontinental Cups, and three UEFA Super Cups between 1988 and 1995.[11] Under Milan's example, it became very popular in Italy in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

More recently, commentators have noted that at the highest level, the 4–4–2 is being phased out in favour of formations such as the 4–2–3–1.[12] In 2010, none of the winners of the Spanish, English and Italian leagues, nor the Champions League, relied on the 4–4–2. Following England's elimination at the 2010 World Cup by a 4–2–3–1 Germany side, England national team coach Fabio Capello (who was notably successful with the 4–4–2 at Milan in the 1990s) was criticised for playing an "increasingly outdated" 4–4–2 formation.[13]

However, the 4–4–2 is still regarded as the best formation to protect the whole width of the field with the opposing team having to get past two banks of four and has recently had a tactical revival having recently contributed to Diego Simeone's Atlético MadridCarlo Ancelotti's Real Madrid and Leicester City and Watford FC in the Premier League.[14][15]

The soccer magazine Four Four Two.

The base defense in football is the 4-3

In American football, a 4–3 defense is a defensive alignment consisting of four down linemen and three linebackers. It is a called a "base defense" because it is the default defensive alignment used on "base downs" (1st and 2nd downs). However, defenses will readily switch to other defensive alignments (such as a nickel) as circumstances change.–3_defense

Most teams used four offensive backs on every play: a quarterback, two halfbacks, and a fullback.

The base 4-3 defense in football

The baseball infield is a three plus one pattern with the fourth position, the shortstop, being different

The infield is composed of four positions: first base (1B), second base (2B), third base (3B) and shortstop (SS). Generally, the first three have responsibility for plays at their respective bases, although the shortstop often shares responsibility for second base with the second baseman

There is also the fourth outfielder in baseball, making a three plus one pattern, where the fourth is different

In baseball, a fourth outfielder is a backup outfielder, who does not have the hitting skills to regularly play in the corner outfield, but does not have the fielding skills to play center field; for these players, this often leads to playing time that has been called "erratic and unpredictable".[1] Often, fourth outfielders are outfield prospects who have not settled on one outfield position when arriving in the Major Leagues,[2] veteran players seeking additional playing time to extend their careers,[3][4] or part-time position players who double as designated hitters.

There is a famous baseball book called "Ball Four", referring to the fact that it takes four balls to walk a player. Similarly there are transcendent four point plays in basketball where a player is fouled on the three pointer, makes the shot, and makes the free throw.

There is also the transcendent fourth out in baseball, with the three four dynamic continued.

In baseball, the fourth out is a legal out made by the defense after three outs in a half-inning already have been made. According to the rules, the third out does not cause the ball to become dead; if the fielders make a subsequent out that prevents a run from scoring, this out will supersede the apparent third out, thus becoming the recorded third out.[1] For statistical purposes, the apparent third out is "undone" and the fourth out's result is recorded instead. With the advent of video replay appeals, a new rationale for making extra out(s) has emerged - insurance against a prior out being undone on appeal. These fourth out situations are not the same as four strikeouts in an inning.

Also, the juxtaposition of three and four played out in baseball strike outs, where the transcendent four outs was attempted. The fourth is always transcendent.

In 1887, the number of strikes for an out was changed to four, but it was promptly changed back to three the next season.

There are four cocentric circles in curling, and each team has four players


The four cocentric circles in curling

Cool runnings is a movie about a four man Jamaican olympic bob sled team

After Genghis Khan's death his Empire splintered into four parts, called four Khanates.

The establishment of the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) by Kublai Khan accelerated the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire. The Mongol Empire fractured into four khanates including the Yuan dynasty, the Golden Horde, the Chagatai Khanate and the Ilkhanate. In 1304, a peace treaty among the khanates established the nominal supremacy of the Yuan dynasty over the western khanates. However, this supremacy was based on nothing like the same foundations as that of the earlier Khagans. Conflicts such as border clashes among them continued. An example would be the Esen Buqa–Ayurbarwada war occurred in the 1310s. Each of the four khanates continued to function as separate states and fell at different times.

Hitler's theory of the world was that it was divided into four groups, one was the Aryan group, and another was the Bolshevik group. He mapped out these four groups before World War II. In the "Miracle of Midway" during World War II, Allied planes got caught in the clouds and the pilots were lost, but they found themsleves above Japanese ships. They sunk four ships, the fourth ship was different and sunk last a while after the first three.

I watched a lecture by a teaching company course on Reason and Faith where it discussed Scotus and his fourfold division of nature

In the division of nature Scotus divides nature into four quadrants

  1. That which creates and is not created;

  2. That which is created and creates;

  3. That which is created and does not create;

  4. That which neither is created nor creates.

At the time of the Buddha, India was divided into the 16 Great Kingdoms. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. There was also a period in Chinese history known as the 16 Kingdoms period. According to the Avesta, Ahura Mazda, the God of the Persians, created 16 Good Kingdoms. Similarly the Yoruba Africans had 16 sections of their tribes created by 16 Gods. The Yoruba say they come from 16 people. The Mayans believe there were four original people, from whom the four races descended. The dogon believed that there were four pairs of original people. On Noahs arc there are four pairs of people, four males and four females. Noah has 16 grandsons whom it is said repopulated the world. Elisha is said to have performed 16 miracles. There was said to be 16 judges who ruled Israel.  There is a modern concept called the 16 Great Turkish Empires, and is represented by 16 stars. There is a book called the four folkways of America, describing that America derives from four distinct British populations. Amy Tan's book Joy Luck Club is divided into 16 chapters and 16 interlocking stories about four immagrants. Issac Assimov is known for his three laws of robotics, but he added a transcendent fourth law. I watched lectures on literature where I saw many examples of the quadrant model but a lot of it I forgot or do not know how to explain or find, but in the literature section on the website I have put a lot fo examples of the quadrant model in literature and cinema.

"McLuhan designed the tetrad as a pedagogical tool, phrasing his laws as questions with which to consider any medium:

  1. What does the medium enhance?

  2. What does the medium make obsolete?

  3. What does the medium retrieve that had been obsolesced earlier?

  4. What does the medium reverse or flip into when pushed to extremes?

The laws of the tetrad exist simultaneously, not successively or chronologically, and allow the questioner to explore the "grammar and syntax" of the "language" of media. McLuhan departs from the media theory of Harold Innis in suggesting that a medium "overheats", or reverses into an opposing form, when taken to its extreme.[4]

Visually, a tetrad can be depicted as four diamonds forming an X, with the name of a medium in the center. The two diamonds on the left of a tetrad are the Enhancementand Retrieval qualities of the medium, both Figure qualities. The two diamonds on the right of a tetrad are the Obsolescence and Reversal qualities, both Groundqualities.[5]

  • Enhancement (figure): What the medium amplifies or intensifies. For example, radio amplifies news and music via sound.

  • Obsolescence (ground): What the medium drives out of prominence. Radio reduces the prominence of print and the visual.

  • Retrieval (figure): What the medium recovers which was previously lost. Radio returns the spoken word to the forefront.

  • Reversal (ground): What the medium does when pushed to its limits. Acoustic radio flips into audio-visual TV."

Below is an illustration of Mcluhan's tetrad

Chromosomes look like X's/Quadrants. In Meiosis chromosomes form tetrads.

In relation to the homologous chromosomes, one homologous chromosome comes from your mom and the other one comes from your dad. When they pair up in preparation for the crossing over event, they form a tetrad shape. Tetra- stands for four; hence, there are four sister chromatids.

Fragmentation of the Mongol Empire

People interpret Daniel 11 as referring to the Greek Empire, which was divided into four parts

"As for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede, I stood up to support and strengthen him.

2 “Now I will announce the truth to you. Three more kings shall arise in Persia. 

The Persian Empire tried to wipe out the Jewish people during the reign of Xerxes, through the plot of Haman (as shown in the Book of Esther).

–David Guzik (and all following comments in red)

The fourth shall be far richer than all of them, and when he has become strong through his riches, he shall stir up all against the kingdom of Greece.

The Greek Empire tried to wipe out the Jewish people during the reign of Antiochus IV, when he attempted to kill every Jew who did not renounce their commitment to God and embrace Greek culture.

3 Then a warrior king shall arise, who shall rule with great dominion and take action as he pleases."

4 And while still rising in power, his kingdom shall be broken and divided toward the four winds of heaven, but not to his posterity, nor according to the dominion with which he ruled; for his kingdom shall be uprooted and go to others besides these.

After Alexander’s death, none of his descendants succeeded him. It wasn’t for lack of trying. Alexander did leave three possible heirs: a half brother named Philip, who was mentally deficient; a son who was born after Alexander died; and an illegitimate son named Hercules. The half-brother and the posthumous son were first designated co-monarchs, each with a regent. But fighting amongst the regents eventually resulted in the murder of all possible heirs.

After the death of all Alexander’s possible heirs, four generals controlled the Greek Empire.

The four wings on the back of the leopard not only represent the idea of speed, but also symbolize the historic fact that Alexander’s empire was controlled after his death by four principal generals, also, anticipated in the four heads of the beast

As history records, however, Alexander the Great, while able to conquer the world, was not able to conquer himself. When at the pinnacle of his power, Alexander died in a drunken feast and his conquests were peaceably divided between his four generals. This is anticipated in Daniel 8:8: “Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven.” This is interpreted in Daniel 8:22 as being the four kingdoms into which the Grecian Empire was divided, headed up by the four generals of Alexander. Ptolemy was given Egypt and adjacent territories. To Seleucas was given Syria, Asia Minor, and the East. Lysimachus took control of Thrace and adjoining territories. Cassander ruled over Macedonia and Greece itself. Eventually Macedonia and Thrace were joined, resulting in the emergence of three strong kingdoms, Macedonia, Syria, and Egypt. Political rule was therefore divided until the Roman Empire arose to provide a new unifying political factor.

The four stages of the cell cycle are depicted below.

The cell cycle consists of four distinct phases: G1 phaseS phase (synthesis), G2 phase (collectively known as interphase) and M phase (mitosis)

Lacteals, the trancendent fourth kind of vessel

"The lacteals were termed the fourth kind of vessels (the other three being the artery, vein and nerve, which was then believed to be a type of vessel), and disproved Galen's assertion that chyle was carried by the veins."

Sir Gawain and the Green Giant is one of four poems written by the Pearl Poet in a famous medeival manuscript. Sir Gawain and the Green Giant is considered one of the greaest works of English literature. The Four Branches of the Mabinogi is the earliest prose literature of the British. There were four major Anglo Saxon Poetic Manuscripts, the Junius Manuscript, the Exeter Book, Vercelli Manuscript, and the Beowulf Manuscript. The Irish had four mythological cycles, and the fourth is seen as different from the other three. Wagner's famous ring cycle has four movements. Britain was divided into four countries- England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Ireland had four provinces. The Roman Empire originally was divided as a quadrant and ultimately was divided into four regions under the tetrarchy. Tetra is four. Judea was also ruled by a tetrarchy during the time of Jesus. The Greeks were originally four tribes.

"The Four Ancient Books of Wales is a term coined by William Forbes Skene to describe four important medieval manuscripts written in Middle Welsh and dating from the 13th, 14th, and 15th centuries. They contain primarily texts of poetry and prose, some of which are contemporary and others which may have originated from traditions dating back to as early as the sixth and seventh centuries. These also contain some of the earliest native Welsh references to King Arthur.

The four books included by Skene in his list are:

The Black Book of Carmarthen
The Book of Taliesin
The Book of Aneirin
The Red Book of Hergest"

Many of the most popular and renowned works of literature and art reflect the quadrant image.

For instance, Manet's luncheon on the grass borrows from previous paintings like a famous work by Titian, The Pastoral Concert, that contains four figures, has three figures that are connected, and a different fourth figure that is transcendent. Picasso intentionally employs crucifixion/cross imagery in many of his works. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon has five figures. The fourth is different/transcendent and the fifth ultra transcendent. It was seen as having a cruciform figure, thus representing the crucifixion. The cross is the quadrant. Picassos three dancers was also seen as an allusion to crucifixion, where the dancers maintain cruciform poses. Even Van Goh, it is argued by art historians, sustained the continuity of art through history continuing crucifixion imagery, but he maintained the cross in secular forms, such as windows and fences. Van Goh has four famous sunflower works, and one of them has 16 flowers. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. It is even argued by some that Pollack has hidden crosses in his post modern splash art works. Modren artworks maintain the continuity of the cross through art history, but add a twist to them. For instance one famous artwork shows a black cross on a black background. Duchamp's celebrated urinal artwork actually features ten dots, with the final four holes separate in the urinal, alluding to the tetractys. I had not seen the tetractys interpretation of the urinal before, but to me it is apparent and makes it obvious to me why the work of art is so talked about. That which expresses the form of being has achieved prominence in history. Tetra is four.

A different type of appropriation of Le déjeuner sur l’herbe can be seen on the album cover for The Last of the Mohicans by Bow Wow Wow. The band initially planned on using the photograph for the cover of See Jungle!. The photograph caused quite a commotion due to the underage singer, Annabella Lwin, posing nude. Lwin’s mother tried to prevent the release of the cover and due to her intervention a different cover was used for the US release of See Jungle!. The band’s manager, Malcom McLaren succeeded in having  Andy Earl’s photograph featured on the cover of The Last of the Mohicans for a world-wide release.

Two important motifs from this painting recur in the 1934 drawing, namely, the embracing couple in the lower left and the crucified horseback rider in the upper centre. The crucified rider represents the soul of the individual, and as a symbol it has its origins in occult symbolism as well as in earlier drawings and paintings by Picasso showing its stages of development.

The thyroid gland makes two main hormones:

  • Triiodothyronine (T3)

  • Thyroxine (T4)

We see the dynamic between three and four. The quadrant model in a lot of ways is about the interplay and relationship between three and four. Four is different. T3 and T4 are both used to regulate metabolism

There is also a similar 3, 4 duality with C3 plants and the transcendent C4 plants. 95 percent of plants are C3. The first stable compound in the C4 cycle is oxaloacetic acid. It is a four carbon compound, hence the name C4.

Othniel Marsh originally categorized four suborders of dinosaurs. They are ceratosauria, Ornithopoda, Stegosauria, and Theropoda. The names that Marsh used and classification system is still used today. Currently Biologists mainly categorize dinosaurs into two groups Saurischian, and Ornithischian, building off of Marsh's work. But the two groups are distinguished by a three/four dynamic. Saurischians are defined by a three progned pelvis, being called lizard hipped, and ornithischians defined by a four pronged pelivs, called bird hipped. There is the three/ four dynamic underlies reality and defines existence, as it is the basis of the quadrant pattern. I discovered the quadrant pattern when trying to reconcile the numbers three and four, when I recognized four was transcendent. The three/four dynamic is the underpinning of the quadrant model.

The dynamic of three and four with the transcendent fourth is also seen in the economy

"The tertiary sector or service sector is the third of the three economic sectors of the three-sector theory. The others are the secondary sector (approximately the same as manufacturing), and the primary sector (raw materials).

The service sector consists of the production of services instead of end products. Services (also known as "intangible goods") include attention, advice, access, experience, discussion, and affective labor. The production of information has long been regarded as a service, but some economists now attribute it to a fourth sector, the quaternary sector." In medicine the highest level of care was thought to be tertiary care, but now there is what is called quatenary care.

Some other examples of the transcendent fourth are "the fourth branch of government", which some people say is the people, and there are other options. There is the transcendent fourth estate, which people term the press. Most discuss three estates, but it is argued there is a fourth. Einstein said World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. A lot of people argue that there has in reality been four world wars. Some people say the Cold War was the fourth world war, but others give different wars as the fourth world war. The fourth is always different.


The Morning in a Pine Forest (Russian: Утро в сосновом лесу) is a painting by Russian artists Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky. The bears were painted by Savitsky,[1] but the art collector Pavel Tretyakov effaced his signature, stating that "from idea until performance, everything discloses the painting manner and creative method peculiar just to Shishkin",[2] so the painting is now credited solely to Shishkin.

The Morning in a Pine Forest turned very popular, being reproduced on various items, including the "Clumsy Bear" chocolates by Krasny Oktyabr.[3] According to one poll, the painting is the second most popular in Russia behind Bogatyrs by Viktor Vasnetsov.[4] Shishkin's similar paintings are the Forest in Spring (1884) and The Sestroretsk Forest (1896).

It is believed that Shishkin painted the pine trees near Narva-Jõesuu in Estonia, where he often liked to rest in summers.[5] g

To the right is an image of a steroid structure.The steroid structure has four fused rings in a three plus one structure, where the fourth fused ring is different. "The steroid core structure is composed of seventeen carbon atoms, bonded in four "fused" rings: three six-member cyclohexanerings (rings A, B and C in the first illustration) and one five-member cyclopentane ring (the D ring)."

Salvador Dali representing Christ crucified on a hypercube.

"The most striking change Dalí makes from nearly every other crucifixion painting concerns the cross. Instead of painting Christ on a wooden cross, Dalí depicts him upon the unfolded net of a tesseract (also known as a hypercube). The unfolding of a tesseract into eight cubes is analogous to unfolding the sides of a cube into six squares. The use of a hypercube for the cross has been interpreted as a geometric symbol for the transcendental nature of God"

The hypercube looks like a cross, but is is a four dimensional cube called a tesseract. To see how the tesseract is related to the sixteen squares of the quadrant model, look through this website. posted


The crucifix is the cross/quadrant. Dali maintains the continuity of using the cross in artwork, and the form of being has been maintained as dominant in existence. Picasso's cubist painting was also an exploration of the transcendent fourth dimension of time in art.

Titians A Pastoral Concert, with three figures seated and connected, and a fourth that is sort of connected, but standing and different. Thus his composition and revered painting reflects the three plus one quadrant pattern. It is argued that Manet drew inspiration from Titian.

Manet's luncheon on the grass with the three figures in the foreground that are the interconnected triad, and a fourth transcendent different figure in the background, making the quadrad with the fourth different aspect.éjeuner_sur_l’herbe

Antoine Watteau, La Partie Carrée,c. 1713

Another lionized three plus one composition. Three figures are sitting and connecting, with a fourth different one standing.

A less pronounced three plus one, but a three plus one nonetheless. The work was inspired by Manet's three plus one work.

Claude Monet, Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, 1865–1866, Musée d'OrsayParis.

A four person work inspired by Manet's Dejeuner

James Tissot, La Partie Carrée, 1870

"The central dancer’s raised arms are a deliberate link with the imagery of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ." There is also crucifixion imagery in Picasso's Guernica, and an allusion to the mourning Mother Mary. Picasso, it has been argued, was "obsessed with the crucifixion"

The four rings of a steroid

The quadrant marketting matrix to the right. In business, quadrant models are constantly used. There is a quote by a famous business leader that the most important tool in business is the two by two matrix (the quadrant), because it seriously is used in everything and it is everywhere. Again the quadrant and the quadrant pattern is ubiquitous.

Kepler's Platonic solid model of the Solar System from Mysterium Cosmographicum(1596)

Kepler proposed that the solar system was shaped around the proportions of the Platonic solids

Kepler's diagram of the Platonic solids and their relationship to the planets is shown to the right. Aristotle believed that four Platonic solids were related to the four elements and were used to create existence.


There are ten holes in Duchamps urinal. The work is posted below The last four are separate from the first three, bringing to mind Proclus's proclomation that the last row of the tetractys was different from the other three. I had never heard of anybody seeing the tetractys in Duchamp's urinal, but I do not think it is accidental that such a renowned work has within it the tetra four.



"Emotional intelligence is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions that achieve positive results. Emotional intelligence is made up of four core skills that pair up under two primary competencies: personal competence and social competence.

Personal competence is made up of your self-awareness and self-management skills, which focus more on you individually than on your interactions with other people. Personal competence is your ability to stay aware of your emotions and manage your behavior and tendencies. 


  • Self-Awareness is your ability to accurately perceive your emotions and stay aware of them as they happen.

  • Self-Management is your ability to use awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and positively direct your behavior.

Social competence is made up of your social awareness and relationship management skills; social competence is your ability to understand other people’s moods, behavior, and motives in order to improve the quality of your relationships.

  • Social Awareness is your ability to accurately pick up on emotions in other people and understand what is really going on.

  • Relationship Management is your ability to use awareness of your emotions and the others’ emotions to manage interactions successfully."

John Dee's Great Table in Enochian Magic. The Great Table consists of 16 squares in a four by four pattern.

"There are 48 "Calls" or "Keys" that open the gates of these "astral residences." These are symbolically represented by a large letter square. It is divided into four parts by a large cross, called "The Black Cross" by Dee (he had colored it black in his manuscript.) This large square of letters is called "The Great Table."

This table is divided into four quadrants. These four quadrants are called the Watchtowers. You are able to access 12 astral cities through each Watchtower. The Watchers are the angels who live in these astral cities. In order for the angels to leave their cities and enter human consciousness the gates to the Watchtowers must be opened. Each city is represented in the table by a set of letters in numerical and geometric pattern.

The four Watchtowers guard the 4 extremities of the universe. These Watchtowers are said to have been formed at the time Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden."

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The popular show Third Rock from the son had a quaternity of three alien characters pretending to be human. The Flinstones centers around a quaternity of two couples. The main four are Fred Flintstone, Barney Rubble, Wilma Slaghoople, Betty

In the show the Jetsons, the four members of the Jetson family are introduced in the opening music of the show. The music is based around four notes that rise for each phrase introducing the central four family members. Another famous quaternity is the four druges in a Clockwork orange. There is a famous scene in the film where Alex is fantasizing being a Roman soldier whipping Jesus to his crucifixion while he reads the Bible. The cross is the quadrant. Alex himself is a Christ figure in the movie. He is strapped to a chair and tortured like Jesus was, and the straps on the chair make an x like a cross. He also has a halo projector of light over his head, alluding to Christ. The use of the cross and cruciform imagery in movies has been popular throughout history. Alex's crucifixion by the doctors is supposed to make him meek and mild like Jesus allegedly acted as. There is even a scene in the movie where it is argued that Alex reaches towards one of the droogs like God reaches toward Adam, but instead of helping him Alex then stabs him. A quote form clockwork orange describes Alex after his conditioning to make him meak and mild "he will be your true Christian, meek and mild, ready to be crucified rather than crucify, sick to the very heart at even the thought of killing a fly". The cross is the quadrant.

The popular show Dragnet also started with a four note motif that is arguably one of the most memorable in music history four introducing a show. The four notes have become associated with police procedural drama.

Mozart is known for using a four note motif in his early works and in his Jupiter Symphony that he borrowed from his teacher Haydn. The four note motif that Mozart used had been popular throughout music history.

In Amerindian sand paintings Amerindians would often designate one of the sides as different from the other three, and the number four  was central to the paintings.

A clockwork orange, Alex and his three droogs, making a quaternity

A clockwork orange - Alex puts his Droogs in place HD

The four central flinstone characters

 There is a movie called 16 Blocks, representing the 16 squares of the quadrant model. Sex and the City folows four women. Whose Line is it Anyway has three actor/comedians who are always there and a fourth who is often different. Toni Morrison is a well known author who I had to read in high school literature class. Her famous book "The Bluest Eye" has four parts, also divided along the four seasons. Allen Alexander wrote a book discussing how Morrison frequently uses the three plus one pattern in her novels intentionally. Morrison describes the African God as a quaternity, and adds a "fourth face" to the trinity. In one of Morrison's books she describes her four main characters as representing a cross. Morrison alludes to the Kongo Cosmogram cross., which was the symbol that the people of the African Congo used to represent divinity. The symbol was a fourfold cross. The In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne is put on the stocks in humiliation, and many say it was an allusion to the crucifixion. Cervantes also continuously repeats fours in Don Quixote. Rederick Armas argues that Cervantes four acts of Numantia are meant to reflect the Pythagorean tetractys. Armas argues that Cervantes constantly employs quaternity fourfold structures due to inspiration of Rafael. He points to Rafael's Four Rooms in which he makes four frescoes of Stanza d Eliodoro, making a quaternity. He also mentions Rafael's School of Athens, one of the four paintings, in which he has a figure of Pythagoras with a tetractys. As a result Armas claims that Rafael's use of four was intentional and inspired by Pythagoras. Nathaniel Hawthorne is known for writing "four great Romances", one of which is The Scarlet Letter". The Scarlet letter has even been argued to consist of four distinct parts, and has four main characters. I had to read Nathaniel Hawthorne in my high school literature class as well. I also had to read Faulkner in high school. Faulkner is another famous author. He divided his book the Sound and the Fury into four sections, each telling the story from four different perspectives. Considered by many to be one of the greatest movies of all time, Pulp fiction combines four stories. The lives of two mob hit men, a boxer, a gangster's wife, and a pair of diner bandits intertwine in four tales of violence and redemption.

The Rashomon effect is a popular term in sociology. The movie Rashomon tells the story of a murder from four perspectives. Ramakrishna has a famous parable where he describes four men touching four parts of an elephant, and not being able to see the whole elephant but only seeing the part. Thus they do not recognize it is an elephant. The parable Ramakrishna relates to God, in that he says there are different perspectives, and they are all parts of the same thing. 

Before I began recording most of the examples I saw of the quadrant model online, I saw a lot of examples of the quadrant model but did not record them, or did record them but cannot find them and forget how to explain them. I studied shamanism and different spiritual aspects and saw that the quadrant pattern underlied it all. There were four stages going through bardo, four stages of this and that, and always the quadrant pattern. One example is the four stages to the Oracle of Delphi

In antiquity, the people who went to the Oracle to ask for advice were known as “consultants,” literally, “those who seek counsel.”.[46] It would appear that the supplicant to the oracle would undergo a four-stage process, typical of shamanic journeys.

  • Step 1: Journey to Delphi — Supplicants were motivated by some need to undertake the long and sometimes arduous journey to come to Delphi in order to consult the oracle. This journey was motivated by an awareness of the existence of the oracle, the growing motivation on the part of the individual or group to undertake the journey, and the gathering of information about the oracle as providing answers to important questions.

  • Step 2: Preparation of the Supplicant — Supplicants were interviewed in preparation of their presentation to the Oracle, by the priests in attendance. The genuine cases were sorted and the supplicant had to go through rituals involving the framing of their questions, the presentation of gifts to the Oracle and a procession along the Sacred Way carrying laurel leaves to visit the temple, symbolic of the journey they had made.

  • Step 3: Visit to the Oracle — The supplicant would then be led into the temple to visit the adyton, put his question to the Pythia, receive his answer and depart. The degree of preparation already undergone would mean that the supplicant was already in a very aroused and meditative state, similar to the shamanic journey elaborated on in the article.

  • Step 4: Return Home — Oracles were meant to give advice to shape future action, that was meant to be implemented by the supplicant, or by those that had sponsored the supplicant to visit the Oracle. The validity of the Oracular utterance was confirmed by the consequences of the application of the oracle to the lives of those people who sought Oracular guidance.[47]

The sun creates its energy by four particles coming together making a quadrant

The prime energy producer in the Sun is the fusion of hydrogen to form helium, which occurs at a solar-core temperature of 14 million kelvin. The net result is the fusion of four protons into one alpha particle, with the release of two positrons, two neutrinos (which changes two of the protons into neutrons), and energy

Conan the Bacterium, what biologists call the toughtest organism in existence in terms of radiation resistance, is a tetrad quadrant. Biologists are attempting to produce life from the bacterium, but some fear that if the experiments go wrong, the bacterium could paradoxically destroy all life on Earth. A picture of the bacterium is below.

"Deinococcus radiodurans is an extremophilic bacterium, one of the most radiation-resistant organisms known. It can survive cold, dehydration, vacuum, and acid, and is therefore known as a polyextremophile and has been listed as the world's toughest bacterium in The Guinness Book Of World Records.[1]

D. radiodurans is a rather large, spherical bacterium, with a diameter of 1.5 to 3.5 µm. Four cells normally stick together, forming a tetrad"

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Histologically, the wall of the alimentary canal shows four distinct layers (from the lumen moving out): mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, and a serosa or adventitia.

Four points of constriction of the esophagus

The esophagus has four points of constriction. When a corrosive substance, or a solid object is swallowed, it is most likely to lodge and damage one of these four points. These constrictions arise from particular structures that compress the esophagus. These constrictions are:[7]

The cruciate eminence is the marking of a cross on the skull of humans. The optic chiasm of the brain is a crossing of the optic nerves, forming a quadrant.

The aleph, the first letter of the hebrew alphabet, is a swastika and the gematria of the components of the aleph is 26, which is the same gematria as the tetragrammaton. The swastika is a symbol of the tetragrammaton four. The cross is throughout the bible. For instance, it is prefigured, according to Chuch fathers, when Elijah heals the widow of Zarepaths son, and the widow holds two sticks in the form of a cross when gathering wood. The bible everywhere is organized in the quadrant pattern. For instance, the famous book of Jonah is four chapters. The fourth chapter is different and related to God, where Jonah interacts with God, and thus it is transcendent and different. The book of Jonah is the story of the whale, and in the famous novel Moby Dick, the four chapters of Jonah are referenced, the character in the novel describing how wonderful the book of Jonah is and how it is amazing that so much can be compacted in just four chapters. Another very famous Bible character like Jonah is Samson. The story of Samson is similarly divided into four parts/four chapters. The Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is 16 words in a four by four pattern. It is interesting that Hare Krishna say that the mantra is equivalent to Krishna Himself. The mantra takes the form of the quadrant model. Krishna is called "the four armed". The quadrant/swastika/cross has four arms. A lot of Hindu Gods have four arms or derivatives of four. For instance 16 arms is common. Brahma, the creator has four heads. But it is described in the Bhagavatam that in another universe he has 16 heads. The quadrant numbers are emphasized. Other numbers are not really used. Krishna kills one of his major enemies, Salva, with 16 arrows. The most common worship of Ganesha involves worshipping 16 forms of Ganesha in a quadrant model pattern. Shiva has 64 forms which is 16 times four. The Shodashi Tripura Sundari mantra worships the mother goddess, and has 16 syllables. Once the quadrant expressed itself as dominant, other numbers present themselves. For instance, the shodaashi mantra already expressed the 16 four times four, so other aspects such as the fact that tripura means three, will present themselves, as the quadrant has already expressed its dominance.

There is a famous statue in India where there are three faces of the deity showing, but it is said there is also a fourth hidden face, illustrating the quaternity concept of the different/transcendent fourth. I discussed in Navajo sand paintings they would leave one side open, seeing one direction as different from the others.

Galen and Muhammad BPBUH both described four stages for the embryo. Other ancient thinkers, such as rabbis in the talmud, had similar theories. Many scholrs believe that Muhammad got the idea from Galen.

One of the four counties of Oz in the "Wizard of Oz has the word quad in it. The county is Quadling County.

Oz is roughly rectangular in shape, and divided along the diagonals into four countries: Munchkin Country (but commonly referred to as 'Munchkinland' in adaptations) in the East, Winkie Country in the West (sometimes West and East are reversed on maps of Oz, see West and East below), Gillikin Country in the North, and Quadling Country in the South. In the center of Oz, where the diagonals cross, is the fabled Emerald City, capital of the land of Oz and seat to the monarch of Oz, Princess Ozma.[7]"

The Land of Oz; note that the map is a mirror image of "actual" locations, but that the compass rose shows east on the right-hand side.

The Choroid, also known as "The choroidea or choroid coat, is the vascular layer of the eye

The structure of the choroid is generally divided into four layers (classified in order of furthest away from the retina to closest):

According to human design there are four types of human beings


The Human Design System groups people into 4 specific types:

Manifestors, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors.

In at least two separate compositions in the film -- one in Dillon’s quarters and once in the lead foundry -- Ripley, resembling Maria Falconetti in Carl Dreyer's Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), is seen in the pose of the crucifixion, indicating her status as saint and martyr …and her destination, whether death or spiritual immortality.

Spider-Man crucified in Spider-Man 2 (Sam Raimi, 2004).

"Neo’s informatic crucifixion in The Matrix: Revolutions (Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski, 2003)."

The Ramachandran plot is used extensively in biochemistry classes in college. It is a quadrant with the fourth square different

"A Ramachandran plot (also known as a Ramachandran diagram or a [φ,ψ] plot), originally developed in 1963 by G. N. Ramachandran, C. Ramakrishnan, and V. Sasisekharan,[1] is a way to visualize energetically allowed regions for backbone dihedral angles ψ against φ of amino acid residues in protein structure.

There are four types of Ramachandran plot generic (which refers to the 18 non-glycine non-proline amino acids), glycine, proline, and pre-proline (which refers to residues preceding a proline

The cross is constantly referenced in cinema and other art. For instance in the Count of Monte Cristo there are references to the cross and crucifixion. In Moby Dick there are many references. There is also a reference to the crucifixion in Frankenstein. The quadrant is the form of being and presents itself everywhere in existence.

"One day, the monster of Victor Frankenstein came into the church and saw the image. He noted that his hand, which had been shot, had a hole in it like Jesus."

A Ramachandran Plot is depicted above

Frankenstein's stigmata (holes in hand representing crucifixion)- the crucifix is the cross

A depiction of Quetzalcoatl with the cross/quadrant

Depictions of Krishna and Buddha and other worshipped beings crucified. As I said Tertulian told the pagans that they all worshipped crucified gods

"Was Krishna ever crucified?


Look at Fig. 61 and see. It is indeed an ancient Irish bronze relic, originally brought to the island from the East by some of the Phoenicians. It is unlike any Christian crucifix ever made. It has no nail marks in the hands or feet; there is no wood; no inscription; no crown of thorns, but the turreted coronet of the Ephesian Diana; no attendants; the ankles are tied together by a cord; and the dress about the loins is like Krishna’s.

It is simply a modification of Krishna as crucified. Henry O’Brien thinks it is meant for Buddha. But another most accomplished Oriental scholar says it is Krishna crucified:
“One remarkable tradition avers the fact of Krishna dying on the fatal cross (a tree), to which he was pierced by the stroke of an arrow, and from the top of which he foretold the evils that were coming on the earth, which came to pass from thirty to forty years afterwards, when the age of crimes and miseries began; or about the same length of time as intervened between our Lord’s crucifixion and the destruction of Jerusalem, an age of bitter calamities and crimes….”

Lundy is obviously convinced that a pre-Christian image of a god was found in Ireland and is Phoenician in origin, Irish representing Krishna “crucified,” as described in the orthodox tale.

Fig. 65

The good Reverend then provides images of “Irish” and “Egyptian” crucifixes, and remarks:
“Here are two crucifixes, one with the wood, and the other without it. Fig. 65 is the old Irish cross at Tuam, erected before Christian times, and is obviously Asiatic; Fig. 66 is from an old Nubian temple at Kalabche, long anterior to the Christian era…”

Fig. 66

Again, we have pre-Christian images of crucified gods, according to a pious and learned Christian authority. The same Christian authority verifies, against interest, this crucial information also provided by his “enemy” Higgins, as Lundy himself terms him.

Indeed, in his argument against the charge that the Indian priesthood fabricated the Krishna and Buddha stories based on the gospel fable, Higgins likewise claims that “Buddha” was crucified, referring to,

  1. “the immaculate conception, crucifixion, and resurrection of Buddha, in Nepaul and Tibet.”

In his assertions, he discusses the equinoctial date (March 25th) for the death and resurrection of a number of solar-fertility gods, and refers to the writings of Father Georgius (Alphabetum Tibetanum, 510), saying:

  1. The following passage from Georgius will show that the crucifixion and resurrection of Buddha took place precisely at the same time as all others: In plenilunio mensis tertii, quo mors Xacae accidit.

The Catholic missionary Georgius’s remarks in English are:

  1. “On the full moon of the third month, wherefore death befalls Saca [Buddha].”

Hence, Saca/Buddha dies at the vernal equinox, as is appropriate for a sun god."

The four stages of competence quadrant model.

The four stages of competence[edit]

Unconscious incompetence

The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily recognize the deficit. They may deny the usefulness of the skill. The individual must recognize their own incompetence, and the value of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage.[2] The length of time an individual spends in this stage depends on the strength of the stimulus to learn.[3]

Conscious incompetence

Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something, they recognize the deficit, as well as the value of a new skill in addressing the deficit. The making of mistakes can be integral to the learning process at this stage.[4]

Conscious competence

The individual understands or knows how to do something. However, demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires concentration. It may be broken down into steps, and there is heavy conscious involvement in executing the new skill.[3]

Unconscious competence

The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become "second nature" and can be performed easily. As a result, the skill can be performed while executing another task. The individual may be able to teach it to others, depending upon how and when it was learned.

My Plate made of four quadrants

In an effort to restructure food nutrition guidelines, the USDA rolled out its new MyPlate program in June 2011. My Plate is divided into four slightly different sized quadrants, with fruits and vegetables taking up half the space, and grains and protein making up the other half. The vegetables and grains portions are the largest of the four.

MyPlate is divided into four sections of approximately 30 percent grains, 40 percent vegetables, 10 percent fruits and 20 percent protein, accompanied by a smaller circle representing dairy, such as a glass of milk or a yogurt cup.

BACH signature cross: BACH motif's cruciform melody, depicted at least as early as the 19th century,[citation needed]

Basic Four[edit]

From 1956 until 1992 the United States Department of Agriculture recommended its "Basic Four" food groups.[7] These food groups were:


Vegetables and fruits: Recommended as excellent sources of vitamins C and A, and a good source of fiber. A dark-green or deep-yellow vegetable or fruit was recommended every other day.

Milk: Recommended as a good source of calcium, phosphorus, protein, riboflavin, and sometimes vitamins A and D. Cheese, ice cream, and ice milk could sometimes replace milk.

Meat: Recommended for protein, iron and certain B vitamins. Includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dry beans, dry peas, and peanut butter.

Cereals and breads: Whole grain and enriched breads were especially recommended as good sources of iron, B vitamins and carbohydrates, as well as sources of protein and fiber. Includes cereals, breads, cornmeal, macaroni, noodles, rice and spaghetti.

"Other foods" were said to round out meals and satisfy appetites. These included additional servings from the Basic Four, or foods such as butter, margarine, salad dressing and cooking oil, sauces, jellies and syrups.[7]


The Basic Four guide was omnipresent in nutrition education in the United States.[8] A notable example is the 1972 series Mulligan Stew, providing nutrition education for schoolchildren in reruns until 1981.

I discussed in The first section of quadrant summary, that Beethovens fifth symphony is considered one of the greatest of all time, and its four note motif that is its basis is a three plus one pattern.

The Fifth has been claimed by everyone, by people who would agree on nothing else. World War II is a great example. The Allies took the first four notes because it had the same rhythm as the Morse Code symbol for ‘V,’ for ‘Victory,’ which was being used as Resistance propaganda in France and Belgium.

Bach employed a four note cross motif, and he intentionally used it to allude to Christ.

A motif (Crux fidelis) was used by Franz Liszt to represent the Christian cross ('tonisches Symbol des Kreuzes' or tonic symbol of the cross) and taken from Gregorian melodies.

Dragonflies are known for their flying abilities. They have four styles of flight

They have four different styles of flight:[48] A number of flying modes are used that include counter-stroking, with forewings beating 180° out of phase with the hindwings, is used for hovering and slow flight. This style is efficient and generates a large amount of lift; phased-stroking, with the hindwings beating 90° ahead of the forewings, is used for fast flight. This style creates more thrust, but less lift than counter-stroking; synchronised-stroking, with forewings and hindwings beating together, is used when changing direction rapidly, as it maximises thrust; and gliding, with the wings held out, is used in three situations: free gliding, for a few seconds in between bursts of powered flight; gliding in the updraft at the crest of a hill, effectively hovering by falling at the same speed as the updraft; and in certain dragonflies such as darters, when "in cop" with a male, the female sometimes simply glides while the male pulls the pair along by beating his wings.[Dragonflies generate lift in at least four ways at different times, including classical lift like an aircraft wing; supercritical lift with the wing above the critical angle, generating high lift and using very short strokes to avoid stalling; creating vortices; and vortex shedding

They also have four wings. Paleontologists have discovered dinosaurs with four wings.

Catfish are known for being able to navigate merky, muddy waters. The catfish is able to live in muddy waters due to his barbels, which help him to navigate. The catfish has four pairs of barbels Catfish may have up to four pairs of barbels: nasal, maxillary (on each side of mouth), and two pairs of chin barbels, even though pairs of barbels may be absent depending on the species.

Four-Speed Shift Pattern

Soils have three or four horizons. The fourth is transcendent. Below is a video on the four soil horizons.

A soil horizon is a layer generally parallel to the soil crust, whose physical characteristics differ from the layers above and beneath. Each soil type usually has three or four horizons

Car transmissions have more than four speed. For instance there are six speed shift patterns and so on. But there was a three four dynamic where American cars used three speed and European cars used four speed. Thus there was the three/four iteraction. To the right is some diagrams of four speed transmission.

Four speed column shift pattern

Some cars have a gear lever mounted on the steering column of the car. A 3-speed column shifter, which came to be popularly known as a "Three on the Tree", began appearing in America in the late 1930s and became common during the 1940s and 1950s

Later,[vague] European and Japanese models began to have 4-speed column shifters with this shift pattern to the right bottom.

A majority of American-spec vehicles sold in the U.S. and Canada had a 3-speed column-mounted shifter—the first generation Chevrolet/GMC vans of 1964-70 vintage had an ultra-rare 4-speed column shifter. The column-mounted manual shifter disappeared in North America by the mid-1980s, last appearing in the 1987 Chevrolet pickup truck. Outside North America, the column-mounted shifter remained in production. All Toyota Crown and Nissan Cedric taxis in Hong Kong had the 4-speed column shift until 1999 when automatic transmissions were first offered. Since the late 1980s or early 1990s,[vague] a 5-speed column shifter has been offered in some vans sold in Asia and Europe, such as Toyota HiaceMitsubishi L400 and the first-gen Fiat Ducato.

There are four eons in the history of the Universe. They are the Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, and the fourth different one, the current phanerozoic eon.

Voltaire said to doubt everything except two plus two is four. In the book 1984, the evil authoritarian regime tries to convince people that two plus two is five.

Jupiter is the number four. Zeus and Jupiter were represented by the number four. Earth is a cross. There are four elements in the glyphs in astrology

"The glyphs of the planets are usually (but not always) broken down into four common elements: A circle denoting spirit, a crescent denoting the mind, a cross denoting practical/physical matter and an arrow denoting action or direction.

Jupiter is represented by the four. Earth is represented by the cross in the circle

American Indian mythology is inundated with the number four. The Navajo had four worlds, the fourth being different. They had four original people that represent to them the four races. This wikipedia article will give you an idea of the repetition of four and the centrality of four for the Navajo- The four holy people, the four seas, the four holy mountains, the four rulers are just a few examples.é_Bahaneʼ

Diné Bahaneʼ (Navajo: "Story of the People"), the Navajo creation myth, describes the prehistoric emergence of the Navajo, and centers on the area known as the Dinétah, the traditional homeland of the Navajo. This story forms the basis for the traditional Navajo way of life. The basic outline of Diné Bahaneʼ begins with the Niłchʼi Diyin (Holy Wind) being created, the mists of lights which arose through the darkness to animate and bring purpose to the four Diyin Dineʼé (Holy People), supernatural and sacred in the different three lower worlds. All these things were spiritually created in the time before the Earth existed and the physical aspect of humans did not exist yet, but the spiritual did.

The First or Dark World, Niʼ Hodiłhił, was small and centered on an island floating in the middle of four seas. The inhabitants of the first world were the four Diyin Dineʼé, the two Coyotes, the four rulers of the four seas, mist beings and various insect and bat people, the latter being the Air-Spirit People. The supernatural beings First Woman and First Man came into existence here and met for the first time after seeing each other's fire. The various beings started fighting with one another and departed by flying out an opening in the east.

They journeyed to the Second or Blue World, Niʼ Hodootłʼizh, which was inhabited by various blue-gray furred mammals and various birds, including blue swallows. The beings from the First World offended Swallow Chief, Táshchózhii, and they were asked to leave. First Man created a wand of jet and other materials to allow the people to walk upon it up into the next world through an opening in the south.

In the Third or Yellow World, Niʼ Hałtsooí, there were two rivers that formed a cross and the Sacred Mountains but there was still no sun. More animal people lived here too. This time it was not discord among the people that drove them away but a great flood caused by Tééhoołtsódii when Coyote stole her two children.

When the people arrived in the Fourth or White World, Niʼ Hodisxǫs, it was covered in water and there were monsters (naayééʼ) living here. The Sacred Mountains were re-formed from soil taken from the original mountains in the Second World. First Man, First Woman, and the Holy People created the sun, moon, seasons, and stars. It was here that true death came into existence via Coyote tossing a stone into a lake and declaring that if it sank then the dead would go back to the previous world.

The first human born in the Fourth World is Asdzą́ą́ Nádleehé who, in turn, gives birth to the Hero Twins called Naayééʼ Neizghání and Tóbájíshchíní. The twins have many adventures in which they helped to rid the world of various monsters. Multiple batches of modern humans were created a number of times in the Fourth World and the Diyin Dineʼé gave them ceremonies which are still practiced today.

Notice also the repeition of doing things in four times and four days

In the autumn, the four Holy People called to First Man and First Woman, and visited them, but they did not speak. Four days in a row they visited. On the fourth day, Black God said, "You must cleanse yourselves and we will return in twelve days."

First Man and First Woman bathed carefully and dried themselves with corn meal. They listened and waited. On the twelfth day the four Holy People returned. Water Sprinkler and Black God carried a sacred buckskin. Talking God carried two perfect ears of corn, with their points completely covered with kernels. One ear of corn was white, the male corn belonging to First Man. The other ear was yellow, the female corn belonging to First Woman. The gods placed one buckskin on the ground facing west, and on it they placed the two ears of corn with their tips pointing east. Under the white ear they put the feather of a white eagle. Under the yellow ear they put the feather of a yellow eagle. They told the people to stand at a distance so that the wind could enter.

The White Wind, Níłchʼi Łigai blew between the buckskins, and while the wind blew, each of the Holy People walked four times around them, and the feathers were seen to move. In this way, they transformed First Man and First Woman from spirit people into human beings, with great powers.[5]"Now," the Holy People said, "live here as husband and wife."

At the end of four days, First Woman gave birth to twins. They were neither male nor female, but Nádleeh. Four days later a second set of twins was born, one male and one female. After twenty days a total of five pairs of twins had been born, half of them male and half of them female. Almost at once they were full grown. The Holy People took each set of twins to their home on the East Mountain and taught them how to wear masks and pray, and then returned them to their parents. Eight winters passed, and during that time the twins found mates with the Mirage People. Many people came into being.

Aristotle's four causes

"In Physics II 3 and Metaphysics V 2, Aristotle offers his general account of the four causes. This account is general in the sense that it applies to everything that requires an explanation, including artistic production and human action. Here Aristotle recognizes four types of things that can be given in answer to a why-question:

  • The material cause: “that out of which”, e.g., the bronze of a statue.

  • The formal cause: “the form”, “the account of what-it-is-to-be”, e.g., the shape of a statue.

  • The efficient cause: “the primary source of the change or rest”, e.g., the artisan, the art of bronze-casting the statue, the man who gives advice, the father of the child.

  • The final cause: “the end, that for the sake of which a thing is done”, e.g., health is the end of walking, losing weight, purging, drugs, and surgical tools."​

In the Book of Daniel there is the four parts of the statue. There is also a vision of the four beasts. In both cases the fourth part is different. The diagram to the right shows the series of four in Daniel, and what some interpret they represent.

If you go through my quadrant Christianity page on the Bible and other  pages you will see that sacred texts throughout the world dominantly use four. It is not just that four is dominant, other numbers are not really used. The quadrant pattern is pretty much the only pattern used in sacred texts. It is hard to believe, but it is true and I showed it on those pages

The theme of the visions of Daniel is the description of four kingdoms that would arise and rule over the earth. These four kingdoms are described three separate times.

  1. In his first vision (Daniel chapter 2) they are described as various parts of a metal image; a head of gold,  chest of silver, thighs of brass and legs of iron.

  2. In the second vision (Daniel chapter 7) they are identified as different beasts that arise out of the sea, a winged lion, a bear, a winged leopard and a dragon.

  3. In his third vision (Daniel chapter 8 ) they are described as a ram, a goat, and two phases of a little horn.

The very fact the prophecy is repeated and the manner of repetition suggests that the the kingdoms repeat three times throughout history.  If this is correct then we should expect to be able to identify the repeating fulfillment of these four kingdoms throughout history and meet the prophetic specification in each case. Consider the kingdoms shown in the following table.

Unlike Revelation the book of Daniel does not give any specific indication that its prophetic four kingdoms have application to in the past, present and future. What we do see, is the repetition of the same basic prophecy four times over. In this context, the symbolism of the number four in the scriptures is interesting, as it represents the totality of all things earthly. For example, the entire earth is described as encompassing the four compass points: north, south, east and west; there are four seasons in a year; and there are four classical elements: earth, air, fire, and water. According to the scriptures, there are four books in heaven that record all that transpires on earth: the book of life, the book of remembrance, the book of the law, and the record of our sins. The number four also numbers all the powers of man: thought, action, speech, and feeling. The repetition of the kingdoms four times confirms that these kingdoms describes the complete history of the entire history of the world.

Sherlock Holmes wrote four novels. One of Holmes' four novels was called "The Sign of the Four". The dutch east India company used the "Sign of the Four" as their stamp, and it represented the God Mercury. As I said, Jupiter is astrology is represented by a four.

The most famous joke of all time is "Why did the chicken cross the road". It is an antijock and in the joke is the word "cross". In basketball you "cross someone" if you crossover and make somebody fall. The crossover that shakes the defender is known as a "killer cross". There is also "crossing" in soccer when you kick the ball across one side of the field to another.

Mean Girls has an infamous four way call scene

  • The four Mean girls. Regina is an unhealthy case of your choleric "typical selfish, back-stabbing slut faced ho-bag", Karen is a bubbly Sanguine, Gretchen is the painfully loyal phlegmatic and Cady is the introspective melancholic.

Tetra is four.

Ancient Greeks performed tetralogies in a three plus one pattern, with three tragedies and a satyr play

At the City Dionysia, the tragedians each presented a tetralogy (four plays, consisting of three tragedies and a satyr play). The theater was in the temenos (sacred precinct) of DionysusEleuthereus.

Also at the Dionysia, the tetralogies were each shown on three days, and on the fourth days comedies were shown, producing another three plus one pattern

"Each tetralogy was recited in one day, so that the recitation of tragedies lasted three days. The fourth day was dedicated to the staging of five comedies"

Left 4 Dead is a very popular video game. My dorm mates at UCSD constantly payed Left 4 Dead. The game has 4 in the title, representing the four protagonists in the game. It is very common for video games to have four protagonsits. Another example is Brute Force, where you play as any of four members of a team of fighters.

"Set during the aftermath of an apocalyptic pandemic, the game pits its four protagonists—dubbed the "Survivors"—against hordes of the infected. There are four game modes: a single-player mode in which allied characters are controlled by AI; a four-player, co-op campaign mode; an eight-player online versus mode; and a four-player survival mode. In all modes, an artificial intelligence (AI), dubbed the "Director", controls level pacing and item placements, in an attempt to create a dynamic experience and increase replay value." 

Three v. Four dynamic in primary colors

Greek paintins of sculptures only used four colors

Painters have long used more than three RYB primary colors in their palettes, and at one point considered red, yellow, blue and green to be the four primaries.[5] Red, yellow, blue and green are still widely considered the four psychological primary colors,[6]though red, yellow and blue are sometimes listed as the three psychological primaries

Greek philosophers thought in terms not of three, but of four, basic colors: black, red, yellow and white: yet little or no attention has been paid to this conception as a system of thought. Almost ironically, it is again Goethe's experiments in color, made in quite conscious opposition to Newtonian principles, which not only led him to color triads, but which also reveal that the Greek system of four colors is theoretically balanced by a second group of four colors: white, blue, violet and black. The earlier Greek painters were thoroughly absorbed in the first “tesserad” of colors, while later painters increasingly experimented with the second group.

Professor Benson has for the first time formulated in scientific terms a comprehensive explanation of four-color painting as well as of the larger issue of a Greek color theory implied in the cosmological vision of Empedokles. The theory itself is anchored in the essentially Greek concepts of polarity and complementation, which of themselves foster definite parameters of meaning for each color. This allows a completely new interpretation of Greek painting."

Goethe believed that there were four prism colors instead of Newtons idea of seven.

Van Goh it has been argued hid religious imagery inside of his paintings. There are outlines of the foot of Jesus during the crucifixion and other religious imagery. Also, scholars say that Van Goh carried out the continuity of art history by borrowing from previous artworks that used crucifixion, but instead of blatant crucifixion, Van Goh used secular symbols like windows and fences to resemble crosses. Art historians have pointed out numerous painters who carried out the continuation of crucifixions even during times of secular art.

Van Goh made a series of four paintings of sunflowers. The last of the four was different from the first three, depicting four sunflowers. It has been argued they are an allusion to Christ.

"Two Cut Sunflowers (F375) is one of a sequence of four paintings that Van Gogh made in the summer of 1887. The first (Van Gogh Museum, F377) was a preparatory sketch. Paul Gauguin had the second and third Two Cut Sunflower paintings (F375, F376) and hung them proudly in his Paris apartment above his bed. In the mid-1890s he sold them to fund his trip to the South Seas. The image of the four sunflowers was made on a large canva." 

In August 1888 Van Goh made four innitial versions of sunflowers. One of the versions depicted 16 sunflowers. there are 16 squares in the quadrant model

"Neither the third nor the fourth shows the dozen or 14 flowers indicated by the artist, but more—fifteen or sixteen"

Mary Baker Eddy's use of sixteen. Mary Baker Eddy also talks about four levels of development and the foursquare matrix

It is a little known fact that every major work of Mary Baker Eddy is uniquely designed to support the forever ongoing scientific and spiritual self-development of the individual. Every one of her major works is made up of sixteen parts, or multiples thereof, by which they correspond with the Apostle John's city foursquare described in Revelation 21, and also correspond with each other. John's foursquare structure represents in metaphor a sixteen element matrix structure, which enables the ordering of perceptions and concepts that are ideally suited for scientific exploration and self-development.

Historical notes, unfortunately, do not always tell the whole story. Nothing is found in these notes that tell us that Mary Baker Eddy was the first and only scientist in modern times to recognize and utilize the Apostle John's symbolism of a foursquare matrix, and to extend it into far-reaching pedagogical structure for the moral, scientific, and spiritual development of humanity. Nowhere is it written that everyone of her major works is constructed in a tight correlation to this all-encompassing structure.

More remarkable than her awe inspiring healing ability is her dimension in human history, or should I say future history? It has been only recently discovered that Mary Baker Eddy has created all of her major works to be structurally coincident with the Apostle John's metaphor of a city foursquare descending from God out of heaven as the end phase of his prophesy of the end of all evil unfolding from Scientific and spiritual development. As John points out, in this city there shall be no night there.

In defining that foursquare city, Mary Baker Eddy described four levels of development: first, the Word of Life, Truth, and Love; second, the Christ, the spiritual idea of God; third, Christianity, which is the outcome of the divine Principle of the Christ-idea in Christian history; fourth, Christian Science, which to-day and forever interprets this great example and the great Exemplar.*7 She also defined in the Glossary of the textbook on Christian Science, four matching hierarchical terms: Haven, Kingdom of Heaven, Earth, and Hell. But here a paradox unfolds, because there shall be no night there.

Van Goh 16 sunflowers. 

  • Sunflowers (F454), fourth version: yellow background
    Oil on canvas, 92.1 × 73 cm
    National Gallery, London, England


Mary Baker Eddy's works are multiples of sixteen.

This is what Mary Baker Eddy has done. She built everything that she has created onto the platform of this fundamental foursquare 'city.' In a sense, she has brought all of her works into this city, which thereby became a city of profound concepts. 

For this reason all of her works are created in 16 parts or multiples thereof, including the 16 verses of Christ and Christmas and their illustrations, which in some cases are divided into two halves where two verses are attached. 

The four yogas are a three plus one pattern

The Three Yog are three soteriological paths mentioned in Bhagavad Gita for the liberation of human spirit.[1] They are

  1. Karma Yoga or the Path of Action (karma)

  2. Bhakti Yoga or the Path of Devotion (bhakti) to Ishvar (God)

  3. Gyan Yoga or the Path of Knowledge (Gyan)

  4. A "fourth yog" is sometimes added, Raj Yog or "the Path of Meditation". This is the classical Yog presented in the Yog Sutr of Patanjali. Patanjali's system came to be known as Raj Yog or "Royal Yog" retro-actively, in about the 15th century, as the term Yog had become popular for the general concept of a "religious path".The systematic presentation of Hindu monotheism as divided into these four paths or "Yog" is modern, advocated by Swami Vivekananda from the 1890s.[citation needed] They are presented as four paths to God suitable for four human temperaments, viz. the active, the emotional, the mystic and the philosophical.[citation needed]

She describes the structure in terms of its main points, or levels of perception. She writes: "This spiritual, holy habitation has no boundary nor limit, but its four cardinal points are:  

first, the Word of Life, Truth, and Love;  

second, the Christ, the spiritual idea of God;  

third, Christianity, which is the outcome of the divine Principle of the Christ-idea in Christian history;  

fourth, Christian Science, which to-day and forever interprets this great example and the great Exemplar.  

This city of our God has no need of sun or satellite, for Love is the light of it, and divine Mind is its own interpreter." 

The transcendent fourth force of psychology is transpersonal psychology.

Maslow is credited for having presented the outline of a fourth-force psychology, named transhumanistic psychology, in a lecture entitled "The Farther Reaches of Human Nature" in 1967.[19] In 1968 Maslow was among the people who announced transpersonal psychology as a "fourth force" in psychology,[20] in order to distinguish it from the three other forces of psychology: psychoanalysisbehaviorism and humanistic psychology

Tetra is four-

Tetrateuch- A name given to the first four Books of the Pentateuch (Gen.–Num.). It is argued that these Books were compiled from the same sources and on the same editorial principles, and that the main dividing line in the earlier part of the OT is to be placed at the end of Num.; Deut. is then regarded as the first volume of a ‘Deuteronomistic History’ extending it to 2 Kgs.

Tetrateuch: the supporters of this theory (Ivan Engnell 1906-1964 and Martin Noth 1902-1968) think that the first part of the Hebrew Bible was originally made of Genesis, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Only four books, then, hence the name “Tetrateuch” (“book divided into four parts”). The reason for this division is the singularity of the Deuteronomy that, as we have seen, is a kind of summary of the other parts of the Pentateuch. A summary that could also serve as an introduction to the next part of the Bible: Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings. As a whole, this work – from Deuteronomy to 2 Kings – is called by scholars “Deuteronomistic History” that is, the history of the Jewish people narrated from the theological perspective and the language used in Deuteronomy.

The JEDP theory states that the first five books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, were not written entirely by Moses, who died in the 1400's B.C., but also by different authors/compilers after Moses. The theory is based on the fact that different names for God are used in different portions of the Pentateuch, and there are detectable differences in linguistic style. The letters of the JEDP theory stand for the four supposed authors: the author who uses Jehovah for God’s name, the author who uses Elohim for God’s name, the author of Deuteronomy, and the priestly author of Leviticus. The JEDP theory goes on to state that the different portions of the Pentateuch were likely compiled in the 4th Century B.C., possibly by Ezra.

The four and the quadrant pattern fill holy texts. One example is in the gospels where Jesus gives the parable of the four types of soil, the fourth being different. The man represented by the “good ground” is the only one of the four who is truly saved, because salvation’s proof is fruit.

There are 16 possible truth functions of two binary variables

Truth table for all binary logical operators

Here is an extended truth table giving definitions of all 16 of the possible truth functions of two binary variables (P and Q are thus boolean variables: information about notation may be found in Bocheński (1959), Enderton (2001), and Quine (1982); for details about the operators see the Key below):

There are 16 rows in this key, one row for each binary function of the two binary variables, p, q. For example, in row 2 of this Key, the value of Converse nonimplication ('↚') is solely T, for the column denoted by the unique combination p=F, q=T; while in row 2, the value of that '↚' operation is F for the three remaining columns of p, q. The output row for ↚ is thus

2: F F T F

and the 16-row[3] key is

The famous Time Cube has 16 corners and is a quadrant model. I have had a lot of people tell me that Time Cube is like the quadrant model. Yes, time cube is another one of the thousands upon thousands of examples of the quadrant model because the quadrant model is the theory of everything and the quadrant is the form of existence.

Ray's personal model of reality, called "Time Cube", states that all of modern physics and education is wrong,[4] and argues that, among many other things, Greenwich Time is a global conspiracy. He utilizes various graphs (along with pictures of himself) that purport to show how each day is really four separate days—sunupmiddaysundown, and midnight (formerly morning, early afternoon, late afternoon, and evening)—occurring simultaneously.[3][5]

The following quotation from the website illustrates the recurring theme:

When the Sun shines upon Earth, 2 – major Time points are created on opposite sides of Earth – known as Midday and Midnight. Where the 2 major Time forces join, synergy creates 2 new minor Time points we recognize as Sunup and Sundown. The 4-equidistant Time points can be considered as Time Square imprinted upon the circle of Earth. In a single rotation of the Earth sphere, each Time corner point rotates through the other 3-corner Time points, thus creating 16 corners, 96 hours and 4-simultaneous 24-hour Days within a single rotation of Earth – equated to a Higher Order of Life Time Cube.

Zeno's four stages of knowledge also correspond to the four squares of the quadrant model

Zeno said that there were four stages in the process leading to true knowledge, which he illustrated with the example of the flat, extended hand, and the gradual closing of the fist:

Zeno stretched out his fingers, and showed the palm of his hand, – "Perception," – he said, – "is a thing like this."- Then, when he had closed his fingers a little, – "Assent is like this." – Afterwards, when he had completely closed his hand, and showed his fist, that, he said, was Comprehension. From which simile he also gave that state a new name, calling it katalepsis (κατάληψις). But when he brought his left hand against his right, and with it took a firm and tight hold of his fist: – "Knowledge" – he said, was of that character; and that was what none but a wise person possessed.[32]

Diagram illustrating an aspect of the Time Cube theory which Ray describes as "LIFE ENCOMPASSES A 4-16 CUBE PRINCIPLE"

The 16 squares of time cube are at 3:00. According to timecube, each day is actually four days.

The fourth part of Franklin's famous autobiography (one of the few books I had as a kid and it was in my room) is different from the previous three.

Franklin's account of his life is divided into four parts, reflecting the different periods at which he wrote them. There are actual breaks in the narrative between the first three parts, but Part Three's narrative continues into Part Four without an authorial break (only an editorial one).

The first three parts of the Autobiography were first published together (in English) by Franklin's grandson, William Temple Franklin, in London in 1818, in Volume 1 of Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin. W. T. Franklin did not include Part Four because he had previously traded away the original holograph of the Autobiography for a copy that contained only the first three parts

There were four grand civilizations of the Americas. The Muisca was the different fourth.

The Muisca established one of the four grand civilisations of the pre-Columbian Americas on the Altiplano Cundiboyacense in present-day central Colombia.


While the other three grand pre-Columbian civilisations—the Maya, Aztec and Inca—are known for their grand architecture in the form of pyramids, stelae, stone cities and temples, the modest Muisca architecture has left very little traces in the present

16 Chief Vedic Priests and their assistants

Eventually a full complement of sixteen ṛtvijas became the custom for major ceremonies. The sixteen consisted of four chief priests and their assistants

In the systematic expositions of the shrauta sutras,[4] which date to the fifth or sixth century BCE, the assistants are classified into four groups associated with each of the four chief priests, although the classifications are artificial and in some cases incorrect:[citation needed]

  • With the hotṛ:

    • the maitrāvaruna

    • the acchāvāka

    • the grāvastut (praising the Soma stones)

  • With the udgātṛ:

    • the prastotṛ (who chants the Prastâva)

    • the pratihartṛ ("averter")

    • the subrahmanya

  • With the adhvaryu:

    • the pratiprasthātṛ

    • the neṣṭṛ

    • the unnetṛ (who pours the Soma juice into the receptacles )

  • With the brahman:

    • the brāhmanācchamsin

    • the agnīdh (priest who kindles the sacred fire)

    • the potṛ ("purifier")

Zoroastrain 16 kinds of fire

The highest grade of fire is the Atash Behram, "Fire of victory", and its establishment and consecration is the most elaborate of the three. It involves the gathering of 16 different "kinds of fire", that is, fires gathered from 16 different sources, including lightning, fire from a cremation pyre, fire from trades where a furnace is operated, and fires from the hearths as is also the case for the Atash Adaran. Each of the 16 fires is then subject to a purification ritual before it joins the others. 32 priests are required for the consecration ceremony, which can take up to a year to complete.

The highest grade of fire temples were first constructed in the Sasanian Empire for the reverence of fire, which is the manifestation of Ahura Mazda in the Zoroastrian religion.[1] According to the Zoroastrian religion, this type of fire is consecrated by sixteen different sources, including the fire created by a lightning bolt.[6]

Tetrapoda includes four classes: amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds.

Early tetrapods probably relied on four methods of respiration: with lungs, with gillscutaneous respiration (skin breathing), and breathing through the lining of the digestive tract, especially the mouth.

The early tetrapod Acanthostega had at least three and probably four pairs of gill bars

Today, scientists classify reptiles into four major groups known as "orders." These four reptile orders are as follows:

  1. Crocodilia — crocodiles, gharials, caimans and alligators: 23 species

  2. Sphenodontia — tuataras from New Zealand: 2 species

  3. Squamata — lizards, snakes and amphisbaenids ("worm-lizards"): about 7,900 species

  4. Testudines — turtles and tortoises: approximately 300 species

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All primary chloroplasts belong to one of four chloroplast lineages—the glaucophyte chloroplast lineage, the amoeboidPaulinella chromatophora lineage, the rhodophyte (red algal) chloroplast lineage, or the chloroplastidan (green) chloroplast lineage

Transcendent C4 Plants

C4 plants evolved a way to solve this—by spatially separating the light reactions and the Calvin cycle. The light reactions, which store light energy in ATP and NADPH, are done in the mesophyll cells of a C4 leaf. The Calvin cycle, which uses the stored energy to make sugar using rubisco, is done in the bundle sheath cells, a layer of cells surrounding a vein in a leaf.[123]

As a result, chloroplasts in C4 mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells are specialized for each stage of photosynthesis. In mesophyll cells, chloroplasts are specialized for the light reactions, so they lack rubisco, and have normal grana and thylakoids,[108] which they use to make ATP and NADPH, as well as oxygen. They store CO2 in a four-carbon compound, which is why the process is called C4 photosynthesis

The Four Major Golf Tournaments

The Grand Slam in men's golf is an unofficial concept, having changed over time. In the modern era, the Grand Slam is generally considered to be winning all four of golf's major championships in the same calendar year. Before The Masters was founded, the national amateur championships of the US and the UK were considered majors along with the two national opens; only Bobby Jones has ever completed a Grand Slam. No man has ever achieved a modern calendar year Grand Slam. Tiger Woods is the only golfer to hold a non-calendar year Grand Slam in holding all four titles together, winning all four consecutively (over two calendar years).

The term also refers to a tour tournament, the PGA Grand Slam of Golf, an annual off-season tournament contested by the winners of the four major championships.

In annual playing order, the modern major championships are:

  1. April - Masters Tournament (weekend ending on the 2nd Sunday in April) - hosted as an invitational by and played at Augusta National Golf Club

  2. June - U.S. Open (weekend ending on the 3rd Sunday in June) - hosted by the USGA and played at various locations in the USA

  3. July - The Open Championship ("The Open", sometimes called "the British Open" outside the UK) (weekend containing the 3rd Friday in July) - hosted by The R&A and always played on a links course at various locations in the UK

  4. August - PGA Championship (USPGA) (3rd weekend prior to Labor Day weekend) - hosted by the PGA of America and played at various locations in the USA.

The term "Grand Slam" was first applied to Bobby Jones' achievement of winning the four major golf events of 1930The Open Championship, the U.S. Open, the U.S. Amateur and the British Amateur. When Jones won all four, the sports world searched for ways to capture the magnitude of his accomplishment. Up to that time, there was no term to describe such a feat because no one had thought it possible. The Atlanta Journal's O. B. Keeler dubbed it the "Grand Slam," borrowing a bridge term. George Trevor of the New York Sun wrote that Jones had "stormed the impregnable quadrilateral of golf." Keeler would later write the words that would forever be linked to one of the greatest individual accomplishments in the history of sports:

The basic function of spermatogenesis is to turn each one of the diploid spermatogonium into four haploid sperm cells.

In meiosis II, the two daughter cells go through a second division to yield four cells containing a unique set of 23 single chromosomes that ultimately mature into four sperm cells

Four daughter cells are created in oogenesis as well. The fourth is different from the previous three

First of all, oogenesis only leads to the production of one final ovum, or egg cell, from each primary oocyte (in contrast to the four sperm that are generated from every spermatogonium). Of the four daughter cells that are produced when the primary oocyte divides meiotically, three come out much smaller than the fourth. These smaller cells, called polar bodies, eventually disintegrate, leaving only the larger ovum as the final product of oogenesis. The production of one egg cell via oogenesis normally occurs only once a month, from puberty to menopause.

I learned about this experiment in my biology class at UCSD. Only four chemicals are needed to create life–Urey_experiment

The Miller–Urey experiment[1] (or Miller experiment)[2] was a chemical experiment that simulated the conditions thought at the time to be present on the early Earth, and tested the chemical origin of life under those conditions. 

The experiment used four chemicals, water (H2O), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), and hydrogen (H2).

Most headphones have three or four wires, the fourth is different,

Most audio cables and headphones have three or four wires running through them: a red one, a green/blue one, and a bare/copper one. If there’s four, odds are there are two bare/copper ones. The red one is the right channel, the green or blue is the left channel, and the bare wire is the ground. These colors can be different, but the right channel will almost always be red, and the ground is usually a copper-colored one if it’s not bare

At 1:00 he mentions quad wire. At 5:00 he shows the four pairs of telephone wires on standard wire cabling. The fourth pair is different.

Star-quad cable is a four conductor cable that has a special quadrupole geometry that provides magnetic immunity when used in a balanced line. Four conductors are used to carry the two legs of the balanced line. All four conductors must be an equal distance from a common point (usually the center of a cable). The four conductors are arranged in a four-pointed star (forming a square). Opposite points of the star are connected together at each end of the cable to form each leg of the balanced circuit.

Star quad cables often use filler elements to hold the conductor centers in a symmetric four-point arrangement about the cable axis. All points of the star must lie at equal distances from the center of the star. When opposite points are connected together they act as if they are one conductor located at the center of the star. This configuration places the geometric center of each of the two legs of the balanced circuit in the center of the star. To a magnetic field, both legs of the balanced circuit appear to be in the exact center of the star. This means that both legs of the balanced circuit will receive exactly the same interference from the magnetic field and a common-mode interference signal will be produced. This common-mode interference signal will be rejected by the balanced receiver.

At 4:00 he mentions most homes have four wires

The basics of the wiring is pretty easy to understand. Most telephone wires are one or more twisted pairs of copper wire. The most common type is the 4-strand (2 twisted pair). This consists of red and green wires, which make a pair, and yellow and black wires, which make the other pair. One telephone line needs only 2 wires. Therefore it follows that a 4-strand wire can carry 2 separate phone lines.

Twister has four colors.

The mat has six rows of large colored circles on it with a different color in each row: red, yellow, green, and blue. A spinner is attached to a square board and is used to determine where the player has to put their hand or foot. 

The spinner is divided into four labeled sections: left foot, right foot, left hand, and right hand. Each of those four sections is divided into the four colors (red, yellow, green, and blue). After spinning, the combination is called (for example: "right hand yellow") and players must move their matching hand or foot to a circle of the correct color.

There are 16 standard/classic courses in Mario Kart. Mario Kart is one fo the most popular games of all time. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model

In addition to the sixteen standard courses, Mario Kart DS is the first game in the series to include the Retro Grand Prix, which has been carried over into every future installment in the series to date. The Retro Grand Prix consists of sixteen courses from past Mario Kart games updated and compiled into four additional cups. Four courses are taken from each previous game, and are ordered according to the release dates of the previous games. Mario Kart DS is the only Mario Kart game where there is no Mario Circuit in the Flower Cup, unlike other Mario Kart games.

As in Mario Kart 64 and Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, sixteen new courses were added in the game for the four main cups: Mushroom CupFlower CupStar Cup, and Special Cup. However, the game also includes sixteen courses that appeared in former Mario Kart games, each of which had an acronym which referred to the game console where debuted

In Mario Kart 64, there is the standard four cups in Mario Kart games, the Mushroom, Flower, Star, and Special.

There are four different game modes available in Mario Kart 64: Grand Prix, Time Trial, Versus, and Battle

Mario Kart 64 has 16 race courses

Super Marioo Brothers is eight worlds each with four sublevels

Super Mario land consists of twelve levels split across four worlds

Princess Peach makes a return in Super Mario 3D Worldalongside MarioLuigi and Toad as a playable character, where she replaced Yellow Toad, which is the first time since Super Mario Bros.

While often retroactively believed to be one of the Toads in the original Super Mario Bros., the individual character Toad did not debut until Super Mario Bros. 2. In the game, he, along with MarioLuigi, and Princess Toadstool go on a picnic at the beginning of the game. As they head out, the four heroes soon discover a cave that leads to the strange world known as Subcon. Upon reaching the mythical area, Toad and his friends then learn that the once peaceful land is now ruled by the tyrannical toad, Wart.

the playable characters running in Super Mario Bros. 2.

One of the central game mechanics that differentiates Super Mario Bros. 2 from other Super Mario games is that players can select four characters: Mario, Luigi, Toad, or Princess Toadstool, and each of these characters have their unique gameplay mechanics, offering advantages and disadvantages in their stats

256 is four to the fourth powerá

There are sixteen major books in Odu Ifá[4] literary corpus. When combined there are total of 256 Odu (a collection of sixteen, each of which has sixteen alternatives ⇔ 16^2, or 4^4) believed to reference all situations, circumstances, actions and consequences in life based on the uncountable ese (poetic tutorials) relative to the 256 Odu coding. These form the basis of traditional Yoruba spiritual knowledge and are the foundation of all Yoruba divination systems. Ifá proverbs, stories, and poetry are not written down but passed down orally from one babalawo to another.

256 is four to the fourth power- up to 16 faces have been seená

An Opon Ifá (known as La Mesa de Ifá in Latin America) is a divination tray used in traditional African and Afro-American religions, notably in Ifá and Yoruba tradition.[1]

Babalawo (diviner) uses the Opon Ifá in order to communicate with the spirits who are able to identify the causes and solutions to personal and collective problems and restore harmony with the spirits.[2] Opon Ifás are flat and usually circular, between about 6 and 18 inches in diameter, with a raised outer edge carved with figures, objects, or geometric designs.[1] Opon Ifás may also be rectangular, semi-circular, or an approximate square.[1] The top of the tray is called the head, and the bottom, the foot - the latter is typically placed closest to the diviner. At the head is generally carved with a representation of Eshu, the messenger of Ifá and the other spirits.[1][3] Certain trays may have additional representations of Eshu, and trays with two, four, eight, and even sixteen faces have been seen.[1] In cases such as this the head of the tray may be marked by cowries.[1] The cowries are also used to spread the sacred divining powder.[1]


Rectangular Opon Ifá tray

On the Opon Ifá, the Babalawo throws sixteen palm or kola nuts onto the flat wooden surface, and determines which eight of the 256 possible sets of Odus (signs) are displayed. The signs have correlating verses which must be chanted, and chosen according to the client's particular situation.[2][3] In many traditions, a divination chain known as Opele has replaced the palm or kola nuts, which are reserved for more serious questions.

Babalawos undergo training in the memorization and interpretation of the 256 Odu or mysteries, as well as in the numerous verses or Ese of Ifá

The Mother of all of the living beings had 16 children. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model

 In the Ifá room initiation to the feminine orisha Odú, the mother of all living beings and the first woman diviner, who married Orúnmila and had sixteen children who were converted into the sixteen Olodú or major signs of Ifá is represented.

I described the supreme God of the Igbo is seen as related to four and even called tetra- and is represented by an X/Quadrant.

The fourth perfect number is different. It took a while for it to be discovered, but it was discovered in ancient times with the other three. But it took until over a thousand years later for the fifth to be discovered. The fifth was ultra transcendent

In about 300 BC Euclid showed that if 2p−1 is prime then (2p−1)2p−1 is perfect. The first four perfect numbers were the only ones known to early Greek mathematics, and the mathematician Nicomachus had noted 8128 as early as 100 AD.[2] Philo of Alexandria in his first-century book "On the creation" mentions perfect numbers, claiming that the world was created in 6 days and the moon orbits in 28 days because 6 and 28 are perfect. Philo is followed by Origen,[3] and by Didymus the Blind, who adds the observation that there are only four perfect numbers that are less than 10,000. (Commentary on Genesis 1. 14-19).[4] St Augustine defines perfect numbers in City of God (Part XI, Chapter 30) in the early 5th century AD, repeating the claim that God created the world in 6 days because 6 is the smallest perfect number. The Egyptian mathematician Ismail ibn Fallūs (1194–1252) mentioned the next three perfect numbers (33,550,336, 8,589,869,056 and 137,438,691,328) and listed a few more which are now known to be incorrect.[5] In a manuscript written between 1456 and 1461, an unknown mathematician recorded the earliest European reference to a fifth perfect number, with 33,550,336 being correctly identified for the first time.[6][7] In 1588, the Italian mathematician Pietro Cataldi also identified the sixth (8,589,869,056) and the seventh (137,438,691,328) perfect numbers, and also proved that every perfect number obtained from Euclid's rule ends with a 6 or an 8.

Euclid proved that 2p−1(2p − 1) is an even perfect number whenever 2p − 1 is prime (Euclid, Prop. IX.36).

For example, the first four perfect numbers are generated by the formula 2p−1(2p − 1), with p a prime number, as follows:

for p = 2:   21(22 − 1) = 6

for p = 3:   22(23 − 1) = 28

for p = 5:   24(25 − 1) = 496

for p = 7:   26(27 − 1) = 8128.

The first four Mersenne primes were known in antiquity. The fourth is different. The fifth wasn't discoverd until over a thousand years later. The fifth is always questionable

The first four Mersenne primes M2 = 3, M3 = 7, M5 = 31 and M7 = 127 were known in antiquity. The fifth, M13 = 8191, was discovered anonymously before 1461; the next two (M17 and M19) were found by Pietro Cataldi in 1588. After nearly two centuries, M31 was verified to be prime by Leonhard Euler in 1772. The next (in historical, not numerical order) was M127, found by Édouard Lucas in 1876, then M61 by Ivan Mikheevich Pervushin in 1883. Two more (M89 and M107) were found early in the 20th century, by R. E. Powers in 1911 and 1914, respectively.

It took a long time to discover the fourth power solution. The fourth was transcendent. The fifth is questionable. At least it was proven that there is no fifth power equation, but it was proven whereas beyond five it is way different.

Fourth degree equations, which contain a fourth degree (but no higher) polynomial are, by the Abel-Ruffini theorem, the highest degree equations having a general solution using radicals.

Lodovico Ferrari is credited with the discovery of the solution to the quartic in 1540, but since this solution, like all algebraic solutions of the quartic, requires the solution of a cubic to be found, it could not be published immediately.[1] The solution of the quartic was published together with that of the cubic by Ferrari's mentor Gerolamo Cardano in the book Ars Magna.

The proof that four is the highest degree of a general polynomial for which such solutions can be found was first given in the Abel–Ruffini theorem in 1824, proving that all attempts at solving the higher order polynomials would be futile. The notes left by Évariste Galois prior to dying in a duel in 1832 later led to an elegant complete theory of the roots of polynomials, of which this theorem was one result.

Euclids fourth postulate is different. The fifth postulate is questionable and even wrong.

Now it makes a little more sense that Euclid would want a postulate that states that right angles are congruent. We need to know that creating a pair of right angles on one piece of paper is the same as creating them on another piece of paper. We need to be able to put the pieces of paper on top of each other and have the angles line up exactly. In effect, the fourth postulate establishes the right angle as a unit of measurement for all angles. Although Euclid never uses degrees or radians, he sometimes describes angles as being the size of some number of right angles. In this light, Euclid's fourth postulate doesn't seem quite so bizarre.

But if you are a bit put off by the fourth postulate, you are not alone. Proclus, a 5th century CE Greek mathematician who wrote an influential commentary on the Elements, thought that the fourth postulate should be a theorem and provided a "proof" of it in his commentary. But his proof relies on assuming that angles "look" the same wherever we are in space, a property that Heath referred to in his 1908 commentary as the homogeneity of space. Basically, Heath states that Proclus's proof replaces the fourth postulate with a different, unstated, postulate.


Theories of race relations have been justifiably shaped by the concept of a racial hierarchy along which Whites are the most advantaged, and Blacks occupy a subordinate, inferior position. However, the recent precipitated growth of Latinos and Asian Americans underscores the need for a framework that fully integrates these groups. The current work proposes that racial groups are positioned not only along a dimension of perceived inferiority, but also along a second dimension of perceived cultural foreignness, such that the four largest racial and ethnic groups in the United States are located in four distinct quadrants: Whites are seen as superior and American, Blacks as inferior and relatively American, Latinos as inferior and culturally foreign, and Asian Americans as relatively superior and culturally foreign. Support for this Racial Position Model was first obtained through targets’ perspectives. Racial groups are subject to qualitatively distinct patterns of prejudice and discrimination that are predicted by their two-dimensional group positions (Studies 1 and 2). From perceivers’ perspectives, these group positions are reflected in the content of racial stereotypes (Study 3), and are well-known and consensual (Study 4). Together, these studies provide evidence that racial minority groups are subordinated along two discrete dimensions, the combination of which has implications for understanding the nature of intergroup relations.

The four strands of the tzitzit are passed through holes near the four corners of the garment (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 11:9-11:15) that are farthest apart (10:1). Four tzitzyot are passed through each hole (11:12-13), and the two groups of four ends are double-knotted to each other at the edge of the garment near the hole (11:14,15). One of the four tzitzit is made longer than the others (11:4); the long end of that one is wound around the other seven ends and double-knotted; this is done repeatedly so as to make a total of five double knots separated by four sections of winding, with a total length of at least four inches, leaving free-hanging ends that are twice that long (11:14).

Blue and white tzitzit knotted in the Sephardi style, the all white is Ashkenazi. Note the difference between the 7-8-11-13 scheme and uninterrupted windings (between the knots) on the Ashkenazi, vs. the 10-5-6-5 scheme and ridged winding on the Sfaradi tzitzit.

Three plus one pattern of tzit tzit and the gematria of the tetragrammaton and the tetragrammaton is one is four groups of numbers. The gematria of the tzit tzit is 26 and 39.

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